Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Power Grid Law Professional vacancy April-2012

POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD.(A Government of India Enterprise)
Corp. Office: "Saudamini", Plot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon - 1

Power grid is looking for bright, committed and dynamic individuals with rich Law professional experience to join its fold as per details given under  :
  • Addl. General Manager (Law) / E7A : 01 post
  • Sr. Officer (Law)/ E3 : 02 posts
  • Officer (Law) / E2A : 03 posts
How to apply: Candidates need to apply Online at Power Grid website up to 30/04/2012. Take printout of the system generated application form and send it on or before 10/05/2012 to To The Advertiser (PG), Post Box No. 9248, Krishna Nagar Head Post Office DELHI - 110051

Please view http://www.powergridindia.com/POWERGRID/Applications/RECTT07/RecttEXP/Exp-website%20_advt-law%20_new.pdf for more information and apply online at http://www.powergridindia.com/POWERGRID/Applications/RECTT07/ExpRecttAppForm.aspx 

BHEL Tiruchirappalli Artisan vacancy Apr-2012

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) Tiruchirappalli - 620014, Tamilnadu

Recruitment of Skilled Artisans 

BHEL, Tiruchirappalli a major Manufacturing unit is looking for Artisans in the following trades : 

  • Artisan : 750 posts (UR-399, Ex.SM-108, OBC-202, SC-142, ST-7,PH-23) of Skilled Artisans (Fitter-379, Welder-178, Turner-40, Machinist-57, Electrician-19, Crane Operator-cum Rigger-60, Instrument Mechanic-5, Furnace Operator-12) , Age: As on 1/04/2012 - 27 years. , Pay Scale : On successful completion of training period, candidates will be absorbed in the regular establishment as Artisan Gr IV in the pay scale of Rs.11700-23000/-.
Fee : Rs.125/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH). The fee can be paid in any of the branches of State Bank of India, to Power Jothi A/c, NO. 30796267034 @ HE, Kailasapuram, Trichy-14 (code no.01363) in favour of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Tiruchirappalli. The triplicate challan for payment of Examination and processing fee of Rs.125/- can be downloaded from the BHEL web site.  

How to Apply: Apply online at BHEL website only upto 25/04/2012.

Please visit http://careers.bhel.in/rectry for details and online submission of application.

Air India Express Job vacancy April-2012

Air India Express LimitedAir - India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021, India.  

Air India Charters Limited invites applications for the following positions ofCaptain / Check-Pilot / Examiner / Instructor (B737-800 NG Type-rated) (II) Co-Pilot (B737-800 NG Type-rated ) from Indian Citizens to fill up vacancies and maintain a wait-list for future requirements for its airline Air India Express on Permanent / Contractual Employment to be based at Mumbai / Delhi / Mangalore / Kochi / Thiruvananthapuram / Kozhihode / Tiruchirapally or any other station as per Company requirement.

Application Fee :  Rs.1500/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Air India Charters Limited, payable at Mumbai. (SC / ST / Ex-Serviceman candidates are exempted from payment). Candidates are required to write their names, post applied for, on the reverse of the Demand Draft.

How to Apply :  Application in the prescribed format, should be send on or before 15/05/2012 by post at the address given below :

Chief of Operations, Air India Charters Limited, 1st Floor, Old Operations Bldg., Old Airport, Kalina, Santa Cruz (East), Mumbai – 400029

Please visit http://www.airindiaexpress.in/careers.aspx for details and application format.

Friday, April 6, 2012

NIT Goa Administrative and Technical posts Apr-2012 last date 14/05/2012

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Goa
Goa Engineering College (GEC) Campus, Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa - 403401

National Institute of Technology, Goa is one among the newly sanctioned NITs by the Government of India 

NIT Goa is looking for suitable Indian Nationals for appointment on regular/ deputation / contract basis for 5 years (likely to be confirmed) for the following posts :

  1. Registrar (purely on deputation/ contract basis)
  2. Assistant Registrar
  3. Assistant Librarian
  4. Executive Engineer
  5. Sports Officer
  6. Superintendent/ Accountant
  7. Technical Assistant (Systems)
  8. Technicians
  9. Nurse
 Last date for sending filled-in prescribed application form is 14/05/2012
Please visit http://www.nitk.ac.in for details and application format. 

NIT Goa Faculty vacancy Apr-2012 last date 14/05/2012

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Goa
Goa Engineering College (GEC) Campus, Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa - 403401

National Institute of Technology, Goa is one among the newly sanctioned NITs by the Government of India 

NIT Goa invites applications from individuals who would enjoy the excitement of being associated with the setting up of a “world class teaching and research Institution”. The individual should have a strong
commitment for teaching and unequivocal flavor for research. The positions available are at the level
of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in the regular cadre and on contract basis in the following disciplines :

  • Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English and Economics
 Last date for sending filled-in prescribed application form is 14/05/2012
Please view http://www.nitgoa.ac.in/assets/files/Recuritment%20Notification%20Faculty%20Position%201.pdf  for details and application format is available at http://www.nitgoa.ac.in/assets/files/Application%20Form%20Faculty%20Position.pdf 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

UTIITSL IT Staff on contract vacancy Apr-2012

UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTIITSL)
(a Government of India company)

UTI - ITSL Tower, Plot No 3, Sector 11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400614.

UTIITSL requires following on contract basis across various techno managerial profiles for immediate deployment on the very prestigious “E-Mitra Facility Management Services” Project of Department of Information Technology & Communication (DoIT&C) Govt. of Rajasthan, across the state of Rajasthan. : 

  1. District Coordinator  - for all districts of Rajasthan :  BE/ BTech (ECE/ CS/ IT)/ MCA(Regular) from Govt.Engg. Colleges and MBA from reputed Institute or higher qualification in IT with 2 years experience
  2. Web Developer :  BE/ BTech (ECS/ CS)/ MCA (Regular) with 4 years experience
  3. Project Manager : BE/ BTech (CS/ ECE)/ MCA or higher Qualification in IT from Govt. Engg. colleges and MBA (Regular)/ PMP or Prince-2 certification with 5 yrs experience
How to Apply : Apply Online at UTIITSL website on or before18/04/2012.

For details  and to apply online/offline, please visit http://www.utitsl.co.in/utitsl/site/vacancies_emitra.jsp

IIT Hyderabad job vacancy Apr-2012

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) HyderabadOrdnance Factory Campus, Yeddumailaram-502205, Andhra Pradesh, India

Applications on the prescribed form are invited from the Indian Nationals for the following posts on regular basis :

  1. Librarian : 01 post
  2. Assistant Librarian : 01 post 
  3. Medical Officer : 01 post
  4. Technical Superintendent : 08 posts
  5. Senior Physical Training Instructor : 02 posts
  6. Physical Training Instructor : 02 posts
  7. Junior Technician : 22 posts
  8. Assistant Registrar (Administration) : 01 post
  9. Assistant Registrar (Purchase) : 10 posts
  10. Executive Assistant : 11 posts
  11. Stenographer : 12 posts
  12. Junior Accountant : 13 posts
  13. Junior Laboratory Assistant : 03 posts 
  14. Junior Attendant : 05 posts

Application Fee : Demand draft of Rs.100 for all the posts drawn in favour of “IIT Hyderabad” payable at State Band of India, Kandi. SC, ST and Physically Handicapped candidates are not required to submit the Demand Draft.

How to Apply : Application in prescribed format should be send by Registered post/ Speed Post  on or before 27/04/2012 :

The Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Ordinance Factory Estate, Yeddumailaram, Medak District - 502205, Andhra Pradesh

Please visit http://www.iith.ac.in/recruitment/ntf.html  for details and application format.