Friday, November 2, 2012

Recruitment for teaching and Non teaching posts in Rajasthan Central University

Central University of Rajasthan (CURAJ) 
(Established by an Act of Parliament)
NH-8, Bandar Sindri,  Dist-Ajmer-305801, Rajasthan (Rajasthan)

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates for the academic, administrative and non teaching positions to be filled in a phased manner.
  • Professor : 05 posts
  • Associate Professor : 18 posts
  • Assistant Professor : 04 posts
  • Controller of Examination : 01 post
  • Internal Audit Officer : 01 post (on deputation basis)
  • Executive Engineer : 01 post
  • Medical Officer : 01 post
  • Hindi Translator : 01 post
  • Nurse : 01 post
  • Personal Assistant : 01 post
  • Assistant: 01 post
  • Technical Assistant : 01post
  • LDC : 01 post
  • Dresser/Medical Attendant : 01 post 
Application Fee : The Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- should be in favour of “Central University of Rajasthan” and should be payable at Kishangarh, District Ajmer (Raj.). The SC/ ST/ Persons with Disability (PWD) or Physically Challenged (PH) candidates/ in-service candidates of the Central University of Rajasthan are exempted from fee. 

How to Apply Apply Online at Central University of  Rajasthan website on or before 28/11/2012 only. The hard copy of the application should reach the address The Registrar, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, NH-8, Tehsil Kishangarh,  District - Ajmer, Rajasthan, India-305801  on or before 07/12/2012.

Please visit  for all the details and apply online. 

Recruitment of Medical Officers in Haryana only for SC candidates

Department of HealthSector-6, Panchkula, Haryana

Recruitment of Medical Officers   (HCMS-II)

Government of Haryana wants to have to recruitment of Medical Officer HCMS-II  only for SC in a special drive for the candidates of Schedule Castes (SC) : 

Number of Posts: 168 posts, 
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300- 34800 grade pay Rs.5400/- +NPA, 
Qualification : MBBS

How to Apply: Application in the prescribed format complete in all respect must reach in the office ofDirector General, Health Services, Haryana, Sector 6, Panchkula by 5.00 PM on or before 09/11/2012. Interviews have been scheduled to be held on 15/11/2012 onwards and roll number will be displayed on official website by 10/11/2012.

Details are available at  and 

application form is available at

Recruitment of Constables in CRPF for Southern and Western States

Directorate General, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs

Advertisement for recruitment of Constable (Technical/ Tradesman) in Central Reserve Police Force 

Applications in prescribed format are invited from Male/ Female Indian Citizens ordinarily resident of the States of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala  to fill up the vacancies in the rank ofConstable (Technical/Tradesmen) i.e., Driver / Fitter / Bugler / Tailor / Brass Band / Cobbler / Carpenter / Gardener / Painter / Cook / Water Carrier / Safai Karamchari / Barber / Washer Men/Women  in Central Reserve Police Force. : 
  • Constable (Technical/ Tradesman) :
    • Maharashtra 184  posts
    • Gujarat : 95 posts
    • Andhra Pradesh : 199 posts
    • Tamilnadu : 165 posts
    • Karnataka : 115 posts
    • Kerala :  61 posts
Age : 18-23 years as on 01/08/2012.

Pay Scale : Rs. 5200 – 20200 Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 2000/- 

Application Fee : Application fee of Rs. 50/- in the form of Indian Postal Order duly crossed/ Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque in favour of DIG, Group Centre, CRPF of concerned Application Receiving Centres identified for their respective States  be sent by General and OBC candidates along with the application form. No application fee is required to be paid by SC/ST candidates,Ex-Servicemen and Mahila candidates. 

How to Apply : Eligible and desirous candidates, who fulfill eligibility conditions, may send their application in the prescribed proforma duly typed or neatly hand written and filled up in all respects on full-scap paper, affixing latest passport size photograph duly attested on application at the space prescribed for the purpose and two self addressed envelops of 4” x 9” size with Rs. 22/- postage stamps affixed thereon, to the DIG, Group Centre, CRPF of concerned Applications Receiving Centres as mentioned in detailed advt. on or before the last prescribed date i.e. 26/11/2012 super scribing on the envelop “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE
(TECHNICAL/TRADESMEN)–2012” by any available means of post.

For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with application form and Application Form, please see

Recruitment of Constables in CRPF for Northern States

Directorate General, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs

Advertisement for recruitment of Constable (Technical/ Tradesman) in Central Reserve Police Force 

Applications in prescribed format are invited from Male/ Female Indian Citizens ordinarily resident of the States of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh (UT), Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan  to fill up the vacancies in the rank of Constable (Technical/Tradesmen) i.e., Driver / Fitter / Bugler / Tailor / Brass Band / Cobbler / Carpenter / Gardener / Painter / Cook / Water Carrier / Safai Karamchari / Barber / Washer Men/Women  in Central Reserve Police Force. : 
  • Constable (Technical/ Tradesman) :
    • Punjab : 193  posts male
    • Himachal Pradesh : 49 posts male
    • Chandigarh : 05 posts male
    • Jammu region of J&K State : 132 posts male
    • Kashmir region of J&K State : 92 posts male
    • Delhi  :  85 posts male
    • Haryana : 128 posts male
    • Rajasthan : 113 posts male
    • Punjab : 14  posts female
    • Himachal Pradesh : 03 posts female
    • Kashmir region of J&K State : 03 posts female
    • Delhi  :  04 posts female
    • Haryana : 05 posts male
    • Rajasthan : 05 posts male
Age : 18-23 years as on 01/08/2012.

Pay Scale : Rs. 5200 – 20200 Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 2000/- 

Application Fee : Application fee of Rs. 50/- in the form of Indian Postal Order duly crossed/ Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque in favour of DIG, Group Centre, CRPF of concerned Application Receiving Centres identified for their respective States  be sent by General and OBC candidates along with the application form. No application fee is required to be paid by SC/ST candidates,Ex-Servicemen and Mahila candidates. 

How to Apply : Eligible and desirous candidates, who fulfill eligibility conditions, may send their application in the prescribed proforma duly typed or neatly hand written and filled up in all respects on full-scap paper, affixing latest passport size photograph duly attested on application at the space prescribed for the purpose and two self addressed envelops of 4” x 9” size with Rs. 22/- postage stamps affixed thereon, to the DIG, Group Centre, CRPF of concerned Applications Receiving Centres as mentioned in detailed advt. on or before the last prescribed date i.e. 21/11/2012 super scribing on the envelope 

For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with application form and Application Form, please see

Recruitment for Faculty posts in Central University of Bihar

Central University of Bihar
(Established under Central Universities Act 2009)
BIT Campus, PO : B.V. College, Patna – 800 014, BIHAR

Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts shown against the subject to be filled up on regular/contract/re-employment and superannuation basis:
  1. Professor : 08 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 grade pay Rs.10000
  2. Associate Professor :  16 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs.9000
  3. Assistant Professor :  30 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.6000

University intends to 
fill up around  48 faculty 
positions through this advertisement in the 
various areas, namely, Mathematics, 
Statistics, Biotechnology,  Computer 
Science,  Environmental Science, 
Bioinformatics,  Communication and 
Media Studies, English, Hindi, Life 
Science, Political Science,  Psychology and 

Application Fee :  Application Fee : Rs. 1000/- for  General and OBC category, US $  25 (US Dollars) for 
Candidates applying from abroad and SC/ST/PWD/ Female candidates are exempted.
Application Fee must be submitted through Bank Challan (to be downloaded from the University website). 
The Bank details are as follows: 

Name of the A/c - "Central University of Bihar Recruitment "
A/c No. - 4458005500000287
Name of the Bank : Punjab National Bank, Raja Bazar, Patna
IFS Code No.        : PUNB0445800
Swift Code No.     : PUNBINBBDIB (For US Dollar)
Institute Id          : CUBP Collection Code: CUBP                                 
The Bank Challan (non-refundable) must be placed/tagged at top of the application.

How to Apply :   The duly filled in application form, complete in all respect alongwith required fee must reach the office of the Registrar, Central University of Bihar, BIT Campus, PO : B.V. College, Patna-800014 within the prescribed date through speed post/registered post only.

Please visit   for details and application format. 

Non teaching Junior Specialist required in Delhi, last date 20/11/2012

Junior Specialist posts in Delhi Health and Family Welfare Department
Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi

Applications are invited for filling up of  following posts of Non teaching Junior Specialist in various Hospital/ Institutions of Government of NCT of Delhi purely on contract basis. The appointment will be initially for one year or till such time the posts are filled up on regular basis through UPSC, whichever is earlier.

Number of Posts: 126 posts (UR-33, SC-18,ST-11, OBC-64) on contract basis
Age Candidates should not be more than 45 years of age on 31.12.2012.
Payment : Rs. 63000/- per month

Essential Educational Qualification and Experience:-

1. A recognized MBBS Qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part-II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualification included in part-II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act,1956.

2. Post-graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned specialty mentioned in Section – A or Section- B of Schedule- VI or equivalent of the DHS Rule, 2009.

3. Three years’ experience in the concerned specialty after obtaining the first Post graduate Degree or 5 years experience after obtaining the Post Graduate Diploma. (Note: - for the post of Physician (Chest & Respiratory Disease) three years’ experience in Respiratory Laboratories is required).

4. In case of Super Specialty disciplines of Plastic Surgery (Burn & Plastic), Neurosurgery,Cardiology, Nephrology, Urology, Paediatric-Surgery and Gastroenterology in addition to requirement at (i) above, a Post Graduate degree/diploma in the concerned Super specialty mentioned in Section-A of Schedule-VI or equivalent of the DHS Rule, 2009 is essential.

Further, 3 years’ experience in the concerned Super Specialty after obtaining the first PG degree or 5 years’ experience after obtaining the PG Diploma is necessary.  (Note:- In the case of holder of DM/M.Ch. qualification of 5 years duration, the period of Senior PG residency rendered in the last part of the said DM/M.Ch shall be counted towards requirement of experience).

5. The candidate must fulfil the requisite qualification and experience upto 31.12.2012.

6. The candidate must be registered with Delhi Medical Council before appointment to the Post.

7. The essential educational qualification/experience shall be as per subsisting DHS, Rules, 2009. 

Application Fee : Every application must be accompanied with fee payable by an A/c Payee crossed demand draft for Rs. 500/- in favour of “Dean, Maulana Azad Medical college” payable at New Delhi. No fee shall be payable by those belonging to SC/ST categories. 

How to apply : Suitable and willing candidates may apply to the office of Dean, MAMC,B.S. Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002 on or before 20/11/2012 upto 4.00 PM. Applicants who wish to submit their applications in person should submit the same in the office of Deputy Director (Administration), Establishment – II, Room No. 10, MAMC, B.S. Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002 from 05/11/2012 on or before 20/11/2012

Mode of Selection
The Selection will be on the basis on Interview. This Interview shall be organized by the Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.

Terms and Conditions of Contractual Appointment

1. Pay: Rs. 63,000/- (Rs. Sixty Three Thousand Only) per month (Fixed).
2. The appointment will be initially up to 28/02/2013 in the first instance or till regular filling up of Post whichever is earlier.
3. Maternity Leave as per Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 shall be admissible.
4. The Leave admissible to the Contractual Appointees will be 12 days of paid leave for one complete calendar year of service rendered by them and 30 days of leave, without pay, if they wish to avail the same. They will not be allowed any other kind of leave.
5. They will be entitled to Medical Health Facility governed by the existing Delhi Government Employees Health Scheme applicable to serving employees in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Scheme circulated by letter no. 342/52/2006-H &FW/29609-29812 dated 25/10/2007.
6. LTC, Pensionary benefits, group Insurance, Study Leave and Child Care Leave are not allowed /admissible.
7. The reservations in vacancies (discipline-wise) shall be followed as per extant orders.

8. Selected Doctors shall be liable to be posted to all Hospitals, Dispensaries (including those in rural areas) and any other schemes under Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
9. The services of the appointee are also terminable before expiry of the contractual period by either side after giving one month notice or salary in lieu of thereof.  The selection is purely contractual in nature and does not confer any right for regularization or permanent absorption.
10. Private practice of any kind is not allowed.
11. No TA/DA is admissible for appearing in examination etc. Canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification.

Please visit  for more information and application format.

200 posts for Female SSC Officer (Nursing) in Indian Army, last date 26/11/2012

Join Armed Forces Medical Services as Short Service Commissioned (SSC) Nursing Officer in Military Nursing Service (MNS) 

Applications are invited from female candidates who have passed B.Sc. (Nursing)/ Post Certificate of B.Sc. (Nursing)/ M.Sc.(Nursing) in first attempt for grant of SSC in the Military Nursing Service as Nursing Officers.

Number of Posts: 200 posts
Qualification : B.Sc.(Nursing) / Post Certificate B.Sc.(Nursing)/ M.Sc.Nursing qualification from a recognised university 
(b) be a registered, as State Registered Nurse and Midwife.
Age : born between 07/03/1978 and 31/12/1992
Pay Scale :  PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400 + Military Service Pay Rs.4200 + Kit allowance Rs.400 + other allowances

Selection Procedure : Eligible candidates will be called for a written test to be conducted at Base Hospital Delhi Cantt in the 2nd week of December 2012. Based on the merit in the written test, the required number of qualified candidates will be called for an interview on the next day by a board of officers at the office of the DGAFMS, Ministry of Defence, M Block, New Delhi for final assessment and selection for grant of SSC in Military Nursing Service. Candidates qualifying in the interview will be subjected to medical examination on the third day.

How to Apply : Apply on A4 size paper in the prescribed format and should reach Integrated HQ of Ministry of Defence (Army), Adjutant General's Branch, Dte Gen of Medical Services (Army)/ DGMS-4B, Room No. 45, L Block Hutments, New Delhi - 110001 on or before 26/11/2012.
Please visit   for details and application form or kindly see the Employment News paper date 27/10/2012 for details and application form format. (Page No. 38)