Thursday, September 27, 2012

Recruitment of Single Window Operator A (Clerk) in PNB, last date 10/10/2012

Punjab National Bank (PNB)

Punjab National Bank (PNB) invites online applications for  Single Window Operator A Clerical post from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination (CWE) for recruitment in Clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in Nov-Dec 2011.

Number of Posts: 2985 posts in various states (UR-1611 ,SC-695, ST-166, OBC-513) (PH-90, Ex.SM-420) Pay Scale : Rs.7200-19300/-

Eligibility Criteria
Age : 20-25 years, relaxation in age as per rules.

Educational Qualifications : Graduate in any discipline with 50% marks  OR equivalent qualification from the University/Institute recognized by the Govt. of India and working knowledge of MS Office.

Selection for the post of SWO-A  will be made  on the basis of performance in 
Common Written Examination (CWE) for the post of Clerk held during Nov.-Dec 2011 conducted by IBPS and/or  Personal Interview etc. The Bank reserves the right to change the selection procedure, if necessary. 
PERSONAL INTERVIEW: Depending on the number of vacancies, the Bank 
reserves the right to call only those candidates for Personal Interview to assess their suitability for the post, who have sufficiently high IBPS score in the stipulated Common Written
    Application Fee : Rs.100/- (Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PC/EXSM candidates) to be deposited any Branch of PNB through a voucher challan which is available on PNB website.

    How to Apply : Apply Online only at Punjab National Bank website from 26/09/2012 to 10/10/2012

    Kindly visit for Detailed information and link to online submission of Application from as well as payment voucher.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Recruitment Meritorious Sports persons in Income Tax, last date 25/10/2012

    Income Tax Department

    Office of the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCA), Delhi

    IIIrd Floor, Central Revenue Building, I. P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002

    Recruitment of Meritorious Sportspersons in the Income Tax Department, Delhi 

    Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi invites applications for the recruitment of meritorious Sports persons in different games/ sports. The details of the posts and number of vacancies are given below:

    1. Inspector of Income Tax : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4600
    2. Tax Assistant : 25 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200–20200 grade pay Rs. 2400
    3. Stenographer Gr.II : 07 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200–20200 grade pay Rs. 2400
    Essential Educational Qualification: 

    1. For Inspectors : Degree of a recognised university.

    2. For Assistants : 
    a. Degree of a recognised university.
    b. Having Data Entry Speed of 8000 key depressions per hour.

    3. For Stenographer Gr II
    a. 12th class pass or equivalent from recognised board.
    b. Skill Test and Transcription
    Age : 18-27 years as on 25/10/2012

    How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send to The Additional Commissioner of Income-Tax (HQ - Personnel) Personnel, Room No. 378, IIIrd Floor, Central Revenue Building, I. P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002 on or before25/10/2012.
    Please view file for details and application format.

    Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    Recruitment of Technical Assistant in Lok Sabha Secretariat , last date 22/10/2012

    Parliament of India (Joint Recruitment Cell)
    Lok Sabha Secretariat

    Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for filling up vacancies for the posts of Technical Assistants in Lok Sabha Secretariat 

    Number of Posts : 02 posts (UR-2), 
    Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay  Rs. 4600
    Age limitUpper age limit is 45 years for the post.

    Methods of Recruitment and Qualification :

    (a) Deputation or 
    (b) Transfer on permanent absorption basis;  By selection of persons from Central/State Governments or State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies, fulfilling the following conditions: 
    (i) Diploma in Electronics or Computer Science from a recognized University/Institute.  AND 
    (ii) 02 years experience in operation, repair and maintenance of Computers, Projectors and other electronic equipments.                               
    (c) Direct  Recruitment;  or 
    (d) Short Term Contract  
    (i) Diploma in Electronics or Computer Science from a recognised University/Institute. AND  
    (ii) 02 years experience in operation, repair and maintenance of Computers, Projectors and 
    other electronic equipments.  

    Eligible candidates will have to appear in aptitude test (100 marks) and personal interview (25 marks).  Only those candidates who qualify the aptitude test will be allowed to appear in the personal interview. The candidates will have to secure the minimum qualifying marks in aptitude test as well as in personal interview.  Selection will be made on the basis of the performance of the candidates both in the aptitude test and personal interview, subject to availability of vacancies. The minimum cut off percentage of marks is 50% for all categories of candidates.

    How to Apply : 

    Eligible candidates have to apply in typewritten form for the above post, either in English or in Hindi, strictly in the prescribed format.  The format of application can be downloaded from the website under the link ‘Recruitment’.

    Applications complete in all respects in the prescribed format should be sent by post only to: The Joint Recruitment Cell, Room No. 521, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi -110001 

    Last date: The last date for receipt of applications is 22/10/2012. (7 days more for candidates from far-flung areas)

    Complete information along with application format is available at

    Saturday, September 22, 2012

    Recruitment of Data Entry Operators in Rajasthan Power, last date 05/10/2012

    Jaipur Discom - Jaipur Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited - JVVNL

    Applications are invited through Online for appointment on vacant posts of  Data Entry Operators  in The Power Sector Companies of Rajasthan State engaged in Generation, Transmission & Distribution of Electricity.

    The following Power Distribution Companies of Rajasthan State invites application for Data Entry operator :

    Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, 
    Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited and 
    Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited 

    Number of Posts: 807  posts Number of vacancies can be ncreased/decreased by the concerned Nigam at any time. 

    Educational qualificationGraduate ( in any discipline) of a University established by law in India.
    Degree in computer science/ computer application or electronics of a University established by law in India  

    Pay Scale : Rs. 5200- 20200 , Grade Pay Rs.1900

    Emoluments/Salary:  The persons selected for the aforesaid post will be appointed as Probationer Trainee for a period of two years, during which they will get fixed remuneration of Rs.  6100/- per month. Except fixed remuneration no allowance will  be payable. On successful completion of probation training period, they will be fixed in Pay Band of  Rs. 5200-20200 and will get initial basic pay of Rs. 7580/- (including grade pay) with other allowances.  

    Age : 18-33 years, Relaxation in age as per rules. 

    Application Fee
    : Rs.500/- (Rs.300/- for OBC and Rs.200/- for SC/ ST/ PH) to be paid in any branch of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur.

    Selection Procedure:  A common written competitive examination shall be conducted. There shall be one common question paper, however exam will be conducted separately for each company at different centers on same date.

    Part I :Written Examination

    General  Awareness, General English, Elementary Mathematics & Fundamental knowledge of Computer

    Part-II :  Speed Test 

    6000 key depression on computer in Hindi & English 

    Duration of Online application:   11.09.2012 to 05.10.2012

     How to Apply : Apply Online upto 05/10/2012 at power discom websites only.

    Please visit  for all the detailed information and a link to apply online.

    Friday, September 21, 2012

    Recruitment of Medical Officers in Delhi Hospitals, last date 05/10/2012

    Health and Family Welfare Department
    Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi

    Applications are invited for filling up vacant post of Medical Officers in various Hospital/Institutions of Government of NCT of Delhi Purely on Contract Basis. The appointment will be initially for one year or till such time the posts are filled up on regular basis through UPSC, whichever is earlier.

    Number of Posts : 250 posts (UR-128, SC-37,ST-18, OBC-67) (PH-8) on contract basis, 

    Age : 32 years, Payment : Rs.53000/- per month, 

    Essential qualification for Medical Officer:-
    1. A recognized MBBS Qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or
    Part-II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualification included in partII of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
    2. Completion of compulsory rotating internship:- Candidates who may not have completed rotating internship shall be eligible to appear for the written
    examination provided that, if selected, they shall have satisfactorily completed the compulsory internship before appointment as contained in DHS Rules, 2009.
    3. The candidate must be registered with Delhi Medical Council before
    appointment to the Post.
    4. The essential educational qualification shall be as per subsisting DHS, Rules, 2009.

    Mode of Selection
    There shall only be a written examination. This written examination shall be organized by the Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.

    How to Apply : The eligible candidates may apply to the Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2-Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002, in the pre scribed format, along with prescribed fee (non-refundable) of Rs. 1500/- (For General  & OBC Category) and Rs.750/- (For SC/ST) The application should reach to the O/o the Registrar (Academic),Boys Common Room (BCR), MAMC.

    Last Date : The applications in the prescribed format along with certified copies of educational qualification and experience may reach Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2-Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-2 by 05.10.2012 up to 4:00 p.m.

    Applications received after due date and time shall not be entertained. Applications may also be enclosed with a demand draft of Rs. 1500/- in favor of Dean, MAMC payable at New Delhi. However, applicants of reserved category belonging to SC/ST, the demand draft payable is only Rs. 750/-.

    For further details with regard to format of application, Qualification, Age limit,Examination fee, other terms and conditions and mode of selection, please visit the College Website and Website of the Department of Health & Family Welfare

    Recruitment of Hindi Translators on tenure basis in NLC, last date 06/10/2012

    Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC)

    NLC, a leading Public Sector Enterprise, under the Ministry of Coal running in profit over three decades, is is looking for well experienced Official Language cadres to take up the post of Hindi Translator (on Tenure Basis) for its units and facilities located in various parts of the country.

    Number of posts:  14 posts

    Age : Should have completed 55 years and should not have completed 62 years as on 01/09/2012,

    Educational Qualification 
    (i) Master of Arts in Hindi with English as a subject at graduation level from a recognized university (or) 
    Master of Arts in English with Hindi as a subject at Graduation Level (or) Master’s Degree in any subject in Hindi Medium with Hindi & English (both) as compulsory subjects upto graduation level.

    (i) One Year Diploma / Certificate Course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa from an 
    institute recognized by Government of India;
    (ii) Hindi Typing with minimum speed of 25 words per minute;
    (iii) Computer knowledge in English and Hindi software(s).

    Pay : Fixed remuneration of  Rs.20000/- per month

    How to Apply : The filled in Application Form, duly signed and affixed with passport size color photograph, should be sent to  The Manager (HR), Recruitment Cell, Human Resource Department, Corporate Office, Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, Block-1, Neyvelli  – 607801, Tamilnadu so as to reach on or before 06/10/2012

    Selection Procedure: Selection will be based on evaluation of Hindi Typing/working in Computer and Personal Interview

    Vacancy at Assistant Grade I posts in NPCIL, last date 10/10/2012

    Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)

    Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL), a premier central Public Sector Enterprise, under the Department of Atomic Energy involved in design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Nuclear Power Reactors, invites application for the post of Assistant Grade-1 to share these challenging spectrum of responsibilities.

    Name of the Posts

    Assistant Grade-1(HR) - 3 posts
    Assistant Grade-1(Finance & Accounts) - 4 posts
    Assistant Grade-1(C&MM) - 4 posts

    Educational QualificationA Bachelor’s Degree in Science or Commerce or Arts with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.

    For Finance & Accounts, Commerce Graduates,For Contracts and Materials Management, Science Graduates (with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and Commerce Graduates will be preferred.

    40 words per minutes typing speed on PC. Preference will be given to those candidates who posses knowledge ofHindi Typing also.

    Should have passed a Certificate Course of a duration of not less than 6 months on MS-Windows Operating System and Desktop application such as MS Office (Word, Excel,Access, Power Point) e-mail management and inter-net surfing.

    Age Should be at least 21 years, but not more than 28 years. Relaxable in the age limit for SC/ST candidates will be 5 years and 3 year for OBC candidates.

    Mode of Selection(a) Written examination (b) Typewriting Test on PC (c) Computer Proficiency Test (d) Personal Interview

    Pay Scale : Successful candidates will be considered for appointment to the post of Assistant Grade-1 (HR/Finance/CMM) in the Pay Band `5200-20200 with Grade Pay `2400/- (plus other allowances of Central Dearness Allowance, Children Education Assistance, Canteen subsidy, Site Allowance, Cable TV reimbursement, News paper reimbursement, Medical Assistance, Site conveyance allowance, Washing allowance,Family Accommodation, school facility etc as admissible from time to time as per Corporation Rules) respectively.

    How to ApplyThe application should be submitted in the proforma given in the advertisement,preferably type written on thick A4 (30/21 cms) size paper. The outer cover should be superscribed ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ____________________ against Advertisement No.4/HRM/2012.

    Application format can also be downloaded from our website

    Last Date : Duly signed and completed application in all respects may be sent to Manager(HR), HRM Section, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam-603 102. Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu so as to reach us on or before 10.10.2012.