Industrial Development Bank of IndiaIDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai- 400005
Number of Posts : 500 posts (UR-253, OBC-135, SC-75, ST-37) (PH-15)
Age : 20-30 years as on 01/07/2012
Pay Scale : Rs.14400-1000(19)-33400-1250(6)-40900
Eligibility Criteria :
The category wise minimum Total Weighted Standard Score (TWSS) required for being eligible to apply are given below:
General and OBC 156 out of 250
SC/ST 131 out of 250
PWD 106 out of 250
Applicants are expected to have proficiency in computers.
IDBI Bank Ltd., owned by Government of India, is a leading provider of complete range of retail and corporate banking services to its clients. The Bank is aggressively expanding its operations.
IDBI Bank Ltd. invites online applications for the post of Assistant Manager-Grade ‘A’ from eligible applicants who have taken the 1st Common Written Examination (CWE) for Probationary Officers conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) and advertised in July 2011
Age : 20-30 years as on 01/07/2012
Pay Scale : Rs.14400-1000(19)-33400-1250(6)-40900
Eligibility Criteria :
As on the cut-off date, the applicants should possess a Graduation degree from a recognized University. The applicants should have qualified the 1st Common Written Examination conducted by IBPS. (Cut off date: July 01, 2011)
General and OBC 156 out of 250
SC/ST 131 out of 250
PWD 106 out of 250
Applicants are expected to have proficiency in computers.
Age relaxation : The SC, the ST, OBC, PWD and Ex servicemen applicants will be extended age relaxation as per the Government of India guidelines.
Application Fee : Rs.100/-(Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM). Applicants are required to make payment of the fee in cash at any of the branches of IDBI Bank Ltd. (IDBI Bank) or State Bank of India (SBI).
The payment of fee would be accepted only during the banking hours at the respective
bank’s branches as under:
1. Opening date for receipt of application fee and
charges -
July 26, 2012
2. Closing date for receipt of application fees & charges - August 09, 2012
The list of documents required in support of the eligibility criteria are detailed below:
(a) Age: 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/certificate or school leaving certificate.
(b) Educational Qualifications:
-Graduation and Post Graduation
-All semester-wise or year-wise individual mark sheets.
-Degree or provisional pass certificate.
(c) Work Experience: If declared in the application form, please bring Copies of experience Certificate from the past and current employers, Offer Letters, Relieving Letters, Pay/Salary Slips clearly indicating the date of joining and date of relieving for each of the past/previous employer(s).
The experience certificate/testimonials produced by the applicant’s should
indicate the date of joining and relieving, designation at the time of joining, date of promotion with designation, if any.
(d) Caste Certificate: If declared, Copy of Caste or Tribe or Class Certificate for SC, ST and OBC
(f) Applicants seeking age relaxation under any other clause must attach a copy of the certificate/documentary evidence issued by the Competent Authority.
(g) Photo identity certificate (PAN card/ Driving License/ passport/ voters ID card) 7
(h) Score Card issued by IBPS for the 1st CWE (both original and attested copy)
(i) Call letter for interview
(j) The counterfoil of the challan (Bank's copy) as proof that the requisite fee amount has been deposited.
(k) Print out of the online application form for the post of Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ for IDBI Bank Ltd.
How to Apply : Apply Online at IDBI website from 26/07/2012 to 09/08/2012 only. Applicants are required to have a valid personal email ID (the same e-mail id and contact number as registered with IBPS CWE PO/MT 2011). It should be kept active atleast till the completion of the entire recruitment process. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/ mention email ID to/ or of any other person.
Selection Procedure:The Selection Process will comprise of Personal Interview (PI)
Interview Centers
The PI would be held at following 15 centers viz. Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Chandigarh, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kanpur, Kochi, Mumbai, New Delhi and Patna.
The address of the venue will be advised in the call letter.Applicants are advised to visit the Bank's website to download the online call letter for PI in the month of September/ October 2012 by entering their registration number and password.
Kindly visit for details and link to online submission of application from 26/07/2012 onwards.
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