Sunday, May 27, 2012

Law Clerk Trainee vacancy in Uttarakhand High Court, last date

High Court of UttarakhandNainital

Applications are invited from all eligible candidates for the post of  Law Clerks Trainee 

Number of Posts : 09 posts  
Fixed Honorarium :  Rs. 20000/- purely contractual for a fixed term of one year, 
Age : 21-26 years, 
Qualification : Three Years Professional/ Five Years Integrated Degree in Law from a reputed Law College or recognized University.

Application Fee :  Rs. 150/- through postal order or bank draft in favour of Registrar General, High Court of Uttarakhand at Nainital.

Way to Apply : The application form along with one duly attested copy of Certificates and testimonials regarding along with two self addressed envelope  each bearing postage stamps worth Rs. 22/- should be sent to the Registrar General, High Court of Uttarakhand at Nainital either by Speed Post, Registered Post with AD or through Courier on or before31/07/2012.

please visit  for more detailed information like and application format.

Engineers required in Plasma Research for various discipline, last date 04/06/2012

Institute for Plasma Research (IPR)Near India Bridge, Bhat Village, District Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

The Institute for Plasma Research is a premier scientific institute under the Department of Atomic Energy; Govt. of India.  

Applications are invited from highly motivated and result oriented candidates for the posts of :
  • Engineer (Project) (Electrical) : 02 posts
  • Engineer (Project) (Electronics and Communication) : 02 posts
  • Engineer (Project) (Instrumentation and Control) : 03 posts
  • Engineer (Project) (Mechanical) : 02 posts
  • Scientist (Project) : 01 post
  • Safety Assistant (Project) : 01 post
  • Technical Assistant (Project) (Electrical/ Power Electronic/ Electronics/ Mechanical) : 06 posts
  • Tradesman (Project) (Electrician) : 02 posts
Way to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should reach The Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Institute for Plasma Research at the above address on or before04/06/2012. The envelope should be strictly superscribed with Advt. No. and Post Applied for.

For more information, please visit  

 Application Format is available at

Assistant Professor required in NIT Kurukshetra, last date 20/06/2012

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (NIT) (Deemed University - Under Ministry of HRD, Government of India) 
Kurukshetra-136119 (Haryana)

Special Recruitment drive for SC/ST/OBC and PwD Candidates 

NIT Kurukshetra invites application from Indian nationals belonging to SC, ST, OBC and PwD categories for the position of Assistant Professor in the following disciplines:

Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Humanities & Social Sciences, Business Administration and Computer Applications.

Number of Posts: 55 posts (Sc-13, SSC PWD - 01, ST-09, OBC - 29 and OBC PWD - 3)

Fee : A bank demand draft of Rs.200/- in favour of Director, NIT Kurukshetra payable at SBI, NIT, Kurukshetra (Code No.6260).  However, SC, ST and PwD candidates are exempted from paying an application fee.

    Way  to Apply : Applicants have to apply in prescribed format duly filled in all respects along with attested copies of necessary documents must reach the Registrar, NIT, Kurukshetra-136119 at Institute website on or before 20/06/2012 by 5.30 p.m.

    Details of application and format  is available at

    Assistants required in NIDM, Delhi. last date 10/06/2012

    National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) (Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India),
    New Delhi - 110002 (India) 

    Applications are invited by National Institute of Disaster Management for the following posts on contract basis :

    1. Project Assistant : 02 posts, Salary: Rs.20,000 pm (consolidated)
    2. Office Support Staff : 01 post,  Salary: Rs.8,000 pm (consolidated)
    3. Research Assistant : 01 post,  Salary: Rs.25,000 pm (consolidated)
    4. Programmer : 01 post,  Salary: Rs.35,000 pm (consolidated)

    Way to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 10/06/2012 in  an enveloper superscribing "Application for the post of ........." to the Executive Director, National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM),5-B, IIPA Campus, IP Estate, Mahatma Gandhi Marg,  New Delhi - 110002 (India) 

    Please view for details and application form.

    Law Clerk Trainee vacancy in Allahabad High Court, last date 30/06/2012


    Applications are invited for the post of  Law Clerk Trainee on the Establishment of High Court, Allahabad on contract basis

    Number of Posts:  51 posts

    Fixed Honorarium : Rs. 10000/-, 

    Age : 21-36 years,

    Qualification: Law Graduates or those who have appeared in final year/ semester examination and results are awaited

    Computer knowledge, i.e., Data Entry, Work Processing and Computer Operations.

    Selection Procedure: For making selection, competence would be judged on the basis of the interview only, which will be held either at Allahabad or at Lucknow. No T.A. will be payable for attending the interview.

    Application Fee :  Rs. 150/- to be paid through Postal Order or Bank Draft in favour of Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad.

    Way to Apply : The application form along with duly attested copies of Certificates and testimonials along with two self addressed envelope each bearing postage stamps worth Rs. 22/- should be sent to the Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad either by Speed Post, Registered Post with AD or through Courier on or before 30/06/2012.
    For more information and Application Form, visit

    Officers and Assistant requires in Supreme Court of India, last date 25/06/2012

    SUPREME COURT OF INDIATilak Marg, New Delhi-110001 (India)
    Applications are invited in the prescribed form  Indian citizens who fulfill the essential qualifications and other eligibility conditions for following posts : 
    1. Branch Officer (System Administrator) : Pay Scale : Rs.1560-39100 grade pay Rs.6600
    2. Court Assistant (Technical Assistant-cum-Programmer) : Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4200

    Way to Apply : The applications in a separate sealed cover indicating Application for the post of
    “Branch Officer (System Administrator)” and “Court Assistant (Technical Assistant-cum-Programmer)” thereon and addressed to Registrar (Admn.I), Supreme Court of India, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110001 

    The appointment will be on contract basis and will be initially for a period of one year. Candidates selected for appointment on contract basis shall have no right for regular appointment on the post. 

    Last Date: Applications may be sent so as to reach him on or before 25/06/2012

    For more information and application format, visit

    Friday, May 25, 2012

    Recruitment of Trainees in SAIL Burnpur Plant, last date 21/06/2012

    Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) (A Government of India Enterprise) 
    IISCO Steel Plant, Burnpur - 713325, District Burdwan (West Bengal)

      IISCO STEEL PLANT, a unit of STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED, invites applications from competent personnel for recruitment to the following posts:
    1. Operator cum Technician (Trainee) S-3 Grade :280 Posts in various disciplines
    2. Attendant cum Technician (Trainee) S-1 Grade : 194 Posts in various disciplines
    3. Attendant cum Technician (Trainee) (Crane Operation)S-1 Grade : 20 Post
    4. Operator cum Technician (Boiler Operation S-3 Grade : 13 posts

    (1)   Eligibility Conditions:
    i)     Qualification:
    Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee)
    3 years full time Diploma in engineering in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Metallurgy/ Chemical/ Ceramics/ Civil, and Instrumentation discipline from Govt. Recognised Institution.
    Matriculation and ITI in Fitter/ Welder/ Electrician/ Air conditioning /Refrigeration/ Electronics & Communication/ /Draughtsman/Machinist/Turner trades from Govt. Recognised Institution.
    Attendant-cum-Technician(Trainee) (Crane operation)
    Matriculation and ITI from Govt. Recognised Institution. Desirable: Experience of minimum one year in Operation of EOT cranes of more than or equal to 100 Tonnes capacity.
    Operator-cum-Technician  (Boiler Operation)
    Diploma in Engg. from Govt. / Recognised Institution with 2nd Class or  1st Class Certificate of Boiler Competency.

    ii)           Age in years (as on 1/3/2012)

    Ex - Serviceman
    Maximum age for Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee), Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) and Attendant -cum-Technician (Trainee) (Crane operation)
    Relaxation of 10 yrs from the ages mentioned for respective category.
    Relaxable as per Government Directive
    Maximum age for Operator-cum-Technician  (Boiler Operation)
    Relaxation of 10 yrs from the ages mentioned for respective category.
    Relaxable as per Government Directive

    Fee : Rs. 250/- for Operator cum technician and Rs.150/- for Attendant cum Technician post  (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD) to be deposited in any SBI branch through a payment challan.

    Selection Procedure :  Written Test, Interview, and Medical Examination.

    Way to Apply :   Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply only through SAIL

    Last Date: The online registration would be open from 21.05.12   to   21.06.12