Sunday, January 27, 2013

Recruitment of officers in Kaveri Grameena Bank, last date 05/02/2013

Kaveri Grameena Bank 
(Sponsored by State Bank of Mysore)
Head Office : No. CA 20, Vijaynagar 2nd Stage, Mysore - 570017 (Karnataka)

Kaveri Grameena Bank, Mysore invites applications from Indian Citizens, for the post of Officers in Middle Management Grade (Scale-III), Officers in Middle Management Grade (Scale-II), Officers in Junior Management (Scale-I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and have a valid score card issued by IBPS, Mumbai 
  1. Officer Scale-III (General Banking) : 05 posts
  2. Officer Scale-II - (General Banking) 29 posts
  3. Officer Scale-II (Chartered Accountant (Taxes) : 02 posts
  4. Officer Scale-II ( (Law)) : 02 posts
  5. Officer Scale-II (Information Technology)) : 08 posts
  6. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Management) : 02 posts
  7. Officer Scale-I : 129 posts
  8. Office Assistant (Multipurpose) : 213 posts
Officers (Scale- III) : Rs.25700 – 800 / 5 – 29700 – 900 / 2 - 31500.
Officers (Scale- II) : Rs.19400 – 700 / 1 – 20100 – 800 / 10 -28100.
Officers (Scale- I) : Rs.14500 – 600 / 7 – 18700 – 700 / 2 – 20100 – 800 / 7 – 25700.
Office Assistants (Multipurpose): Rs.7200 – 400 / 3 – 8400 – 500 / 3 – 9900 – 600 / 4 – 12300 - 700/ 7–17200 – 1300 / 1 – 18500 – 800 / 1 – 19300. (20 years)

TOTAL EMOLUMENTS: Monthly Total emoluments at the start of the Basic Pay shall be as under:
(Inclusive of DA and HRA at the prevailing rates)
Officers (Scale – III): Rs.47032/- per month.
Officers (Scale – II) : Rs.35502/- per month.
Officers (Scale – I) : Rs.26536/- per month.
Office Asst. (M.P)  : Rs.13212/- per month.

1) Candidates selected for the post of Officers cadre will be on probation for a period of 2 years which can be extended for a further period not exceeding 1 year.
2) Candidates selected for the post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) will be on probation for a period of 1 year which can be extended for a further period not exceeding 6 months.

Application Fee : Rs.100/- (Rs.20/- SC/ST/PWD/Ex-SM) may be paid through CBS at any of the Branches of Kaveri Grameena Bank or from any other Bank through NEFT to the designated account of  Kaveri Grameena Bank.

AGE (As on 01.06.2012)
      For Officers scale – III                 Below  40 years
      For Officers scale   – II                 Above 21 years – Below 32 years   
      For Officer Scale    -   I                   Above 18 years - Below 28 years
      For Office Assistant                        Between 18 years and 28 years

How to Apply :  Apply online at Kaveri Grameena Bank Website only from 23/01/2013 to 05/02/2013.

Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBsCommon Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and Personal Interview.  Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on  Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and marks obtained in Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR 

Depending on the number of vacancies, Bank will call from among who have applied to bank, the number, equivalent to three times the number of vacancies short-listed based on their Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS). Remaining applicants, if any will not receive an interview call from the Bank.

The total marks for Interview will be 30. The minimum qualifying cutoff marks for appearing to the Interview is given under point No. C (II) under the head Pre-requisite Qualifications. If the number of candidates applied for interview exceeds the ratio of 1:3, the list of candidates eligible for interview will be prepared in descending order of merit under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category upto the ratio of 1:3 and only such short listed candidates will be called for the Interview. 

Please visit for detailed information, payment challlan  and Online submission of application.

Recruitment of Probationary Officers in SBI, last date 23/02/2013

STATE BANK Of INDIA (SBI)Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) Corporate Centre, Mumbai
Recruitment of 1500 Probationary Officer (PO) in State Bank of India (SBI)

Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Probationary Officers (POs) in State Bank of India. Candidates selected are liable to be posted anywhere in India. 

Number of Posts : 1500 posts (UR-758, OBC-405, SC-225, ST-112) in various states in India  

PAY: The starting basic pay is Rs 16,900/- (with 4 increments) in the scale of Rs 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700 applicable to Junior Management Grade Scale I. The official will also be eligible for D.A., H.R.A & C.C.A as per rules in force from time to time. The compensation per annum at Mumbai is Rs.8,00,000/- plus. 

The break-up of monthly compensation is as under:
Cash Component Rs. 30, 370/-
Bank’s contribution to PF & Pension Scheme Rs. 4,673/-
Housing (Lease Rental) Rs. 29,500/-
Perquisites (Conveyance, Newspapers, Entertainment allowance, House & Furniture Maintenance etc. Rs. 4,130/-

In addition, the Officers are also entitled to other benefits like –
(i) Medical Aid for self (100%) and for family (75%)
(ii) Home Travel Concession/Leave Fare Concession
(iii) Concessional Interest Rates for Housing/Car/Personal Loans
The salary scales are under revision with effect from November 2012.

Qualification : Graduation in any discipline from a recognised College / University 

Age : 21-30 years as on 01/01/2013. Age relaxation as per Govt. rules.

Selection Procedure : 

(a) Phase-I: Written Examination (250 marks) consisting of Objective Tests and Descriptive Test.

(i) Objective Tests (200 marks): The Objective Tests with 2 hour duration will consists of  4 Sections with 50 marks each as follows:
(a) Test of English Language (Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension etc)
(b) Test of General Awareness, Marketing and Computers
(c) Test of Data Analysis and Interpretation
(d) Test of Reasoning (High Level)

The candidates are required to qualify in the Objective Tests by securing passing marks, in each of the tests, to be decided by the Bank on the basis of the performance of all the competing candidates taken together in each test to a minimum required level for each category.

(ii) Descriptive Test (50 marks): The Descriptive Test with 1 hour duration will be of “Test of English Language (comprehension, short précis, letter writing & essay)”.

The candidates are required to qualify in the Descriptive Test by securing passing marks, to be decided by the  Bank.

Descriptive Test paper of only those candidates will be evaluated who have scored qualifying marks in the Objective Tests as stated above in (i).

(b) Phase-II: Group Discussion (20 marks) & Interview (30 marks)
The aggregate marks of candidates qualifying in both the Objective Tests and Descriptive Test will be arranged in descending order in each category and the candidates in the order of merit, subject to 3 times the number of vacancies in each category, will be called for Group Discussion and Interview. The qualifying marks in Group Discussion & Interview will be as decided by the Bank.

(c) Final Selection:
The candidates will have to qualify both in Phase-I and Phase-II separately.

Marks secured by the candidates in the Written Test (out of 250 marks maximum) are converted to out of 75 and marks secured in Group Discussion & Interview (out of 50 marks maximum) are converted to out of 25. The final merit list is arrived at after aggregating converted marks of Written Test and Group Discussion & Interview out of 100 for each category. The selection will be made from the top merit ranked candidates in each category

Application Fee : Rs.200/- (for SC/ST/PWD Rs.50/- only) to be deposited in any branch of SBI by a prescribed deposit. Details of the payment should be entered in online application form. 

How to Apply : Apply Online at SBI website from 30/01/2013 to 23/02/2013.

For more information, please visit the Recruitment page at SBI website  

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Assistant Professor Vacancy in CUSAT Cochin, last date 31/01/2013

Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT)Kochi - 682022, Kerala

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for appointment to the posts of Assistant Professors in the University in various School/ College of the University in various departments.

Number of Posts : 11 posts, 
Age : 40 years, 
Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000/-
Application Fee : Rs. 1000/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST, $50/- from abroad) to be deposited by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Registrar, Cochin University of Science and Technology payable at State Bank of Travancore (Cochin University Campus branch. 

How to Apply :  Apply Online at Cochin University website only on or before 31/01/2013. Hard copy of the application along with fee, copies of documents, etc. should reach the Registrar, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi - 682022, Kerala on or before 10/02/2013.

Please visit  for details and submission of application.

Various Officers Vacancy in Krishna Grameena Bank, last date 16/01/2013

Krishna Grameena Bank (KGB)
Head Office  – Kusnoor Road, Near Govt. College, Gulbarga - 585105, Karnataka

Krishna Grameena Bank invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer in Middle Management Grade (Scale III), Officer in Middle Management Grade (Scale II), Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified : 

  • Officer Scale-III : 03 posts
  • Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer) : 08 posts
  • Officer Scale-II (Information Technology) : 02 posts
  • Officer Scale-II (Law Officer) : 01 post
  • Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer)  : 02 posts
  • Officer Scale-I : 53  posts
  • Office Assistant (Multipurpose) : 95 posts

 Age (As on 01-06-2012)  
For  Officer Scale- III       Below 40 years 
For Officer Scale- II         Above 21 years -  Below 32 years 
For Officer Scale- I          Above 18 years -  Below 28 years 
For Office Assistant         Between  18 years and 28 years 
The maximum age limit specified is applicable to General Category candidates. 

Officers (Scale-III): Rs 25700 – 800 / 5 – 29700 – 900 / 2 - 31500  
Officers (Scale-II) : Rs19400 – 700 / 1 – 20100 – 800 / 10 - 28100 
Officers (Scale-I): Rs.14500 – 600 / 7 – 18700 – 700 / 2 – 20100 – 800 / 7 - 25700 
Office Assistants (Multipurpose) : 7200 - 400/3 – 8400 – 500 /3 – 9900 – 600 /4 – 12300 -700 /7 -17200 – 1300 / 1-18500 -800 /1- 19300. (20 years)

EMOLUMENTS: Monthly Total emoluments at the start of the Basic Pay shall be as under: 
(Inclusive of DA and HRA at the prevailing rates) 
Officers (Scale-III): Rs.47031/-  
Officers (Scale-II): Rs.35502/-  
Officers (Scale-I) :  Rs.26535/-  
Office Assistants (Multipurpose): Rs.13212/- 

Two years for Officers Scale I, II & III and one year for Office Assistants (Multipurpose)

Application Fee
 : Rs. 100/- (Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PC/ExSM) to be paid through CBS at any of the Branches of Krishna Grameena Bank or through NEFT, by means of a Payment challan available in the Bank’s website.

How to Apply : Apply Online at Krishna Grameena Bank from 02/01/2013 to 16/01/2013 only. 

For further information and Online submission of application, please visit

Various Jobs in Staff Selection Commission MP region, last date 25/01/2013

STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION (SSC)Madhya Pradesh (MP) Region, Nishant Villa, F, Jal Vihar Colony, Raipur

Staff Selection Commission (SSC), MP region  invites applications in the prescribed proforma from eligible candidates  for the following posts for various Ministries/ Offices of the Government of India :

Draughtsman Grade-I in 506 Army Base Workshop, Ministry of Defence, Khamaria, Jabalpur (MP)
Vacancy :   02 (01-OBC& 01-UR)
Classification :  General Central Serivice, Group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted) Non-Ministerial.
Pay Scale : Pay Band-2, ` Rs.9300-34800, Grade Pay:- 4200
Age : Not exceeding 30 years (Relaxable upto 5 years for Central Government Civilian Employees who have rendered not less than 3 years continuous service on regular basis ( and not on ad-hoc basis) as on the normal closing date for receipt of applications (i.e. 25.01.2013)
Educational Qualification
(i) Higher Secondary (10+2) of a recognized University/Board/Institution or equivalent.
(ii) Three years diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering of recognized University/Institution or equivalent.
IP : Jabalpur(MP) AISL : Yes
Probation : 2 years.

Draughtsman Grade-I in Drawing & Specification Wing (Weapons), Ministry of Defence, Jabalpur (MP)
Vacancy :   03 (03-UR)
Classification :  General Central Serivice, Group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted) Non-Ministerial.
Pay Scale : Pay Band-2, ` Rs.9300-34800, Grade Pay:- 4200
Age : Not exceeding 30 years (Relaxable upto 5 years for Central Government Civilian Employees who have rendered not less than 3 years continuous service on regular basis ( and not on ad-hoc basis) as on the normal closing date for receipt of applications (i.e. 25.01.2013)
Educational Qualification  : 
(i) Higher Secondary (10+2) of a recognized University/Board/Institution or equivalent.
(ii) Three years diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering of recognized University/Institution or equivalent.

IP : Jabalpur(MP) AISL : Yes
Probation : 2 years.

Statistical Investigator in Directorate of Pulses Development, D/o Agriculture & Cooperation, Bhopal.
Vacancy :   01 (UR)
Classification :  General Central Serivice, Group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted) Non-Ministerial. 
Pay Scale : Pay Band-2, ` Rs.9300-34800, Grade Pay:- `.4200
Age : Not exceeding 30 years (Relaxable upto 5 years for Central Government Civilian Employees who have rendered not less than 3 years continuous service on regular basis ( and not on ad-hoc basis) as on the normal closing date for receipt of applications (i.e. 25.01.2013)
Educational Qualification  : 
(i) Degree in Agriculture followed by Post Graduate Degree in Agriculture Statistics or Agriculture Economicsof a recognized University or equivalent
Desired Qualification: Experience in Agriculture statistics/economic evaluation.
IP : DPD, Bhopal (MP) AISL : Yes
Probation : 2 years

Teacher (Primary) in Ordance Factory, M/o Defence, Khamaria, Jabalpur(MP).
Vacancy :   02 (01-UR & 01-OBC)
Classification :  General Central Serivice, Group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted) Non-Ministerial. 
Pay Scale : Pay Band-2, ` Rs.9300-34800, Grade Pay:- 4200
Age : Not exceeding 30 years (Relaxable upto 5 years for Central Government Civilian Employees who have rendered not less than 3 years continuous service on regular basis ( and not on ad-hoc basis) as on the normal closing date for receipt of applications (i.e. 25.01.2013)
Educational Qualification  : 
(i) Higher Secondary or equivalent from a School or Board recognized by Government of India, State Government.
(ii) Degree or Diploma in Education or Teaching or Music or Craft of Basic training certificates as the case may be from an Institution recognized by Government or National Council for Technical Education
Desired Qualification
(i) Post qualification teaching experience of (full time) at least two years from a recognized school in the primary classes in a regular capacity.
(ii) Competent to teach both in English or Hindi and medium of instruction of the school.
IP : Ordnance Factory, Khamaria, Jabalpur(MP) AISL : Yes
Probation : 2 years

Fee Payable : Rs.50/- (No fee for Women/ SC/ST/PH and Ex-Servicemen) by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) only, available at head post office all over the country.

How to Apply : Application in prescribed format should be sent in an envelope superscribed with bold letters as "Application for the posts of .................... " on or before 25/01/2013 (01/02/2013 for the candidates from far flung areas) to : Deputy Regional Director (MPR), Staff Selection Commission, Nishant Villa, F- Jal Vihar Colony, Raipur, Chhattisgarh-492001

For further details and application format, please view  

Shipping Corporation Junior Engineer vacancy, last date 15/02/2013

The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd.
(A Government of India Enterprise)
5th Floor, shipping House, 245, Madame Cama Road, Mumbai-400021

Applications are invited from Unmarried Male and Female Marine Engineers (Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering) for Shipboard Training as Junior Engineer

Age not exceeding 28 years as on 01/04/2013. Age relaxation for SC /ST/OBC/ PH candidates will be given as per Govt.

Qualification :  Four year degree (Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering) from Directorate General of Shipping (DG ),and AICTE Approved Engineering college.

The shipboard training is only for six months from the date of joining on any of The Shipping Corporation of India’s Own/Manned/Managed/Main fleet/OSV vessels as per the vacancy available. 
Stipend : Rs.25000/- per month.


Candidate must have good health and be fit for sea service as per existing MS Medical rules 2000 applicable to sea farers. Defective colour vision (colour blindness) NOT accepted

Application Fee :  Rs.1000/- (no fees for SC/ST) must deposit only in the State Bank of India, The Shipping Corporation of India ltd. Mumbai’s designated bank account.


Eligible candidates will  appear in the All India Personnel Interview scheduled at our Head Office,The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. Mumbai, Maharashtra at their own expense. 

The details about Interview schedule will be communicated to all eligible candidates as well as on our website in due course of time.    
Only candidates qualifying in the personnel interview will be called for Medical examination in the ratio of 1:3, (3 candidates called against 1 vacancy) keeping the provision of reservation for SC/ST/OBC in view.  

Similarly, the final list of selected candidates will also be published on the SCI website and they will also be intimated about the Medical examination and joining date and other formalities. 

The qualified candidates in personnel interview will undergo medical examination as per schedule after personnel interview and vessel joining formalities will be communicated in due course.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format  only by Ordinary post should be sent to the following address super scribing the envelop as "Application for Junior Engineer”, addressed to Vice President, Fleet Personnel Dept., Third Floor, The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd., Shipping House, 245, Madam Cama Road, Nariman point, Mumbai 400021, Maharashtra, India on or before 15/02/2013.

For further details and application format, please view  

Various Teaching Posts in Bilaspur University, last date 30/01/2013

Bilaspur University, Bilaspur(C.G.)
Vill.-Sendri, P.O.Koni - 495009 (Chhattisgarh)

Applications are invited for the teaching and non - teaching posts in Bilaspur University. Minimum Qualification as per the UGC norms


Microbiology and Bio-Informatics  -01(UR), 
Computer Science& Application  -01(UR), 
Food Processing and Technology01,(UR), 
Hotel Management and Hospitality-01(UR), 
Commerce and Financial Studies-01(UR). 

Associate Prof. 
Microbiology and Bio-Informatics-02(1UR& 1ST) , 
Computer Science& Application  -02(1UR& 1ST), 
Food Processing and Technology  02(1UR& 1ST), 
Hotel Management and Hospitality- 02(1UR& 1ST), 
Commerce and Financial Studies- 02(1UR& 1ST).

Assistant Prof. 
Microbiology and Bio-Informatics-04(2UR& 1ST & 01SC) , 
Computer Science& Application  -04(2UR& 1ST & 01SC), 
Food Processing and Technology  04(2UR& 1ST & 01SC) , 
Hotel Management and Hospitality-04(2UR& 1ST & 01SC), 
Commerce and Financial Studies- 04(2UR& 1ST & 01SC).


Exam Controller-01(UR).
  1. Professor : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs.10000
  2. Librarian : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs.10000
  3. Associate Professor : 10 posts Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 Grade pay Rs.9000
  4. Assistant Professor : 20 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.6000
  5. Exam Controller 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs.10000
Application Fee : Rs.700/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST) in the form of DD in favour of Registrar, Bilaspur University, Bilaspur.

Last Date :  Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 30/01/2013 to the Office of the Registrar, Bilaspur University, Bilaspur, Vill. Sendri, P.O. Koni - 495009, Chhattisgarh.

Please visit for details and application format.