Thursday, May 24, 2012

Assistant Professors required in Madras University, last date 18/06/2012

University of MadrasCentenry Buildings, Tholkappiar Campus, Chepuk, Chennai-600005 (Tamilnadu)

Applications for the posts of Assistant Professors 
are invited in the various Departments as detailed below :

Good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale 
wherever grading system is followed) at the Masters Degree level, in the relevant subject 
or an equivalent degree from an Indian/Foreign University.

  • Assistant Professor : 88 posts in various campuses and various departments. 
  • Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 with an AGP of Rs. 6000

    Way to Apply :  Candidates may apply in the prescribed format to the Registrar of the University  with a Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST) drawn in favour of the ‘The Registrar, University of Madras’, payable at Chennai 

    1. A candidate should have obtained a Bachelor’s  Degree from a recognised 
    University, under 10+ 2 + 3 system.   
    2. If the candidate is applying for more than one post he / she has to submit 
    separate application for each post.
    3. The period of time taken by the candidates to acquire M.Phil. and/or Ph.D. 
    shall not be considered as teaching / research experience to be claimed for 
    appointment to the teaching positions.

    Last Date: Applications should reach on or before 18/06/2012.
    For details please visit    and application format.

    Engagement of Direct Sales Executives (DSE), in LIC, last date 11/06/2012

    Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has invited the Applications  for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives on contract basis for 3 years .

    The details of posts for the engagement of DSEs as per the zones are available at following links:

    1. Notification for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives under-Central Zone
    2. Notification for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives under-East Central Zone
    3. Notification for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives under-East Zone
    4. Notification for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives under-North Central Zone
    5. Notification for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives under-South Central Zone
    6. Notification for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives under-South Zone
    7. Notification for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives under-West Zone

    Age : 21-35 years as on 01/05/2012, relaxation in age as per rules.

    Qualification : Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India. Preference may be given to those applicants who possess who possess the Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Marketing /Management. 

    Good working knowledge of English and also one Regional language preferably local language is desirable. Knowledge of soft skills and computer knowledge such as Power Point / Word / Excel would be an additional advantage.

    Fee : For all candidates (other than SC/ST category) is Rs.100/‐. The application fee shall be paid by cash only at the cash counter during cash hours only of any Branch office of Life Insurance Corporation of India under Account Code 114034.

    Way to Apply : Eligible candidate can apply online at LIC website from 22/05/2012 to 11/06/2012 only. After the online application is submitted, the candidate has taken print‐out of the application form, he/she  is advised to retain the application print‐out and affix a recent passport size photograph on the appropriate space on it. 

    Application print out is required to be submitted at the time of interview.

    Details and a link to Apply Online is available at

    Tuesday, May 22, 2012

    Faculty jobs announced by NIT Agartala, last date 12/06/2012

    National Institute of Technology (NIT) Agartala-799055 (Tripura)

    Recruitment of Faculty 

    National Institute of Technology (NIT), Agartala, an Institute of National importance, invites applications for the Recruitment of Faculty from Indian Nationals for the following Faculty posts :

    1. Assistant Professor in the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Hydro Informatics Engineering, Humanities, English, Economics, Computer  Science and Engineering and MBA, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.8000/ 7000/ 6000
    2. Associate Professor in the areas of Chemical Engineering, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs.9500 
    Fee : DD of Rs.300/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/OBC)  in favour of Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Agartala payable at SBI Agartala.

    Way to Apply : The application  should be sent in prescribed format by Registered Post superscribed and addressed as follows: “Application for recruitment at NIT Agartala"   to The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Agartala, P.O. T.E.C., Agartala – 799 055 (West Tripura)

    Last Date : Application should reach  on or before 12/06/2012.

    Please view for details and application forms. 

    Faculty required in SPA Vijaywada, last date 29/06/2012

    School of Planning and Architecture (SPA) : Vijaywada(An autonomous Institution of MHRD, Govt. of India)
    Sy. No. 71/1, NH-5, Nidamanuru, Vijayawada – 521104, Dist. Krishna, Andhra Pradesh

    Applications are invited from eligible Indian nationals for the following academic positions in the School : 
    1. Professor : 03 posts (Architecture-2, Planning-1), Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs.10000
    2. Associate Professor : 06 posts (Architecture-4, Planning-2), Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.9000
    3. Assistant Professor : 09 posts (Architecture-6, Planning-3), Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.6000
    Fee :  Rs.500/- (for General & OBC only ) by Demand Draft from any nationalized bank favoring “School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada” payable at Vijayawada.

    Way to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should reach to the The Registrar, School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada,  S.No.71 / 1, NH-5, Nidamanuru, Vijayawada – 521 104, A.P., India 

    Last Date: Application should reach on or before 29/06/2012.

    Details and Application Format is available at 

    Clerks and Assistants required in Delhi Pubic Library

    Delhi Public Library (DPL)
    S.P. Mukherjee Marg, Delhi-110006

    Delhi Public Library is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India invites application(s) from interested and eligible individuals fulfilling the requisite qualifications etc. for following posts :

    1. Library & Information Assistant : 02 posts
    2. Library & Information Assistant (Tech. Braille) : 02 posts
    3. Library & Information Assistant (Braille Proof Reader) : 01 post 
    4. Junior Stenographer : 02 posts
    5. Library Clerk : 13 posts
    6. Lower Division Clerk (Ty) : 03 posts
    7. Motor Driver : 03 posts
    8. Junior Library Attendant (JLA) : 05 posts
    Pay scale(s): 
    For posts at S. Nos. 1 to 3 – (PB-2) Rs. 9300-34800+Grade Pay Rs.4200
    For posts at S. No.          4 – (PB-1) Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs.2400
    For posts at S. Nos. 5 to 7 – (PB-1) Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs.1900
    For posts at S. No.          8 – (PB-1) Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs.1800

    Educational Qualifications/Experience

    For post at S. No. 1

    Essential-  (i) Degree of a recognized University or equivalent 
                      (ii) Degree in Library Science from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent.
    Desirable- (i) Professional experience in Public Library system 
                      (ii) Experience in computer application

    For post at S. No. 2

    Essential-  (i) Degree of a recognized University or Institution
                      (ii) Knowledge of Bharti and English Braille from as evidenced by test
    Desirable- (i) Degree in Library Science from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent       
                       (ii) Professional experience in the line

    For post at S. No. 3

    Essential-  (i) Degree of a recognized University or Institution
                      (ii) Certificate (Grade-II) in Braille System both in Bharti and English Braille from a recognized Institution
                     (iii) 3 Years’ experience in Braille proof reading in an Office or Institution.
    Desirable- Degree in Library Science from a recognized University/Institution

    For post at S. No. 4

    Essential-  (i) 10th Class pass from a recognized Board or Institution
                      (ii) Proficiency in English/Hindi Shorthand and Typewriting with speed of 80 / 30 w.p.m. respectively as evidenced by test.
    Desirable- Experience of working as a Stenographer in a Central Govt./State Govt department/Autonomous Bodies/PSUs.

    Way to Apply :  Duly filled application form along with copies educational/experience/caste etc. certificates duly attested / self-attested should reach Delhi Public Library (DPL) within 30 days.
      Please visit for details and application format.

      Monday, May 21, 2012

      Recruitment of Executives in APEDA, New Delhi, Last date 18/06/2012

      Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)
      August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110016

      APEDA intends to make recruitment  for the following posts :

      1. Personal Executive : 04 posts
      2. Junior Assistant Executive : 11 posts
      Fee :  IPO/ Bank Draft of Rs100/- in favor of Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, New Delhi. (SC/ST/PH candidates need not to pay). 

      Way to Apply :   The application complete in all respects should reach the office of APEDA, New Delhi within thirty days of appearance of the advertisement in the Employment News. (published on 19/05/2012 so the last date is 18/06/2012)

      Please view for details and application format.

      Officers are required in Maharashtra Power Distribution Company, last date 31/05/2012

      Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. 
      (MahaVitaran) (MahaDiscom) Mumbai

      India’s biggest Power Distribution Company, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd., is looking for Talented, Dynamic and Result oriented candidates for following posts :
      • Junior Manager (HR) : 53 posts 
      • Public Relation Officer : 05 posts 
      • Translator-cum-Proof Reader : 02 posts

       Pay Scale :  Rs. 14225-35905
        Fee : The candidate shall furnish demand draft of the value of Rs.510/- (Rs.260/- for reserved category) to be paid in Bank of Maharashtra.

        Way to Apply : Apply Online at MahaVitran website on or before 31/05/2012.

         Please visit for more details and Online application form.