Sunday, June 3, 2012

Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2012 , last date 02/07/2012

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) invites online application for the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2012 on which will be held on 16th September, 2012 for admission to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy amd Air force Academy for the Courses commencing in July, 2013 and Officers Training Academy, Chennai for the courses (Men and Women) commencing in October, 2013.

Number of Post as per the place and academy is mentioned below:
  1. Indian Military Academy,  Dehradun : 250 posts
  2. Naval Academy,  Goa : 40 posts
  3. Air Force Academy,  Hyderabad : 32 posts
  4. Officers Training Academy ,  Chennai (Men) : 175 posts
  5. Officers Training Academy,  Chennai (Women) : 15 posts
Conditions of Eligibility:

(A) Age Limit, Sex and Marital Status : 
  1. For Indian Military Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1989 and not later than 1st July 1994 only are eligible.
  2. For Naval Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1991 (2nd July, 1989 in case of NCC Naval wing 'C' certificate holders) and not later than 1st July 1994 only are eligible.
  3. For Air Force Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1990 and not later than 1st July 1994 only are eligible.
  4. For Officers' Training Academy - (SSC Course for Men) : Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd July, 1988 and not later than 1st July 1994 only are eligible.
  5. For Officers Training Academy - SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course :  (a) Unmarried Women, issue less widows who have not remarried, and issue less divorcees (in possession of divorcee documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should have been not earlier than 2nd July, 1988 and not later than 1st July, 1994.
(B) Educational Qualifications:
  1. For Indian Military Academy and Officers' Training Academy : Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
  2. For Naval Academy : B.Sc. (with Physics & Mathematics ) or Bachelor of Engineering.
  3. For Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering
  4. Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.
(C) Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2012, as prescribed in the advertisement.

Application Fee : Deposit Rs.200/- either in any bank branch of  SBI in cash or by using net banking of SBI or by using Credit/ Debit card. Female/SC/ST candidates are exempted to pay the application fee.

Way to Apply :  Candidate must apply online at from 02/06/2012 to 02/07/2012 11.59 pm.

Complete details and other information are available at the commission website at 

OR Also you can see Employment News dated 02/06/2012

Empanelment of Guest Teachers in NDMC 2012-2013, last date 12/06/2012

NEW DELHI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL (NDMC)  Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001

The online applications are invited by NDMC  to draw a panel of Guest Teachers (P.G.T., T.G.T., Primary Teacher (Academics), Primary Teacher (Activity) and Laboratory Assistant in Navyug Schools of NDMC from the interested candidates for the posts mentioned below:  
  • Post Graduate Teachers  (PGT) : (1) Hindi, (2) English, (3) History, (4) Political Science, (5) Geography, (6) Economics, (7) Commerce, (8) Physics, (9) Chemistry, (10) Mathematics, (11) Computer Science
  • Trained Graduate Teachers (PGT) : (1) Hindi, (2) Sanskrit, (3) Mathematics, (4) Drawing, (5) Music, (6) Physical Education, (7) Computer (Science)
  • Primary Teacher (Academics) : (1) Science, (2) Humanities
  • Primary Teacher (Activity) : (1) Music, (2) Drawing, (3) Physical Education
  • Nursery Teacher
  • Laboratory Assistant
Remuneration The Guest Teachers shall be paid the remuneration at the following rates: 
1. P.G.T.:  175/- per period subject to a maximum of  21,875/- per month.
2. T.G.T.:   145/- per period subject to maximum of  18,125/- per month.
3.  Primary Teacher (Academics) and Primary Teacher (Activity):  505/- per day subject to a maximum of  12,625/- per month.
4.  Nursery Teacher and Laboratory Assistant:  425/- per day subject to a maximum of                     
10,625/- per month.

The panel of the selected Guest Teachers will be valid for the academic session 2012-2013. 

Way to Apply :  Apply Online at NDMC website from 02/06/2012 to 12/06/2012.

Please visit for details & Online application. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Recruitment of Specialist Officer in Indian Overseas Bank, last date 12/06/2012

Indian Overseas Bank (IOB)763, Anna Salai, Chennai - 60002

Indian Overseas Bank (IOB), a leading Public Sector Bank with headquarters in Chennai having geographical presence all over India and abroad, invites online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for recruitment against 551 vacancies for various Specialist Officers positions.
  • Top Management Grade (TMG-VI)  : 06 pots (Risk Management-1, Integrated Treasury -1, Management -1, Information Technology -1, Cash Management – Transaction Banking -1)
  • Senior Management Grade (SMG -V scale) : 04 posts (Risk Management -2, Information Technology – (MIS) - 1, Media Officers-2)
  • Senior Management Grade (SMG - IV scale) : 01 post (Chief Economist -1)
  • Middle Management Grade (MMG-III scale) : 04 posts (Economist -4)
  • Middle Management Grade (MMG-II scale) : 551 posts
    1. Manager-Security Officers  : 10 posts
    2. Manager -Chartered Accountants : 25 posts
    3. Manager-Company Secretary : 01 post
    4. Manager-Electrical Engineer : 01 post
    5. Manager-Printing Technologist : 01 post
    6. Credit Officers : 500 posts
Fee : Rs.300/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) in cash at the any of the IOB and take candidate's copy of Payment Receipt Challan.

Way to Apply : Applications are invited only oOnline at IOB web site between 29/05/2012 and 12/06/2012

Please visit for the information/details and online submission of application.

Assistant Commandant in Indian Coast Guard - 01/2013 Batch, last date 22/06/2012

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant recruitment for men and women to become Officers in Indian Coast Guard for 01/ 2013 batch entry

The Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers you a challenging and inspiring career as a Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer. Unmarried Indian citizens having prescribed minimum qualifications are eligible to apply. 

Pay scale for Assistant Commandant at Rs.15600-39100  with Grade Pay Rs 5400/- . 

Registration and Preliminary Selection will be carried out on the spot at Mumbai, Chennai Kolkata and Noida for the the  following posts :
  • Assistant Commandant General Duty   (GD) Men
  • Assistant Commandant General Duty (Pilot & Navigator/Observer) Men
  • Assistant Commandant - Technical (Mechanical/Aeronautical/Electrical) Men
  • Assistant Commandant - (Short Service Commission) Pilots (Helicopter and fixed wing) Commercial Pilot License holders) Men/ Women
  • Assistant Commandant - General Duty (GD) Women
Way to Apply : Apply Online at Coast Guard Recruitment website from 31/05/2012 to 22/06/2012 only.

Please visit  for details and application format.  

Recruitment at Faculty posts in NEIGRIHMS, last date - 30/06/2012

North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences 
Shillong, Mawdiangdiang-793018, Meghalaya

Applications are invited on the prescribed format by the Director, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, from Indian Citizen for the following posts under various discipline as mentioned below:
  1. Professor : 22 posts, Pay scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.10500/- +NPA
  2. Associate Professor : 25 posts, Pay scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.9000/- +NPA
  3. Assistant Professor : 33 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.8000/- +NPA
Way to Apply : Completed applications in the prescribed proforma may be send to the Director, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, Mawdiangdiang, Shillong-793018 superscribing "Application for the post of ................... ".

Last Date: Application should reach to the Registrar, on or before 30/06/2012.

Please visit for more information and application forms.

Teaching and Non-teaching posts in Telangana University, last date 25/06/2012

Telangana University
Dichpally, Nizamabad-503175 (AP)

Applications are invited for the various posts of faculty, Librarian and posts of non-teaching along with backlog posts in Telangana University. The following is the list of posts along with the discipline and number of posts :

1. Group – I (Arts, Social Sciences, Commerce & Business Management)
    1. Professor : 03 posts
    2. Associate Professor : 09 posts
    3. Assistant Professor : 18 posts
  1. Group–II (Faculty of Science)
    1. Professor : 05 posts
    2. Associate Professor : 12 posts
    3. Assistant Professor : 14 posts 
  2. Backlog posts for SC / ST, other than SC / ST and Physically Challenged Categories.
    •  Group – I (Arts, Social Science, Commerce & Business Management )
    1. Professor : 04 posts
    2. Associate Professor : 08 posts
    3. Assistant Professor : 07 posts
    • Group–II (Faculty of Science)
    1. Professor : 01 post
    2. Associate Professor : 01 post
    3. Assistant Professor : 09 posts
    • Group–III (Computer Science & Engineering)
    1. Professor : 01 post
    2. Associate Professor : 01 post
    3. Assistant Professor : 01 post
  3.  Non-Teaching posts
    • Deputy Registrar : 01 post
    • Assistant Registrar : 02 posts
    • Superintendent : 04 posts
    • Librarian : 01 post
    • Deputy Librarian : 02 posts
    • Assistant Librarian : 05 posts 
    • Superintendent  : 01 post
    • Senior Assistant : 01 post
Way to Apply :  The eligible candidates can apply in response to the  notification in the prescribed form together with a Registration Fee of Rs 500/- through Demand Draft drawn in favour of Registrar, Telangana University, Dichpally, Nizamabad–503 322 payable at Dichpally, Nizamabad. The filled in applications as per the prescribed format should reach to the undersigned in person or by Post on or before 25/06/2012.

Please view for details and application form.

Recruitment of Professor & Asst. Professor in SPA, Delhi , last date 30/06/2012

School of Planning and Architecture(SPA)
4, Block-2, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi-110002

SPA is inviting applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the following faculty positions : 

  • Professor : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400 – 67000 AGP Rs.10000
  • Associate Professor : 09 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400 – 67000 AGP Rs.9000
  • Assistant Professor : 40 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000

Way to Apply : Application should be made in the prescribed format along with the DD of Rs.1000/- as processing fee in favour of the "School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi" and shloud be sent to the Registrar 

Candidates may apply for more than one post and separate application form should be filled in for each post along-with requisite fee.  

Last Date: Application should reach to Registrar by 30/06/2012.

Please visit for details and application forms.