Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Recruitment of Management Trainees in RCFL, last date 25/09/2012

Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCFL) 

RCF Ltd is a leading profit making public sector undertaking engaged in the field of manufacturing and marketing various fertilizers and industrial chemicals. RCFL needs 121 Management Trainees (Marketing) in following trades/ disciplines :
    1. Chemical : 44 posts
    2. Chemical HRD : 01 post
    3.  Instrumentation : 06 posts
    4. Mechanical : 15 posts
    5. Electrical : 08 posts
    6. Fire : 05 posts
    7. Industrial Engineering : 02 posts
    8. Mechanical (Boiler Operation) : 04 posts
    9. Materials : 22 posts
    10. Safety : 02 posts
    11. Corporate Communication : 02 post
    12. Human Resources : 03 posts
    13. Human Resource Development : 02 posts
    14. Finance : 02 posts
    15. Administration : 01 post
Age as on 01/08/2012
Not exceeding 25 years in case of Engineering Graduates and candidates applying for Human Resources, Human Resource Development, Corporate Communication, Administration, and Finance disciplines.

Not exceeding 27 years : 
A. In case of Engineering Post Graduates in respective Discipline. (Provided Degree awarded) 
B. In case of candidates applying for Mechanical (Boiler Operations) and Safety discipline.

Selection Process : 
The selection methodology will comprise of –

1. Online Test – (consisting of General Aptitude and Academic knowledge).
2. Personal Interview for assessment of different facets of Knowledge, Skills, Attitude and Aptitude.
3. Medical test

Candidates will have to pass through each stage successfully before being adjudged as suitable for selection.

Stipend and Pay Scale
 : Selected candidates will be undergoing training for one year and will be offered a lumpsum stipend of Rs.23000/- per month. After successful completion of training they will be absorbed in the scale of pay of Rs.16400-40500/-.

The applications for the post of Chemical and Chemical HRD will be considered as one group. 

The no. of posts are indicative and Management reserves the right to increase / decrease the same at its discretion. 
Application Fee :   Rs.500/- to be deposited in any CBS branch of SBI through a payment challan which can be printed only at RCF website. No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates.
How to Apply : Apply online at RCFL website only from 06/09/2012 to 25/09/2012.
Please visit  all the details and Online Application submission.

UPSC recruitment for various posts in Indian Ministries, last date 27/09/2012

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) 

UPSC invites Online application by 27/09/2012 for following  various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format. The posts are: 
  1. Lecturer (Re-designated as Assistant Professor) in Mechanical Engineering : 01 post in Directorate General of EME,  M/o Defence
  2. Assistant Professor (Re-designated as Associate Professor) in Mechanical Engineering : 02 posts  in Directorate General of EME,  M/o Defence 
  3. Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering) : 01 post  in Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Directorate General of EME,  M/o Defence 
  4. Assistant Director Gr.II (Economic Investigation) : 26 posts in M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  5. Assistant Director Gr.II (Glass and Ceramics) : 02 posts in  M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  6. Assistant Director Gr.II (Leather and Footwear) : 04 posts in M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  7. Assistant Director Gr.II (Electrical) : 03 posts in M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  8. Assistant Director Gr.II (Electronics) : 02 posts in M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  9. Deputy Director (Processing) : 01  post in,  M/o Textiles

Pay Scale: (Figures in bracket at the end of the pay scale indicate the approx Total Emoluments (per month) (T.E.) excluding TA and HRA at the minimum of the scale).

i) Rs.37,400-67,000 (PB-4) + Rs.9,000 (Academic Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.76,560/-), General Central Service,  Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial for the posts at Item No. 2.
ii) Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,600 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.36,630/-),General Central Service,Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial for the post at Item No. 3.
iii) Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,600 (Academic Grade pay)(T.E.Rs.36,630), General Central Service,  Group ‘A’, Gazetted,  for the post at Item No. 9.
iv) Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,000 (Academic Grade pay)(T.E.Rs.35,640), General Central Service,  Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial for the post at Item No. 1.
v) Rs.9,300-34,800 (PB-2) + Rs.4,600 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.22,935/-), General Central Service,  Group ‘B’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial  for the posts at Item Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.

Age limit as on closing date:-
i) Not exceeding 50 years for the posts at Item No. 2.
ii) Not exceeding 40 years for the posts at Item Nos. 3 & 9.
iii) Not exceeding 35 years for the posts at Item Nos. 1, 7 (for 1 post of SC Candidate).
iv) Not exceeding  33 years for the posts at Item No. 7(for 2 posts of OBC Candidate).
v) Not exceeding 30 years for the posts at Item Nos. 4, 5, 6 & 8

Nature of Post :
i) Posts at Item Nos. 1 to 8 are permanent.
ii) Post at Item No. 9 is temporary.

Application Fee : Fee payable is Rs.50/- in the shape of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp only. (fee exempted for SC/ ST/ PH/ Women candidates)
How to Apply : Candidates are requested to apply only Online against the advertisement on the Online Recruitment Application (ORA) website  http://www.upsconline.nic.in and NOT write to the Commission for Application forms. They are also requested to go through carefully the details of posts and instructions published below as well as on the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in.on or before 27/09/2012 and the print out of the system generated application should be send to the Joint Secretary (Recruitment), Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069, on or before 11/10/2012.
For Details of posts, qualification, instructions and application format relating to Advt. No. 09/2012, please visit UPSC web site at http://upsc.gov.in/recruitment/advt/2012/09_12_eng.pdf

Monday, September 10, 2012

SSC Junior Translators (CSOLs) Examination, 2012, last date 05/10/2012

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold on Sunday, the 18/11/2012 an open competitive examination for recruitment to the following posts  in various Offices/ Departments under Department of of Official Language all over country. No. of posts will determined in due course. 

Junior Translators (CSOLs) Examination,  2012

Educational Qualification : ESSENTIAL:
(a)Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi  or English with  English or  Hindi  as a   compulsory  or elective subject or as a medium  of examination   at degree level
(b)Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than  Hindi or  English with  Hindi or  English   medium and English  or Hindi    as a   compulsory  or elective subject or as a medium  of examination at degree level
(c)Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than  Hindi or  English with  Hindi and   English as a   compulsory  or elective subject  or either of the two as medium of  examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject  at degree level;               
(II) Recognized Diploma or certificate Course in Translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa 
Two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central or State Government Offices including Government of India Undertakings.

(i) Knowledge at the level of Matriculation of a recognized Board or equivalent of one of the languages other than Hindi mentioned in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.
(ii) Degree or Diploma in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa from a recognized University.

Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-, 
Age Limit : 30 years as on 01/08/2012. Relaxation as per Govt. rules.

Fee : Rs. 100/- in the form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps available at Post Office. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.
Last date : The last date for receipt of application in the commission will be 05/10/2012. For those candidates who are living in remote areas, the last date will be 12/10/2012.
How to apply: The applications should be addressed to the Regional Office of the SSC  for a particular test center/state where candidate wants to apply as stated in the detailed advertisement. 
  1. Regional Director (NR), SSC, 5th Floor, Block No.12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Raod, New Delhi-110504
  2. Regional Director (SR), SSC, E.V.K. Sampath Building, College Raod, Chennai-600006
  3. Regional Director (ER), SSC, 1st MSO Building, 8th Floor, Nizam Palace, 234/4, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata-700020
  4. Regional Director (WR), SSC, Army & Navy Building, 1st Floor, South Wing, Pratishtha Bhawan, Old CGO Complex, 101, M.K. Road, Mumbai-400020
  5. Regional Director (CR), SSC, 8-AB, Beli Raod, Allahabad-211002
  6. Regional Director (NER), SSC, Rukmini Nagar, P.O. Assam, Sachivalaya, Guwahati-781006
  7. Regional Director (KKR), SSC, 1st Floor, 2nd Block, 'E' Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore-560034
  8. Dy. Director (MPR), SSC, 'Nishant Villa', F.Jalvihar Colony, Raipur-492001
  9. Dy. Director (NWR), SSC, Block No.3, Ground Floor, Kendriya Sadan, Sector-9, Chandigarh-160017
Scheme of Examination : 
PART-I       - Written Examination carrying 400 marks;   and
PART-II      -    Personality Test (Interview) carrying 100 Marks.

The posts of Junior Translators(CSOLs) has been identified suitable for  persons suffering from disabilities of forty percent and above of One Arm(OA),One    Leg(OL),  Both Legs(BL), Partially Blind(PB), Blind(B), Partially Deaf(PD) and Deaf(D).

For further details like scheme of examination, syllabus, application form etc., visit SSC website at  http://ssc.nic.in/notice/examnotice/Notice%20of%20JHT-2012.pdf and application format is available at http://ssc.nic.in/notice/examnotice/Application%20form%20JHT%202012.pdf

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Recruitment of Mechanical Engineers through GATE in BPCL

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL)

Recruitment of Mechanical Engineers through  GATE 2013

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) is looking for energetic and ambitious Mechanical  Engineering  to join as “Management Trainee”:

Age : 25 years.

Emoluments : Mechanical Engineering Professionals will be appointed in Job Group “A”  in the salary scale of 24900 - 50500.  

GATE : Candidates need to apply for GATE-2013 and get GATE registration number from 01/09/2012 to 30/09/2012. The GATE will be conducted on 10/02/2013.   For more information and online submission of GATE application, please visit http://iitd.ac.in/gate,http://www.gate.iisc.ernet.inhttp://www.gate.iitb.ac.inhttp://www.iitg.ernet.in/gate,http://www.iitk.ac.in/gatehttp://gate.iitkgp.ac.in and http://gate.iitm.ac.in websites.

How to Apply : Only online from 05/12/2012 to 09/02/2012 at BPCL website only with the GATE registration number.  

Please visit http://www.bpclcareers.in for detailed information from 04/9/2012 onwards.

Recruitment of 250 Graduate Engineers in HPCL through GATE-2013


Recruitment of 250 Graduate Engineers through GATE-2013 

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited is a leading “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise engaged in Refining, Distribution and Marketing of Petroleum Products. HPCL invites online invites application from Graduate Engineer  through GATE - 2013 to join HPCL team of world class professionals in its Marketing division.

Number of Posts:  250 posts (UR - 22, SC - 38, ST - 19, OBC - 68) in the disciplines of Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Instrumentation, Electronics & Telecommunication , 

Age : 25 years as on 30/06/2012., 

Qualification : Engineering degree in Mechanical, Mechanical & Production, Civil, Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication, Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Electronics with 60% marks. Candidates currently in final year of their engineering studies may also apply.

Stipend :  During the training, the Trainees will get Rs.33000/- per month as stipend and after successful completion of training, they will be absorb in the pay scale Rs.24900-50500. (CTC Rs.8.50 Lac per annum approx.)

GATE : Candidates need to apply for GATE-2013 and get GATE registration number from 01/09/2012 to 30/09/2012. The GATE will be conducted on 10/02/2013 in offline mode and on 20/01/2013 online.   For more information and online submission of GATE application, please visit http://iitd.ac.in/gatehttp://www.gate.iisc.ernet.inhttp://www.gate.iitb.ac.in,http://www.iitg.ernet.in/gatehttp://www.iitk.ac.in/gatehttp://gate.iitkgp.ac.in andhttp://gate.iitm.ac.in websites.
    How to Apply : Apply online at HPCL website from 24/12/2012 to 14/02/2013 only.

    For further information and FAQ, kindly visit  http://www.hindustanpetroleum.com/En/UI/CareersCurrentOpportunities.aspx website

    Recruitment of Executive Trainees Engineering in GAIL

    GAIL (India)  Limited

    GAIL (India) Limited,  is looking for committed, vibrant and passionate young Graduate Engineers desirous to join GAIL as Executive Trainee  in 2013 in the disciplines of Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation and Chemical through GATE-2013.   
    • Executive Trainee  - Engineering : in the disciplines of Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation and Chemical through GATE-2013, 
    GATE : Candidates need to apply for GATE-2013 and get GATE registration number from 01/09/2012 to 30/09/2012. The GATE will be conducted on 10/02/2013 in offline mode and on 20/01/2013 online.   For more information and online submission of GATE application, please visit http://iitd.ac.in/gatehttp://www.gate.iisc.ernet.inhttp://www.gate.iitb.ac.in,http://www.iitg.ernet.in/gatehttp://www.iitk.ac.in/gatehttp://gate.iitkgp.ac.in andhttp://gate.iitm.ac.in websites.

    Apply Online : Candidates will be required to apply Online through Gail Website from06/12/2012 to 15/01/2013. 

    For more details, please visit GAIL website at  http://www.gailonline.com from 07/09/2013 onwards.

    “Recruitment of ASSISTANT (Accounts) in RITES, last date 29/09/2012


    “Recruitment of ASSISTANT (Accounts) on regular basis” 

    RITES Ltd. is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified premier International multi-disciplinary consultancy organization in infrastructure sector rendering comprehensive professional services in various sectors including Metro Rail Systems, Railways, Highways, Airports, Ports & Harbour, under the Ministry of Railways.  

    Applications are invited online from young, dynamic, energetic and motivated persons of Indian Nationality for the position of ‘Assistant(Accounts) in RITES for its different offices  across India. The number of vacancies is liable to alteration.  

    Number of Posts 20 posts (UR-11, OBC-5, SC-3,ST-1)

    Pay Scale : IDA scale Rs. 9200 - 22400/-.

    Eligibility Conditions:

    Qualification : B.Com or BBA (Finance) with 55% marks for (45% for SC/ST/ OBC candidates) Unreserved(General) and 45% for  SC/ST/OBC candidates from a UGC/Govt. approved University/ Institute.  
    Age : 21 - 30 years as on 01/8/2012

    Application Fee :   Crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST and no fee for PH candidates) drawn on any of the scheduled banks payable at Gurgaon in favour of ‘Rites Limited’.

    The examination will be conducted at following Centers:-

    Selection Procedure: The selection process consists of written test and Interview.  Eligible candidates will have to appear in the written test consisting of two parts; 
    Part-1-Objective Part and 
    Part-2- Subjective part 

    A Competitive examination for recruitment to the post of Assistant (Accounts) in RITES will be held on 18.11.2012

    A. Part-I – Objective type Screening Test. This part would consist of multiple choice objective type questions. Maximum permissible time for this part 
    of examination is 80 minutes.  

    Syllabus for Part-I: General Ability Test,  Reasoning, General Awareness, English and Accountancy. Marks obtained in part-I (objective part) of written examination would be for shortlisting the candidates for Part-II subjective test only and will not be taken  into account for short listing the candidate for 
    interview/personality test or final empanelment. 

    B. Part-II- Subjective Type written test: This part would consist of subjective type questions and the maximum permissible time for answering this part is 100 minutes. 

    Syllabus for part II : Accountancy, Financial Management, Income Tax, Business Communication, Basics of computers. 

    C. Interview/Personality Test: The candidates to the extent of 5 times the number of vacancies in each community will only be shortlisted for the interview/personality test on the basis of their performance in the part II (subjective part)

    D. Empanelment: The overall weightage for final empanelment would be: 
    Part – II Subjective type written test – 80% Interview/ Personality test – 20% 

    Offers to empanelled candidates in different communities would be issued strictly as per merit.  

    Appointment of selected candidates will be subject  to their being found medically fit in the Medical 

    Examination to be conducted as per RITES Rules and Standards of Medical Fitness for the relevant post.  

    How to Apply :  Interested Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are required to apply online only using the link http://www.rites.com. 

    Last Date : Apply Online at Rites website on or before 29/09/2012 11:59 pm only.

    Please view http://www.rites.com/web/images/stories/uploadVacancy/vacancy_asst_accnts.pdffor details  for details and apply online at http://www.rmacsa.in/default.aspx