Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Officer and Assistants required in ISI Bangalore, last date 05/11/2012

Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) 
Bangalore Centre

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the recruitment of following posts in Indian Statistical Institute atBangalore Centre
  1. Accounts Officer  : 01 post
  2. Assistant Librarian : 01 post
  3. Scientific Assistant ‘ A’ : 01 post
  4. Office Assistant ‘A’ : 02 posts
Sl. No.1 Accounts Officer (Reserved for SC)
Qualification:A good Bachelor’s degree with ACA/AICWA/MBA (F) or Commerce graduate with SOGE.
Experiences: At least 5 years of experience in supervisory position in the pay band of Rs.9300-34800/- plus grade pay of Rs.4600/- or in the pre revised scale of pay of Rs.6500-10500/- or above in the Government, public sector undertaking, autonomous organizations, reputed academic/research institutions. Thorough knowledge of Government rules and regulations is essential. Familiarity with the use of computers in accounts would be considered as an added qualification.
Pay Band & Grade pay: Rs.15600-39100+GP-Rs.5400

Sl. No.2   Assistant Librarian (Reserved for OBC)
Qualifications:Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation or an equivalent professional degree with uniformly good academic record or At least high second class Master’s Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce plus at least high second class Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation, or an equivalent professional degree with uniformity good academic record.
Experience: At least three years experience in a professional capacity as a Scientific Assistant ‘C’ or equivalent in the pay band Rs, 9,300-34,800 with grade pay Rs. 4,200/4,600-in a large technical library.
Desirable: Knowledge in computerisation or information Technology of a large technical Library.
Pay Band & Grade pay: Rs.15600-39100+GP-Rs.6000

Sl. No. 3 Scientific Assistant ‘A’ (Unreserved)
Qualifications & Experience: 
A Master’s Degree (10+2+3+2) in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation or equivalent; or Honours Degree (10+2+3) in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation with two years’ experience; or a Degree (10+2+2) and a Diploma of at least one year’s duration in relevant subject from a recognized institution and two years’ experience; or a Higher Secondary (10+2) certificate and a Diploma in relevant subject of at least three years’ duration from a recognised institution and two years’ experience; or other equivalent Degree/Diploma in relevant subject from a recognised institution with adequate experience.

Knowledge of computer operation and application software is essential. If a candidate does not fulfil this requirement but otherwise found very suitable, he may be provisionally appointed in the post but he shall have to fulfil this requirement before his confirmation in the category. 
Pay Band & Grade pay: Rs.9300 -34800+GP-Rs.4200

Sl. No.4  Office Assistant ‘A’ (One Post Unreserved and one Post Reserved for OBC)
Qualifications & Experience: 
Graduate in any discipline with knowledge of typing (30 w.p.m) and computer operation or Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent with knowledge of typing (30 w.p.m), computer Operation and 5 years of experience.
Pay Band & Grade pay: Rs.5200-20200+GP-Rs.2000
Age: Preferably below 40 years (for Sl.No. 01 & 02),   below 35 years, may be relaxed in exceptional candidate (for Sl. No. 3) and (ii) Below 35 years (for Sl. No.4) as on 30th October 2012 . Age relaxation will be given as per rules

How to Apply : Interested candidates can send their duly completed applications to the Deputy Chief Executive (Admin), Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Centre, 8th Mile, Mysore road, RV College Post, Bangalore - 560059 latest by 05/11/2012.

AIMA invites Job applications for a Mini-Ratna PSU, last date 26/10/2012

On behalf of a Premier Schedule-A Mini-Ratna Public Sector Unit (PSU), providing Warehousing Facilities and Logistics support to Agriculture sector and other Notified commodities, All India Management Association (AIMA) invites applications from Indian Nationals for following posts : 
  1. Management Trainees (General) : 30 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 20600-46500, Age : 28 years
  2. Management Trainees (Accounts) : 10 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 20600-46500, Age : 28 years
  3. Accountant : 10 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 16400-40500, Age : 30 years
  4. Jr. Technical Assistant : 99 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 10500-2640000, Age : 28 years
Essential Qualification:
POST CODE - 01: Management Trainees (General): - Essential Qualification: Degree with 1st class Master of Business Administration, Specialization in Personnel Management or Human Resource or Industrial Relation or Marketing Management or Supply Chain Management from recognized University / Institutions.

POST CODE - 02: Management Trainees (Accounts): - Essential Qualification: Degree with 1st class Master of Business Administration in Finance OR A pass in final examinations of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India OR Pass in Associate Company Secretary from recognized institution.

POST CODE-03: Accountant: - Essential Qualification – B.Com or BA (Commerce) or Chartered Accountant or Costs and Works Accountant or SAS Accountants of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department with about three years experience in maintaining and auditing of Accounts in Industrial / Commercial/ Departmental Undertakings.

POST CODE - 04: Jr. Technical Assistant: - Essential Qualification: Degree in Agriculture or a degree with Zoology, Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry as one of the subjects.


Selection Process:
On All India basis through Objective type written test on respective subjects and aptitude of the standard of the educational qualification prescribed for each post followed by Personal Interview. On qualifying the Written Test and Interview, selected candidates for post code nos. 01, 02 will be appointed as “Management Trainees” in their respective fields.

How to Apply : Apply Online at special designed website on or before 26/10/2012. Please take a print out of the system generated application format and send it to P.O. Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 on or before 31/10/2012. 

Please visit http://jobapply.in/mrpsu for details and Online submission of application. 

Faculty Recruitment for Engineering College IET, Lucknow

Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET)A constituent College of Gautam Buddh Technical University (GBTU)
Sitapur Road, Lucknow - 226001 (UP)

Application in the prescribed format are invited for the following Faculty posts:
  1. Assistant Professor : 13 posts, Pay Band : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000/-
  2. Associate Professor : 07 posts, Pay Band : Rs. 37400-67,000 AGP Rs. 9000/-
  3. Professor : 06 posts, Pay Band : Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 10000/-
Name of the Dept.
1. Civil Engg.
2. Computer science & Engg 
3. Mechanical Engg
4. Electrical Engg.
5. Electronics and comun. Engg
6. Applied science and Humanities
7. Chemical Engg.
8. MCA Course
9. Professor training & Placement Officer

Application Fee :  Demand Draft of Rs. 250/- for SC/ST and Rs. 500/- for other candidates in favour of Director, lET, Lucknow .Physically handicapped (Locomotors or Cerebral Palsy) are exempted from all fees.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format, complete in all respect shall be sent in the office of theRegistrar, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226021 by Registered/ Speed post only on or before 09/11/2012. All the applications should be superscribed in bold and capital letters on top of the envelopes by the name of post applied for. 

Please view http://www.ietlucknow.edu/pdf/news2_06oct.pdf  for details and application format. 

MP PSC Veterinary Assistant Surgeon for 308 posts

Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC)Residency Area, Indore (MP)

Recruitment of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon 2012 

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon

Number of Posts: 308 posts 

Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/-

Age : 21-38 years as on 01/01/2013.

Application Fee : Application Fee Rs.60/- (Rs. 30/- for SC/ST/OBC/PH of MP)  + Rs. 35/- as portal fee will be only be accepted by Credit Card, Internet Banking or by cash at authorised kiosks of MPPSC at various place. No payment will be done through Bank DD or Postal Order.

How to Apply : Apply only on the Online prescribed format at MP PSC websites https://www.mponline.gov.in,http://www.mppsc.nic.in  and http://www.mppsc.com   from 12.00 noon 10/10/2012 to 12.00 midnight 09/11/2012.  

Please see document http://www.mpinfo.org/mpinfonew/rojgar/2012/0810/Veterinary_Assistant_surgeon.pdf  for detailed information.

MP PSC Medical Officer recruitment for 1416 posts, last date 09/11/2012

Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC)Residency Area, Indore (MP)

Recruitment of Medical Officer 2012 

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the posts of Medical Officer.

Number of Posts:  1416 posts 

Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/- 

Age : 21-32 years as on 01/01/2013.

Application Fee : Application Fee Rs.60/- (Rs. 30/- for SC/ST/OBC/PH of MP)  + Rs. 35/- as portal fee will be only be accepted by Credit Card, Internet Banking or by cash at authorized kiosks of MPPSC at various place. No payment will be done through Bank DD or Postal Order.

How to Apply : Apply only on the Online prescribed format at MP PSC websites https://www.mponline.gov.in,http://www.mppsc.nic.in  and http://www.mppsc.com   from 12.00 noon 10/10/2012 to 12.00 midnight 09/11/2012.  

Please see document http://www.mpinfo.org/mpinfonew/rojgar/2012/0810/Medical_officer.pdf  for detailed information.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Recruitment of Single Window Operator A (Clerk) in PNB, last date 10/10/2012

Punjab National Bank (PNB)

Punjab National Bank (PNB) invites online applications for  Single Window Operator A Clerical post from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination (CWE) for recruitment in Clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in Nov-Dec 2011.

Number of Posts: 2985 posts in various states (UR-1611 ,SC-695, ST-166, OBC-513) (PH-90, Ex.SM-420) Pay Scale : Rs.7200-19300/-

Eligibility Criteria
Age : 20-25 years, relaxation in age as per rules.

Educational Qualifications : Graduate in any discipline with 50% marks  OR equivalent qualification from the University/Institute recognized by the Govt. of India and working knowledge of MS Office.

Selection for the post of SWO-A  will be made  on the basis of performance in 
Common Written Examination (CWE) for the post of Clerk held during Nov.-Dec 2011 conducted by IBPS and/or  Personal Interview etc. The Bank reserves the right to change the selection procedure, if necessary. 
PERSONAL INTERVIEW: Depending on the number of vacancies, the Bank 
reserves the right to call only those candidates for Personal Interview to assess their suitability for the post, who have sufficiently high IBPS score in the stipulated Common Written
    Application Fee : Rs.100/- (Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PC/EXSM candidates) to be deposited any Branch of PNB through a voucher challan which is available on PNB website.

    How to Apply : Apply Online only at Punjab National Bank website from 26/09/2012 to 10/10/2012

    Kindly visit  https://www.pnbindia.in/En/ui/Recruitment.aspx for Detailed information and link to online submission of Application from as well as payment voucher.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Recruitment Meritorious Sports persons in Income Tax, last date 25/10/2012

    Income Tax Department

    Office of the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA), Delhi

    IIIrd Floor, Central Revenue Building, I. P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002

    Recruitment of Meritorious Sportspersons in the Income Tax Department, Delhi 

    Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi invites applications for the recruitment of meritorious Sports persons in different games/ sports. The details of the posts and number of vacancies are given below:

    1. Inspector of Income Tax : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4600
    2. Tax Assistant : 25 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200–20200 grade pay Rs. 2400
    3. Stenographer Gr.II : 07 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200–20200 grade pay Rs. 2400
    Essential Educational Qualification: 

    1. For Inspectors : Degree of a recognised university.

    2. For Assistants : 
    a. Degree of a recognised university.
    b. Having Data Entry Speed of 8000 key depressions per hour.

    3. For Stenographer Gr II
    a. 12th class pass or equivalent from recognised board.
    b. Skill Test and Transcription
    Age : 18-27 years as on 25/10/2012

    How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send to The Additional Commissioner of Income-Tax (HQ - Personnel) Personnel, Room No. 378, IIIrd Floor, Central Revenue Building, I. P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002 on or before25/10/2012.
    Please view file http://incometaxindia.gov.in/archive/BreakingNews_RecruitmentSportsUpdate_English_17092012.pdf for details and application format.