Sunday, July 29, 2012

Assistants & Interpreter required in Parliament of India, last date 27/08/2012

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for filling up vacancies for the following posts  in Lok Sabha Secretariat  :

A. Parliamentary Interpreter Grade-II : 02 posts (Marathi-1, Tamil-1), 

Pay Scale :  Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 5400, Age : 35 years

Qualification & Experience : Master’s degree in English or any other discipline (with English as a medium of instruction) from a recognised university with regional language concerned up to Degree Level.  
Desirable:  (1) Experience in translation or interpretation work.  (2) Certificate in computer course recognised by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)/ Department of Electronics Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) or courses equivalent to 'O' Level in terms of syllabus and duration of course as prescribed by DOEACC.

B. Hindi Assistant : 29 posts (UR-22, OBC-3, SC-3, ST-1), 

Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay  Rs. 4600, Age : 27 years

    Qualification & Experience–Master's degree in Hindi from a recognised university with English as a subject at the Degree Level  OR  Master's Degree in English from a recognised university with Hindi as a subject at the Degree Level OR Master's Degree in any subject from a recognised university with Hindi and English as  subjects at the Degree Level OR Master's Degree in any subject with Hindi medium from a recognised university and English as a subject at the Degree Level  OR Master's Degree in any subject with English medium from a recognised university and Hindi as a subject at the Degree Level.

    Selection Procedure :Eligible candidates will have to appear in written examination/ personal interview as per the following scheme:

    Parliamentary Interpreter Grade-II  

    I. Oration Test: Candidates will be subjected to an Oration test which will be of 200 marks. During the Oration test, a candidate will be required to speak ex-tempore in English for 3 minutes on any one of the 7 given topics.  The objective is to assess fluency; language content; style, pronunciation and accent; material content; and voice of the candidates. 

    II. Written Test: Only those candidates who qualify the Oration Test at the requisite standards will be allowed to appear in a Written test comprising the following papers: 
    (i) Translation from concerned language to English which will be of  200 Marks (1 Hour); and 
    (ii) 50 Multiple choice objective type questions each on General Knowledge & Current Affairs; General English; and General regional language concerned - 150 Marks (75 Minutes). 

    Candidates will have to qualify both papers of the Written Test and components thereof at the requisite standards. Only those candidates who qualify the Written Test will be allowed to appear in the Simultaneous Interpretation Test. Prior to that they would be provided one or two-day training in simultaneous 

    III. Simultaneous Interpretation Test  from concerned language to English (10 Minutes) which will be of  200 Marks. The performance of the candidates will be assessed under five specific parameters, i.e. Coverage; Accuracy; Style and Diction; Continuity of Interpretation; and Voice, Pronunciation and Accent. Only those candidates who qualify the Simultaneous Interpretation Test at the requisite standards will be allowed to appear in the Personal Interview. 

    IV. Personal Interview: The personal interview will carry 50 Marks. Candidates will have to qualify the Personal Interview at the requisite standards. From amongst the candidates who qualify Personal Interview, selection will be made on the basis of the overall performance of the candidates in the Oration Test, Written Test, Simultaneous Interpretation Test and Personal Interview, subject to availability of vacancies.

    Hindi Assistant

    I Preliminary Examination:

    The marks secured by the candidates in this paper will not be counted while preparing the final selection list. Only those candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in each component and aggregate in the Preliminary Examination will be called for the Main Examination.

    General Knowledge and Current Affairs 
    General English 
    General Hindi 
    (150 multiple choice objective type questions consisting of 50 questions in each part.) 

    II  Main Examination:

    Translation from English to Hindi (50 Marks)
    Translation from Hindi to English (50 Marks)
    English Essay, Précis and Grammar*
    Hindi Essay, Précis and Grammar*

       * Essay (25 Marks), Précis (15 Marks) and Grammar (10 Marks)

    From amongst the candidates who secure the minimum qualifying marks in each component of Papers I and II above, selection will be made on the basis of the overall performance of candidates in the Main Examination, subject to the availability of vacancies. 

    How to Apply : Applications complete in all respects in the prescribed format should be sent by post only to: The Joint Recruitment Cell, Room No. 521, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi -110001  Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected.

    Last date : Applications should be received on or berfore 27/08/2012. (7 days more for candidates from far-flung areas)

    Complete information along with application format is available at

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