Union Bank of India (A Government of India Undertaking)
Recruitment of Specialist Officer in Union Bank of India
Union Bank of India is a leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation. Bank invites online applications from eligible Indian nationals for the following posts of Specialist Officers.
Applicaton Fee : Rs.100/- for General and OBC candidates (Rs.20/- for other candidates) to be deposited in any Union Bank of India branch in India in cash by with the Application Fee Challan.
Last date : Candidates are required to apply online at Union Bank of India website before 31/07/2012.
For all other details and information about the submission of application, please visit http://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/abt_recruitmentaspx.aspx
Recruitment of Specialist Officer in Union Bank of India
Union Bank of India is a leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation. Bank invites online applications from eligible Indian nationals for the following posts of Specialist Officers.
For some posts candidates should be Qualified in the Common Written Examination conducted by IBPS and should be holding a valid score card issued by IBPS
The selection process may involve written Test &/ or Psychometric test & /or Group Discussion & / or a Personal Interview. The Bank reserves the absolute right to decide as to whether to hold all or any of the modes of Written Test & / or Psychometric test &/ or Group Discussion & /or Personal Interview for selection of the candidates to the respective post.
The Bank also reserves the right to alter the structure of the written examination depending upon factors like number of eligible applications, etc.
- Asst. General Manager (IT) : 01 post on the Scale of SMG-V
- Credit Officers : 379 posts
- Security Officer : 16 posts
- Architect : 04 posts
- Electrical Engineer : 04 posts
- Civil Engineer : 06 posts
- Asst. Manager (Technical) : 41 posts
- Rural Development Officer : 100 posts
- Personnel Officer : 09 posts
- Rajbhasha Adhikari : 18 posts
- Fire Officer : 01 post
- Law Officer : 19 posts
Age : For every post the age as on 01/12/2011 must be between 21 and 35 accept for the post of Asst. General Manager (IT) - 21 and 43 And for Credit Officers---MMGS-III - 21 and 40.
Candidates are allowed to apply for only one post. The applications of candidates applying for more
than one post will be summarily rejected. Not more than one application should be submitted by any
candidate. Multiple Applications/Registrations will be summarily rejected and the application fee/
intimation charges forfeited.
CLICK HERE to know about the Post wise eligibility Criteria.
Probation Period: The selected candidate will be on Probation for a period of 24 months(2 years) of active service from the date of his/her joining the Bank.
Eligible candidates are required to apply only ‘ON-LINE’ through our website www.unionbankofindia.co.in. No other means/ mode of application will be acceptable.
For all other details and information about the submission of application, please visit http://www.unionbankofindia.