Sunday, January 27, 2013

Recruitment of Probationary Officers in SBI, last date 23/02/2013

STATE BANK Of INDIA (SBI)Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) Corporate Centre, Mumbai
Recruitment of 1500 Probationary Officer (PO) in State Bank of India (SBI)

Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Probationary Officers (POs) in State Bank of India. Candidates selected are liable to be posted anywhere in India. 

Number of Posts : 1500 posts (UR-758, OBC-405, SC-225, ST-112) in various states in India  

PAY: The starting basic pay is Rs 16,900/- (with 4 increments) in the scale of Rs 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700 applicable to Junior Management Grade Scale I. The official will also be eligible for D.A., H.R.A & C.C.A as per rules in force from time to time. The compensation per annum at Mumbai is Rs.8,00,000/- plus. 

The break-up of monthly compensation is as under:
Cash Component Rs. 30, 370/-
Bank’s contribution to PF & Pension Scheme Rs. 4,673/-
Housing (Lease Rental) Rs. 29,500/-
Perquisites (Conveyance, Newspapers, Entertainment allowance, House & Furniture Maintenance etc. Rs. 4,130/-

In addition, the Officers are also entitled to other benefits like –
(i) Medical Aid for self (100%) and for family (75%)
(ii) Home Travel Concession/Leave Fare Concession
(iii) Concessional Interest Rates for Housing/Car/Personal Loans
The salary scales are under revision with effect from November 2012.

Qualification : Graduation in any discipline from a recognised College / University 

Age : 21-30 years as on 01/01/2013. Age relaxation as per Govt. rules.

Selection Procedure : 

(a) Phase-I: Written Examination (250 marks) consisting of Objective Tests and Descriptive Test.

(i) Objective Tests (200 marks): The Objective Tests with 2 hour duration will consists of  4 Sections with 50 marks each as follows:
(a) Test of English Language (Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension etc)
(b) Test of General Awareness, Marketing and Computers
(c) Test of Data Analysis and Interpretation
(d) Test of Reasoning (High Level)

The candidates are required to qualify in the Objective Tests by securing passing marks, in each of the tests, to be decided by the Bank on the basis of the performance of all the competing candidates taken together in each test to a minimum required level for each category.

(ii) Descriptive Test (50 marks): The Descriptive Test with 1 hour duration will be of “Test of English Language (comprehension, short précis, letter writing & essay)”.

The candidates are required to qualify in the Descriptive Test by securing passing marks, to be decided by the  Bank.

Descriptive Test paper of only those candidates will be evaluated who have scored qualifying marks in the Objective Tests as stated above in (i).

(b) Phase-II: Group Discussion (20 marks) & Interview (30 marks)
The aggregate marks of candidates qualifying in both the Objective Tests and Descriptive Test will be arranged in descending order in each category and the candidates in the order of merit, subject to 3 times the number of vacancies in each category, will be called for Group Discussion and Interview. The qualifying marks in Group Discussion & Interview will be as decided by the Bank.

(c) Final Selection:
The candidates will have to qualify both in Phase-I and Phase-II separately.

Marks secured by the candidates in the Written Test (out of 250 marks maximum) are converted to out of 75 and marks secured in Group Discussion & Interview (out of 50 marks maximum) are converted to out of 25. The final merit list is arrived at after aggregating converted marks of Written Test and Group Discussion & Interview out of 100 for each category. The selection will be made from the top merit ranked candidates in each category

Application Fee : Rs.200/- (for SC/ST/PWD Rs.50/- only) to be deposited in any branch of SBI by a prescribed deposit. Details of the payment should be entered in online application form. 

How to Apply : Apply Online at SBI website from 30/01/2013 to 23/02/2013.

For more information, please visit the Recruitment page at SBI website  

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