Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Administrative position in IIM Indore

IIM Indore
An autonomous institution with all modern facilities, established by Ministry of Human Resources, GOI.

Announced the vacancy for following administration position :

  1. Project Officers
  2. Legal Officer/ Legal Advisor
  3. Stenographers
  4. General Duty Assistant
  5. Security Personnel
  6. Sports Coaches/ Trainers
Interested candidates may send their application as per the prescribed format. Application must be received to the Officer (Personnel), Indian Institute of Management Indore, Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur Road, Indore – 453331 by post on or before May 7, 2012 by superscribing the envelope for the position applied for. 

Please visit http://www.iimidr.ac.in/iimi/pages/corporates/career.php   for detailed advertisement. and application format is available at

Dena Bank has announced the recruitment for clerks, last date - 02/05/2012

A premier nationalized bank, invites online application for clerical post. Interested candidates who have qualified the CWE conducted by IBPS in 2011-12 and hold a valid scorecard can apply.


7200-400/3-8400 - 500/3 -9900 -600/4- 12300 - 700/7- 17200 - 1300/1 - 18500 - 800/1 - 19300 (Approx. Total emoluments at the start of the scale will be 11,000/- inclusive of DA & HRA at Metropolitan Centre). In addition Medical benefits, Leave fare concession, Retirement benefits are admissible as per Bank’s rules.

Qualification :
 Pass with 60% marks in 10+2 examination or its equivalent ( for SC/ST pass class) OR A degree in any discipline + Computer knowledge  and IBPS score minimum 120 – For General Category and minimum 105 – For Reserved Category (i.e SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD)

Fee :
Requisite application Rs.150/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH) fee must be paid by way of “Fees Payment Challan" by visiting nearest Dena Bank’s Branch or by way of "NEFT” by visiting any Scheduled Commercial Bank.

Apply Online at Dena Bank website from 17/04/2012 to 02/05/2012.

For detail information for the recruitment process please visit http://www.denabank.com/viewdetail.jsp?lang=0&did=133457043827304DD3B9377DCF46E4AA80447068427A4&id=0,48

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Indian Forest Service Examination (IFS) - 2012

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Indian Forest Service (IFS) Examination 2012 for recruitment to the Indian Forest Service Officers commencing from 14th July 2012.

  • Age : Not less than 21 years and not more than 30 years as on 1st August 2012. The upper age is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC and certain other categories of candidates to the extent specified in the Notice.
  • Educational Qualification: Bachelor's degree of any recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Engineering or an equivalent qualification.
  • Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to the Regulations given in notice.
  • Number of attempts: The maximum number of attempts permissible to different categories of aspirants, who are otherwise eligible, will be as (i) General Category - 4 attempts, (ii) OBC - 7 attempts (iii) SC/ST - No limit
Application Form: The candidates must apply Online athttp://www.upsconline.nic.in/ , but candidates from certain area country can apply through prescribed format i.e. New Common Application Form offline also, which can be purchased from desgnated Head Post Offices/ Post Office by cash payment of Rs.30/- .
Fee: Candidates applying (excepting Female/SC/ST/PH candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs.100/-  either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/ State Bank of Hyderabad/ State Bank of Mysore/ State Bank of Patiala/ State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/ Master Credit/ Debit card. (OBC candidates required to pay full fee).
How To Apply: All applications must apply Online from 14/04/2012 to upto 14/05/2012 only upto 11.59 PM. at http://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php

 Candidates can obtain details of the examination and can get information about registration of their applications, venues of the examination and syllabus etc at the website of the UPSC at  http://upsc.gov.in/exams/notifications/2012/ifs/eng.pdf

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC) 
A Joint Venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi
Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001, India 

Applications are invited from young,dynamic and motivated personnel in Civil, Human Resource, Operations, Legal, Stores and Finance Disciplines in DMRC :  
  • Assistant Manager (Civil)  : 14 posts
    How to Apply : The willing candidates may appear for “Walk In Interview” on 30/04/2012 at 10:00 AM sharp at the following venue with all original documents and proof of having qualified the written test of Engineering services Examination in any of the three preceding IES examinations conducted by UPSC.

    Office of the Executive Director (HR), Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., Metro Bhawan, 3rd Floor Meeting Room, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 

    Please viewhttp://www.delhimetrorail.com/otherdocuments/careerdoc/Civil.pdf   for details and application format. 

    Faculty posts in Central University, Orissa

    Central University of Orissa (CUO)
    Camp Office, Type – C, Block – 4, New Govt. Colony, Gajapati Nagat, Bhubaneswar (Orissa)

    Central University of Orissa invites applications in prescribed form from Indian nationals for filling up the following positions at Koraput Campus : 

    1. Professor : 08 posts in various subjects/disciplines
    2. Associate Professor : 15 posts in various  subjects/disciplines
    3. Assistant Professor : 12 posts in various subjects/disciplines

    How to Apply :  The duly filled in application forms in the prescribed format complete in all respects along with a MICR Coded demand draft for Rs.500/- (Rs.200/- for SC / ST / PWD candidates) drawn in favour of theFinance Officer, Central University of Orissa, Payable at SBI, Bhubaneswar must reach the Office of the Registrar, Central University of Orissa, Camp Office, Type – C, Block – 4, New Govt. Colony, Gajapati Nagar, Bhubaneswar – 751017 on or before25/04/2012. 

    Please visit http://www.cuorissa.org for details and application format.

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    IIT Madras Faculty vacancy April-2012

    Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), MadrasChennai -600036

    IIT Madras invites applications from Indian Nationals with an established record of independent, high quality research and commitment to teaching and research for faculty positions  :  

    • Assistant Professor : Rs.15600-39100 with AGP Rs. 8000/-
    • Associate Professor : Rs.37400-67000) with AGP Rs. 9500/- 
    • Professor : Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP Rs. 10500/- 

    Departments : Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Design,  Humanities & Social Sciences, Management Studies, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Physics

    How to Apply : Apply Online at IIT Madras website on or before07/05/2012.  Also send one signed hard copy with all relevant enclosures to: Dean (Administration), IIT Madras, Chennai - 600036

    Please visit http://www.iitm.ac.in/faculty-opening for detailed information and online submission of application.

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    24, Whites Road, Chennai – 600014

    Recruitment of Officer (Scale I) (Generalist and Specialist)

    Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the post ofOfficers in Specialist and Generalist disciplines :
    • Specialist and Generalist Officers : 350 posts (UR-192, SC-45,ST-21,OBC-92) (PH-12) in Finance (CA/ ICWA/ ACA/ M.Com.), IT (MCA/MCM/BE (CS/ECE/EEE), Law (LLB), Technical (Engineering in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Electronics and Metallurgy). Actuarial  (PG in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Actuarial Sc.), General Administration, Age : 21-30 years, relaxation as per rules., Pay Scale : Rs.17240-32640/-  
    Application Fee : Rs.500/- to be paid in any Branch of State Bank of India (plus Rs.40/- as SBI fee) by paying appropriate application by filling the Fee Payment Challan and remitting the amount. No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates.

    Date of Written Examination : 03/06/2012
    How to Apply: Apply Online at United India Insurance Company website only from 07/04/2012 to 25/04/2012.  After applying on-line, take a print out of the system generated online application form and retain it for future reference. DO not send this printout to the company. 

    For further details and apply Online, Please visit http://www.uiic.co.in/recruitment.htm from 07/04/2012 onwards