Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Union Bank of India - Specialist officer Recruitment, last date 31/07/2012

Union Bank of India (A Government of India Undertaking) 
Recruitment of  Specialist Officer in Union Bank of India  

Union Bank of India is a leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation. Bank invites online applications from eligible Indian nationals for the following posts of Specialist Officers. 

For some posts candidates should be Qualified in the Common Written Examination conducted by IBPS and should be holding a valid score card issued by IBPS

The selection process may involve written Test &/ or  Psychometric test & /or Group Discussion & / or a Personal Interview. The Bank reserves the absolute right to decide as to whether to hold all or any of the modes of Written Test & / or Psychometric test &/ or Group Discussion & /or Personal Interview for selection of the candidates to the respective post.  

The Bank also reserves the right to alter the structure of the written examination depending upon factors like number of eligible applications, etc.
    1. Asst. General Manager (IT) : 01 post on the Scale of SMG-V
    2. Credit Officers  : 379 posts
    3. Security Officer : 16 posts
    4. Architect : 04 posts
    5. Electrical Engineer : 04 posts 
    6. Civil Engineer : 06 posts
    7. Asst. Manager (Technical) : 41 posts 
    8. Rural Development Officer : 100 posts 
    9. Personnel Officer :  09 posts 
    10. Rajbhasha Adhikari : 18 posts 
    11. Fire Officer : 01 post 
    12. Law Officer : 19 posts

      Age : For every post the age as on  01/12/2011 must be between 21 and 35 accept for the post of Asst. General Manager (IT) - 21 and 43 And for Credit Officers---MMGS-III - 21 and 40.

      Candidates are allowed to apply for only one post. The applications of candidates applying for more 
      than one post will be summarily rejected. Not more than one application should be submitted by any 
      candidate. Multiple Applications/Registrations will be summarily rejected and the application fee/ 
      intimation charges forfeited.

      POST-WISE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (as on  01/12/2011) : 

      CLICK HERE to know about the Post wise eligibility Criteria.

      Applicaton Fee
       : Rs.100/- for General and OBC candidates (Rs.20/- for other candidates)  to be deposited in any Union Bank of India branch in India in cash by with the Application Fee Challan. 

      Probation PeriodThe selected candidate will be on Probation for a period of 24 months(2 years) of active service from the date of his/her joining the Bank.

      Eligible candidates are required to apply only ‘ON-LINE’ through our website  No other means/ mode of application will be acceptable. 

      Last date : Candidates are required to apply online at Union Bank of India website before  31/07/2012. 

      For all other details and information about the submission of application, please visit 

      Sunday, July 15, 2012

      Online Part Time Work from Home

      Hello Frnds!

      We at Viewsbook provides the opportunity for everyone to utilize your spare time in doing a part time work which can be done online on your computer. One need not to be highly educated, only internet browsing skills are required. If one can go to, that person can do this online work.

      This is home based work so it is useful and helpful for housewife, students, retired person, and who all can devote few hours a day on computer. One can work from home or cyber cafe.

      One can earn as per their potential. We do not preset any limit on your earning. Your earning depends on the time you spend on work on your computer. One can earn upto 10,000 Rs a month extra from their regular work. We will not commit for your earning limit as it depends on your own potential, however our past experience shows that one can earn 8-10,000 in a month easily.

      We provide the simple form filling online work for which we pay Rs. 2.00 for every successful approval of the form. Viewsbook will provide the guidance to fill the form.

      As the work for online form filling will be checked by the respective website to which you submit the form, there is no question of disapproval of work from our end. And from the past experience we have observed that 99-99.99% of the work got approved.

      Interested person can send their request at Please write Online part time work in the address line.

      Those who have already sent the email, need not to send it again.

      Team Viewsbook

      Faculty posts in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Agra University, last date 10/08/2012

      (Formerly Agra University)

      University invites applications for the following Faculty posts and other Staff posts on prescribed format in Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Agra University : 
      1. Professor : 06 posts in various subjects/disciplines
      2. Lecturer : 21 posts in various subjects/disciplines
      3. Readers : 13 posts in various subjects/disciplines
      4. Deputy Librarian : 01 post
      5. Assistant Librarian : 02 posts

      Qualification : As per U.P. University Acts and Statutes of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University , Agra U.P.

      Age: As per state govt rules.

      Application Fee: Bank Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST) drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra

      Way to Apply : Duly filled application forms on the prescribed format along with a DD should reach to Registrar (RW), Residential Unit, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra - 282004 (UP) latest by 10/08/2012 by Registered Post.  

      Application format can be downloaded from university website 

      For  more details and application format, please visit   

      SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination 2012

      STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION (SSC)CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003

      Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination 2012

      Staff Selection Commission will conduct an All India Open Examination  on 21/10/2012 & 28/10/2012 for the recruitment to the posts Data Entry Operator (DEO) and Lower Division Clerk (LDC).

      Scheme of Examination: The examination will consist of a written examination for both the posts. And skill test for the post of Data Entry Operator and Typing Test for the post of Lower Division Clerk on Computer.

      Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400/- for DEO and Rs.1900/- for LDC

      Age A candidate must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained  the age of 27 years as on 01.08.2012, for Data Entry Operator and Lower Division Clerk (i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 02.08.1985 and not later than 01.08.1994)

      Education Qualification Must have passed  12th Standard or equivalent or higher examination from a recognised Board or University.

      Application Fee

      (i)   For the candidates submitting the Paper Application: The candidates submitting Paper application should pay the fee by means of  "Central Recruitment Fee Stamps(CRFS)"only . CRFS are available at the counter of all Departmental Post Offices of the country. The candidate must submit their application to the concerned Regional Office/Sub Regional Offices of the Commission.

      (ii)  For the candidates submitting their applications On-line: The candidates submitting their  applications on-line should pay the requisite fee only through State Bank of India  in the form of challan or through SBI Net Banking. 

      Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Ex-serviceman eligible for reservation are exempted from paying the application fee. 

      Last Date : For filling of the offline application is 10/08/2012 (5PM) and last date is 17/08/2012 for candidates from far-flung areas.  Send your Applications to any Regional Director of SSC where you want to have your examination centre.  


      You can also Apply in  Online from at SSC website at or at  up to 08/08/2012 for Part-I registration and up to 10/08/2012 for Part-II Registration. (SSC online website  works best with Internet Explorer Browser)

      For more information, please view and application format for Offline application is available at 

      Various Faculty Jobs in Visva-Bharti University, last date 25/08/2012

      Shantiniketan, Birbhum, West Bengal

      Visva Bharati, a Central University and an “institution of national importance” invites application from the eligible Indian nationals for the following faculty positions available:
      1. Professor : 14 posts in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP Rs.10000
      2. Associate Professor : 17 posts in various subjects/disciplines, , Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP Rs.9000
      3. Assistant Professor : 22 posts in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 with AGP Rs.6000.
      4. Assistant Lecturer / Adhyapika (Lady in charge) : 13 posts in various subjects/ disciplines, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 with AGP Rs.5400 for Adhyapika and Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs. 4800/4600/4200
      Availability of Application Forms:  

      a) By post: Applications willbe made available by post, if written request (to Registrar’s Office, Visva-Bharati, P.O.-Santiniketan, Pin- 731235) is sent along with: 
      (i) a self addressed & stamped (Rs 15) envelope (size: 11 cm X 26 cm) & 
      (ii) prescribed application fee in the form of a/c payee Demand Draft drawn on State Bank of India, Santiniketan branch (2121) in favour of Accounts Officer, Visva-Bharati. * 

      b) By hand: Form are also available from same office, on submission of Cash Coupon of required value purchased from Cash Section, Accounts Office, and Santiniketan of the University. 

      c) From website: Applications form can be downloaded from University website (

      * Note: IPO/M O / e-transfer/ CRFS/ postage stamp/ revenue stamp etc will not be accepted. 

      Forms by post & by hand will be available only after 20th July 2012. However,  forms will be available in the website from today itself.

      Application fee :   
      a) For posts with AGP of Rs 9000 and above:            Rs. 800/- 
      b) For posts with AGP/GP of Rs 6000 and 5400 :      Rs. 400/- 
      c) For posts with GP of Rs 4800, 4600 and 4200:      Rs. 300/- 

      Way to Apply : Duly filled-in application form in prescribed format with 12 photo copies of filled-in form,  and one set  of attested photo-copies of testimonials/ certificates and two recent passport size photographs signed in full, by the candidate, should reach the the Registrar, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, Dist-Birbhum, Pin- 731235.

      Last date for submission of filled-in form: 25 August 2012 (before 5.00 p.m.)

      Various Jobs in RCFL at Officer & Managerial Level, last date 27/07/2012

      Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCFL) 
      (A Government of India Undertaking)

      RCF Ltd. is a progressive public sector undertaking in the business of manufacturing and marketing of Fertilizers and Industrial Chemicals. Employee strength is about 4100 and sales  turnover ( for the financial year 2011-2012) is about Rs. 6433.71 crores. RCFL provides excellent career growth to its employees.  

      RCFL invites applications for the following positions

      1. Officer (Finance) : 06 posts in E1 Grade– Rs. 16400 – 40500/-

      Minimum Qualification:  Chartered Accountant (CA) or  Institute of Cost and Works Accountant (ICWA)

      Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 is 26 years. 

      2. Senior Officer (Finance) : 06 posts in E2 Grade–Rs. 20600 – 46500/-

      Minimum Qualification:  Chartered Accountant (CA) or Institute of Cost and Works Accountant (ICWA) or B. Com (Regular and Fulltime) with minimum 55% marks in last year and PostGraduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime)  from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in Finance Management with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in the final year / last two semesters. 

      Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 is 29 years. 

      3. Senior Engineer (Mechanical) : 10 posts in E2 Grade- Rs. 20600-46500

      Minimum Qualification: Graduate (4 years Regular and Full Time course) in Mechanical Engineering  from Govt. recognized engineering college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC)  with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in last two years / last four semester.

      Preference shall be given for candidates having experience in Fertilizer and Chemical industry having exposure to SAP. 

      4. Senior Engineer – Boiler Proficient : 04 posts in E2 Grade- Rs. 20600-46500

      Minimum Qualification: Engineering Graduate  (4 years Regular and Full Time course) in Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical / Powerplant / Production / Instrumentation  Engineering  from Govt. recognized engineering college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC)  with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in last two years / last four semester. Additional qualification of Boiler proficiency certificate is essential. 

      Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 is 28 years. 
      5. Dy. Manager (Human Resource) : 02 posts in E3 Grade – Rs.24900-50500/-

      Minimum Qualification - Graduation (Regular and Fulltime) in any discipline (basic qualification) with minimum 55% marks in last year  and Post-Graduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime) from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in HR / Personnel / Welfare / Industrial Relations with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in the final year / last two semesters. Additional qualification in Law will be preferred. Proficiency in  Marathi  is desirable.  

      Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 is 31 years. 

      6. Officer (Human Resource) : 01 post in E1 Grade- Rs. 16400-40500 

      Minimum Qualification: Graduation (basic qualification) (Regular and Fulltime)  in any discipline with minimum 55% marks in last year  and Post-Graduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime) from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in HR / Personnel / Welfare / Industrial Relations with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in the final year / last two semesters. Additional qualification in Law is essential. Proficiency in Marathi  is desirable.  

      Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 is 28 years. 

      Selection Procedure : From all the application received the shortlisted candidates will be called for Personal Interview. The Company reserves the right to call only those candidates who according to its decision, rank high in terms of eligibility criteria from the applications received. 

      Merely meeting the minimum eligibility criteria will not make any candidate automatically entitled for being called for interview. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

      Application Fee : Demand Draft from any nationalized bank for an amount of Rs.500/- drawn in favour of “Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd.,” payable at Mumbai (No application fees for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates and the Children /Family members of the victims of 1984 riots).
      Way to Apply The duly completed application along with attested photo copies of all Educational certificates and Mark sheets starting from SSC, HSC, Graduation (all Years semester wise), Post-Graduation  and other certificates, accompanied by a Crossed Demand Draft of Rs 500/  should reach to the office of General Manager (HR) C. , Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited, 1st Floor, Room No. 108, Administrative Bldg, Chembur, Mumbai - 400074 on or before 27/07/2012.

      For all the details and Application Format, Please visit

      Friday, July 13, 2012

      Recruitment of Assistant Managers in DMRC, last date 02/08/2012

      Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC) A Joint Venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi

      Requirement of  Executives for Operations/Stores (Material Management)/ Legal & Human Resource Department of in Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC)   

      The  Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd is a joint venture company of  Govt. of India and Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi. It has been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of the rail based Mass Rapid transit System for Delhi. 

      DMRC invites applications  from dynamic, experienced and highly motivated personnel having experience of working in Govt/PSU/Private organizations preferably having experience in major construction projects for the following opening in Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. The appointment shall be on direct recruitment basis as per details mentioned below in  DMRC : 
      1. Asst. Manager (Operations) : 07 posts (UR-5, OBC-1, SC-01)
      2. Asst. Manager (Stores/ (Material Management) : 01 post (UR)
      3. Asst. Manager (Human Resource) : 02 posts (UR-1, OBC-1)
      4. Asst. Manager (Legal) : 02 posts (UR-1, OBC-1)
          Age as on 
          01-07-12 should not more than 
          28 years with 
          relaxation of age 
          of 3 years for 
          OBC and 5 years 
          for SC/ST

          Application Fee : 
          UR & OBC candidates are required to pay a Non-refundable fee of  Rs.325/- and SC/ST 
          candidates  are required to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 75/-

          Application Procedure : Application in the prescribed format along with the non-refundable crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED, payable at New Delhi indicating on the reverse of the DD, their name & address, telephone no. if any should be sent to Executive Director (HR), Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd, Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001 

          Last DateThe duly filled in application form should be sent in an envelope super scribing on the cover prominently - Name of Post/Category (Gen/OBC/ST/SC) latest by  02/08/12 by speed post at the following address:

          Executive Director (HR)
          Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd
          Metro Bhawan Fire Brigade Lane,
          Barakhamba Road
          New Delhi.

          For more details and application format,  please visit  .