Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Faculty jobs in Central University of Bihar, Last date 05/06/2012

Central University of Bihar (CUB)Camp Office: BIT Campus, P.O. B.V. College, Patna, (Bihar) Pin - 800014

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the following faculty positions in various discipline to be filled up on regular/contract basis  :
  • Professor : 13 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP Rs. 10000
  • Associate Professor : 29 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP Rs. 9000
  • Assistant Professor : 47  posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP Rs. 6000
Subjects :  Development Studies, Bioinformatics, Communication and Media Studies, Mathematics, Statistics, Biotechnology, Computer Science, Environmental Science,  Economics, English, Hindi,
Life Science, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. 

Fee : Rs. 1000/- (No fee for for SC/ST/PWD) to be deposited in Punjab National Bank  through prescribed Bank Challan,   

Way to Apply :  The duly filled in application forms in the prescribed format,  along with required fee must reach the office of theRegistrar, Central University of Bihar, Camp Office : BIT Campus, PO : B.V. College, Patna-800014 

Last date : Applications should be reached before 05/06/2012 through speed post/ registered post only.

For more information please visit 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

SSC Junior Grade Indian Information Service Examination 2012, Last Date 25/05/2012

STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION (SSC)CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003

SSC Junior Grade of Indian Information Service (Group B) Examination-2012

Staff Selection Commission will hold an All India Open Examination for the recruitment of candidates for the post of Junior Grade of Indian Information Service (Group B) Examination-2012 on 01/07/2012. 

Number of Posts 134 posts (UR-70, OBC-36, SC-19, ST-9) (PH-5) in different languages in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200/-, 

Age : 30 years as on 01/08/2012,  

Qualification : Degree of a recognized University or equivalent. (ii) Diploma in Journalism from a recognized University or equivalent. (iii) Direct recruitment to posts in Junior Grade of IIS, Group’B’ shall be made language wise. 

The candidates must have studied the concerned Indian language up to the Secondary school.

Fee: Rs. 100/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women and Ex-Serviceman) to be deposited in SBI in cash by challan or can pay  Online in SBI.

Closing Date: Last date for filling of the offline application is 25/05/2012 (5PM), last date is 01/06/2012 for candidates from far-flung areas.  

Way to Apply : Apply Offline in the prescribed format OR Online at or at  up to 23/05/2012 for Part-I registration and up to 25/04/2012 for Part-II Registration.

For further details and application format, visit  and application format for Offline application is available at 

Recruitment of Specialist Officer by Bank of Baroda, last date 15/05/2012

Bank of Baroda(BOB)Baroda Corporate Centre, Plot No. C-26, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051

Bank of Baroda (BoB), India's International Bank is inviting applications from  eligible candidates for posts of Specialist Officers.

Number of Posts: 125 posts (UR- 63, OBC- 34, SC-19, ST-9) (PH-3) in MMG II Scale Rs. 19400 - 28100, 

Discipline : Security-15, Treasury/Forex-15, HR-40, Risk Management-10, Credit-25, Technical-20, Age : 21-37 years as on 01/05/2012., 

Experience : Minimum 3 years in relevant field.

Way to Apply : Eligible candidates are advised to apply 'ONLINE' only in prescribed form at Bank of Baroda website from 01/05/2012 to 15/05/2012.

Please visit  for detailed information, payment voucher and a link to Apply Online from 01/05/2012 onwards. 

SSC Stenographer Grade-C and Grade-D Examination-2012, Last Date 25/05/2012


Stenographer Grade-C and Grade-D Examination-2012

Staff Selection Commission will hold the examination on 29/07/2012 for the recruitment to the following posts of Stenographer Grade-c and Grade-D, 

Qualification : 12th pass, Age : 18-27 years as on 01/08/2012, Relaxation in age as per rules.,

Pay Scale :  PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4600 for Grade-C and PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400/- for Grade-D
Fee: Rs. 100/-. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women and Ex-Serviceman. Fee will be paid only in the form of "Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS)" These stamps are available at the counter of all Departmental Post Offices of the country. 

If you are applying Online, payment can be through Net Banking with SBI.  OR The candidates submitting their applications on-line should pay the requisite fee only through State Bank of India either in the form of challan or net-banking.

Way to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should be send to the Regional / Sub Office of the SSC depending upon the choice of the exam centre by the candidates.   

Last Date: Last date for submitting the application is 25/05/2012 (5PM)  (01/06/2012 for the candidates of far-flung areas) 

Candidates can apply online at SSC Website up to 23/05/2012 for Part-I and up to 25/05/2012 only. 

For further details, please visit  and format for the application is available at   OR Online at

Non-Teaching posts in Anna University, Chennai. Last date 22/05/2012

Anna University, Chennai Sardar Patel Road, Chennai-600025

Applications are invited in the prescribed format for the following Posts in the Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMMRC), Anna University,Chennai -  

  1. Director : 01 post
  2. Producer – I : 02 posts
  3. Junior Research Officer : 01 post
  4. Engineer Grade – I : 01 post
  5. Section Officer (Admn) : 01 post
  6. Cameraperson : 02 posts
  7. Graphic Artist : 01 post
  8. Production Asst. : 02 posts
  9. Technical Assistant : 01 post
  10. Professional Assistant (Library) : 01 post
  11. Accounts Asst. : 01 post
  12. Personal Asst. : 01 post
  13. Technician : 01 post
  14. Stenographer : 01 post
  15. Clerk (LDC) : 01 post
  16. Driver cum Helper : 01 post
  17. Unit Peon : 01 post
  18. Peon: 01 post
    Way to Apply : The candidates can send the application, enclosing a Demand Draft for Rs.250/- (Rs.125/- for SC / ST candidates of Tamil Nadu) in an envelope containing the filled in application superscribed on the left hand corner as “Application for the post of ___________ should be submitted to the Registrar, Anna University, Chennai – 600025, either in person or by registered post.

    Last date : Applications should be received on or before 22/05/2012

    Please visit  for more details and application form.

    Monday, May 7, 2012

    Requirement of Faculty and other officers in University of Kashmir. Last date 15/06/2012

    The University of KashmirHazratbal,  Srinagar-190006, J&K, India

    Applications are invited in the prescribed format for following posts  and  should reach the Recruitment Section of the University of Kashmir by 15/06/2012 : 

    1. Professor : 09 posts in various subjects in the pay scale of Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 10000
    2. Associate Professor : 17 posts in the pay scale of Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 9000
    3. Deputy Librarian : 04 posts in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 8000
    4. Assistant Professor : 14 posts  in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 6000
    5. Assistant Librarian : 03 posts  in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 6000
    6. Research Associate : 01 post in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 5400
    7. Placement Officer : 01 post in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 5400
    Way to Apply : Application should be send to the  recruitment section in the prescribed format along with the Bank Draft of Rs. 500/- pledged to the Registrar, University of Kashmir, Srinagar-190006 payable at J&K Bank Ltd. University Campus, Hazratbal, Srinagar (Kashmir) on or before 15/06/2012.

    Please view  for details and application form is available at

    Recruitment of Faculty in the various dept. of University of Mumbai. Last date 01/06/2012


    Teaching Appointments Unit
    Room No. 113, First Floor,
    Fort, Mumbai 400 032

    Applications are invited for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, in the various University Departments/ Sir J. J. College of Architecture :

    1. Professor/ Principal Rs. 37400-67000 AGP-10000/-
    2. Associate Professor/ Deputy LibrarianRs. 37400-67000 AGP- 9000/-
    3. Assistant Professor/ Assistant Librarian Rs.15600—39100 AGP-6000/- 

    Way to Apply :  Five copies of the application in the prescribed format together with the attested copies of required certificates along with a crossed Demand Draft on a Nationalized bank for the amount of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 300/- in the case of candidates belonging to Reserved Categories) drawn in favour of Finance and Accounts Officer, University of Mumbai should be sent in an envelop superscribed with names of the posts applied by the candidates so as to reach the Registrar, University of Mumbai, Teaching Appointments Unit, Room No. 113, First Floor, Fort, Mumbai 400032

    Last Date: Applications should be received on or before 01/06/2012.  (16/06/2012 from the candidates from far-flung areas)

    Please visit for details and application format.