Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Various jobs in Aligarh Muslim University, last date 14/08/2012

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Aligarh (UP)

Applications  are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts by 14/08/2012.

  1. Registrar, Aligarh Muslim University : 01 post
  2. Medical Officer (Blood Bank): 01 post
  3. Assistant Electrical Engineer, Department of Electricity (Work & Maintenance) : 01 post
  4. Jr. Technical Officer, J.N. Medical College Hospital : 01 post
  5. Nursing Officer, J.N. Medical College Hospital : 01 post
  6. Assistant Public Relations Officer (Publications), Publication Division : 01 post
  7. Property Officer, Property Department : 01 post
  8. Asstt Matron, J. N. Medical College Hospital : 01 post
  9. Systems Analyst Grade -II, Computer Centre : 01 post
  10. Jr. Engineer, Building Department : 01 post
  11. Sr Technical Assistant, Dept of Applied Chemistry : 01 post
  12. Sr. Technical Assistant (Plastic Surgery), J.N. Medical College Hospital : 01 post
  13. Staff Nurse, Dept of Community Medicine : 01 post
  14. Assistants (Accounts), Central Account Office : 13 posts
  15. Computer Assistant, Academic Staff College : 01 post
  16. Case Worker, Dept of Community Medicine : 02 posts
  17. Technical Asstt (Food Technology), University Polytechnic : 01 post
  18. Statistical Assistant, Registrar's Office : 01 post
  19. Stock Verifier, Central Purchase Office : 01 post
  20. Sr Lab Assistant, A.M.U. City High School : 01 post
  21. Lekhpal, Property Department : 01 post
  22. Karinda, Property Department : 01 post
  23. Assistant Draftsman (Civil), University Polytechnic : 01 post
  24. Sr. Lab. Assistants, Dept of Applied Chemistry : 02 posts
  25. Jr. Lab. Assistant, Dept. of Medicine : 01 post
  26. Jr. Lab. Assistants, Dept of Pathology : 03 posts
  27. Jr. Lab Assistant, J.N. Medical College Hospital : 01 post
  28. Jr. Lab. Assistant, Dept of Pharmacology : 01 post
  29. Jr Lab. Assistant, Central Animal House,J.N.Medical College : 01 post
  30. Jr. Lab. Assistant (Sterelization), J.N. Medical College Hospital : 01 post
  31. Jr. Lab. Assistants, Dept of Applied Physics (02) posts
  32. Jr. Lab. Assistant, (Civil) (Surveying & Environment), University Polytechnic : 01 post
  33. Carpenter, Building Department : 01 post
Way to Apply : Persons downloading the Form from the internet are  required to send a Cash receipt issued by the Cash Section, Finance Office,  AMU, Aligarh or Demand draft of Rs. 150/- payable to Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh at State Bank  of  India, AMU  Branch, Aligarh (code 5555) along with the duly  filled employment form complete in all  respect. Apply in the prescribed format only.

Complete    application form procured in the above manner may either be delivered  personally   at  the   Reception   Counter of  Administrative Block or sent by post, super scribing on the top  left of the cover the post applied for, advertisement  number and  date, to the  Deputy  Registrar,  (Selection Committee),  Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh-202002,  so as to reach him by 14/08/2012.

Visit  for more details of the vacancies and application procedure  (select 14/06/2012)

Sub-Inspector & Head Constable required in BSF, last date 27/07/2012

Directorate General Border Security Force (BSF)

Applications are invited from  male Indian citizens belonging to  General, Other Backward Classes/ minority community, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for the following post  in BSF  Communication Wing : 
  • Assistant Sub-Inspector (Radio Maintenance - RM) : 100 posts (UR-40, OBC-30, SC-16, ST-14) ,  Age : 18-25 years
  • Head Constable (Radio Operator - RO) : 959 posts (UR-231, OBC-326, SC-277, ST-125) , Age : 18-23 years

Pay Scale & Emoluments : Rs. 5200- 20,200 (PB-I) plus Grade pay of Rs. 2800/- per month for ASI (RM) and Rs.5200- 20,200 (PB-I) plus Grade pay of Rs. 2400/- per month for HC (RO). 

The post carries, in addition to pay, dearness allowance and other  allowances, leave travel concession ,medical facility etc, as  applicable to central Govt employees and rent free accommodation , ration money or free ration as admissible to the members of the Force from time to time. New pension scheme as per Central Civil Services (extra ordinary pension) amendment rules 2003 will be applicable to the persons selected for appointment on the basis of above test.

Fee : 
Rs.50/- by means of Bank Draft/ IPO in favor of DIG/Commandant to whom the application is addresses payable at respective SBI/ Post Office. 

SC/ST's are exempted from the fee.

Way to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to  the respective IG/ DIG/ Commandant BSF in different States of India. 

Last date: Applications should be received on or before 27/07/2012.  

For more information and application form, please view

Recruitment of Managers in Uranium Corporation of India, last date 23/07/2012

Jaduguda Mines, Distt. : Singhbhum (East), Jharkhand – 832102.

Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) is a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy with its Headquarters at Jaduguda Mines P.O., District East Singhbhum, Jharkhand. 

Company is presently running six underground mines, an opencast mine, two Processing Plants and a by-product recovery plant – all in Singhbhum (East) district of Jharkhand. Company is also poised for a massive expansion in different parts of the country.
UCIL invites applications from eligible Indian citizens for the following posts required for its units in Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka:
  1. Dy. General Manager (Mines)/ Chief Superintendent (Mines) : 01 post
  2. Chief Manager (Accounts) / Manager (Accounts) : 01 post
  3. Chief Manager/ Manager (Personnel) : 01 post
  4. Superintendent/ Addl. Superintendent (Instrumentation) : 01 post
  5. Addl. Supdt./ Dy. Supdt. (Electrical) : 01 post
  6. Addl. Supdt./ Dy. Supdt. (Mill.) : 02 posts
  7. Addl.Manager (EDP)/ Dy.Manager (EDP) : 01 post
  8. Dy. Manager (Accounts) : 03 posts
  9. Assistant Supdt. (Industrial Engg.) : 01 post
Way to Apply : Only on-line applications shall be accepted. Take a printout of the system generated application form and send it with photo and with copies of  relevant document  on or before 31/07/2012 to the Company Secretary at above address.

Last date: Apply Online at UCIL website from 26/06/2012 to 23/07/2012 only.

Application Fee: A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 50/- is applicable for General & OBC candidates.  SC/ST/PH & Female candidates  are exempted from payment of application fee. Application Fee shall be paid by way of Demand Draft in favour of URANIUM CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED drawn on State Bank of India, payable at Jaduguda (code-0227), Jharkhand.

For more details and online application , please visit

Auditors, Engineers and Officers required by Haryana SSC, last date 26/07/2012

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula-134151

Applications are invited from Indian nationals by Haryana SSC for the below mentioned posts on the prescribed application format. These posts are in various departments/ boards/ sections of Haryana Government : 

  1. Auditors : 32 posts in Food & Supplies Department
  2. Junior Engineer (Mechanical) : 12 posts in Public Works Department (B&R Branch)
  3. Assistant Public Relations Officer : 06 posts in Information, Public Relations & Cltral Affairs Department
Application Fee: Fee  should be deposited in the Haryana Govt. Treasury under the head "0051 - H.P.S.C.-(103)-Staff Selection Commission, Haryana- Application fee and other receipts"
  1. General- Rs.150/- 
  2. SC/BC/ ESM/ PH candidates of Haryana- Rs.35/- 
  3. No concession of fee for SC/BC/ESM from other states.
Candidates from outside will be treated as General and should send fee by Postal Order which should be in the favour of "Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission" payable Panchkula.

Reservation and Age relaxation as per Govt. orders.
Way to apply : Application forms complete in all respect in their own handwriting in capital letters and signed in the specified space should be sent only through Registered Post to the Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Bay No 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula-134151

Last date: The last date is 26/07/2012.

The candidates should specify on the top of the envelope the word - Advt. No., Name and Category of the post applied for.

For more details and application form  please  visit 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Various jobs by Public Service Commission, UP, last date 16/07/2012

Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh

UP PSC invites online/offline application for various posts as mentioned below. 

  1. Lecturers in Government Degree Colleges in UP : 40 posts in various subjects (SC-38, ST-2)
  2. Technical Assistant (Persian) :  01 post
  3. Lecturer in College of Nursing, Kanpur :  06 posts (SC-1, OBC-1)
  4. Assistant Engineer : 02 posts in Medical Department
  5. Assistant Director (Lie Detection Section) : 01 post
  6. Professor Ayurveda (Kumar Bhritya) in Govt. Ayurvedic College : 02 posts 
  7. Lecturer Ayurveda (Rog Nidan) in Govt. Ayurvedic College : 01 post
  8. Reader Ayurveda (Shalya Tantra)  in Govt. Ayurvedic College : 02 posts 
  9. Reader Ayurveda (Swasthya Vritt) in Govt. Ayurvedic College : 01 post
  10. Professor Ayurveda (Kriya Sharir) in Govt. Ayurvedic College : 02 posts 
  11. Professor Organon of Medicine in Govt. Homeopathic Medical College : 01 post
  12. Lecturer Bio-technology : 01 post in Technical Education Department
  13. Research Officer (Engineering) : 02 posts in State Planning Institute
Fee :  The E-Challan for the below mentioned fee for the category in particular will be used to deposit the fee in any of the branch of State Bank of India or Punjab National Bank by the candidate.  

1. Unreserved (General) - Rs. 80/-
2. Other Backward Class - Rs. 80/-
3. Scheduled Caste - Rs. 40/-
4. Scheduled Tribe - Rs. 40/-
Way to Apply : Online/offline application in the prescribed  format should be submitted from 16/06/2012 to 16/07/2012 only at

Please visit for all the details.

Various jobs by Haryana Staff Selection Commission, last date 16/07/2012

Haryana Staff Selection Commission 

Applications are invited through Registered Post by Haryana SSC in the prescribed application form. The candidates are advised to strictly use the format of the application form only otherwise their application will 
be rejected. 

These posts are in various departments/ boards/ sections of Haryana Government : 

  • The number of posts given below is liable to 
     Mandi Supervisor-cum-Fee Collector 
    : 12 posts
  • Auction Recorder : 56 posts
  • Accounts Clerk : 01 post
  • Junior Engineer (Civil) : 01 post
  • Instructor (Female)  : 02 posts
  • Candidate Zilledars : 37 posts
  • Draftsman : 01 post
  • Estate Manager : 01 post
  • Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 02 posts
  • Network Supervisor : 05 posts
  • Junior Engineer (Horticulture) : 01 post
  • Surveyor : 01 post
  • Library Clerk : 01 post
  • Laboratory Technicians : 17 posts
  • Multipurpose Health Workers (MPHW) : 47 posts
  • Dietician : 15 posts
Application Fee: Fee at the following rates should be deposited in the Haryana Govt. Treasury under the head "0051 - H.P.S.C.-(103)-Staff Selection Commission, Haryana- Application fee and other receipts"
  1. General- Rs.150/-  and Rs.100/- depending upon the pay scales of the posts
  2. SC/BC/ ESM/ PH candidates of Haryana- Rs.35/-  and Rs.25/- based on pay scales.
  3. No concession of fee for SC/BC/ESM from other states.
 The candidate should specify on the top of the envelope the word- Advt. No., Name 
and category of the post applied for:-

Candidates from outside will be treated as General and should send fee by Postal Order which should be in the favour of "Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission" payable Panchkula.

Reservation and Age relaxation as per Govt. orders.
Way to apply : The complete application forms - only one form should be filled by the candidate, in their own handwriting in capital letters and signed should be sent only through Registered Post to the Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Bay No 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula-134151
All the column of the application form should be filled in. 

Last date
:  The application should be received by  16/07/2012.

Please  visit for details and application format.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Probationary Clerk vacancy in Canara Bank, last date 01/07/2012

Canara Bank
(A Government of India Undertaking)
 Bangalore – 560001

Canara Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank with pan India presence with over 3600 branches, invites online applications, from from the eligible Indian nationals, who have qualified  IBPS exam 2011-12 and holding a valid  Common Written Examination-CLERK-2011-12 score card issued by IBPS, for recruitment to the post of Probationary Clerks.

Qualification: A pass with 60% marks in the Matriculation / SSC (old pattern) / SSLC/ 10th Std. Examination of 10+2+3 pattern or equivalent. For SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EXSM candidates a pass in Matriculation / SSC (old pattern) / SSLC / 10th Std. Examination of 10+2+3 pattern or equivalent.
Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.

Age : 18-28 years

Pay Scale :  7200 – 400/3 – 8400 – 500/3 – 9900 – 600/4 – 12300 – 700/7 – 17200 – 1300/1 – 18500 – 800/1 – 19300

Fee :  Rs.100/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) Directly remitting the amount in any of the Canara Bank Branches OR Paying the amount through NEFT in any other Bank.

Number of Posts :  2000 posts (UR-1038, OBC-487, SC-332, ST-143) (PH-88, Ex-SM-271) 

Last Date :  Candidates are required to apply Online,  through Canal Bank website from 18/06/2012 to 01/07/2012 only.   

For detail information and application form Please visit,