Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Officer Trainee and Officer IS vacancy in HPCL, last date 20/06/2012

(A Government of India Enterprise) Regd. Office : 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai - 400020.

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited is a leading “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise engaged in Refining, Distribution and Marketing of Petroleum Products. 

HPCL recruiting Officer Trainees and Information Systems Officers. HPCL invites application for the position of Officer Trainees under various discipline and welcomes  bright, young & dynamic Engineering  and Management Graduates to join HPCL team of world class professionals.

  1. Officer Trainee - Engineering Disciplines :  45 posts (UR - 22, SC - 07, ST - 04, OBC - 12), Age : 25 years as on 20/06/2012.
  2. Officer Trainee - Engineering Disciplines (SC/ST/OBC-NC/ Backlog) :  36 posts (SC - 08, ST - 23, OBC-NC - 05), Age : 25 years as on 20/06/2012. 
  3. Officer Trainee – Quality Control / Operations : 09 posts (UR - 04, SC-01, ST - 01, OBC – NC - 03), Age : 27 years as on 20/06/2012
  4. Officer Trainee- Quality Control / Operations (Backlog Positions) : 08 posts (SC - 02, ST -05, OBC-NC - 01), Age : 27 years as on 20/06/2012
  5. Officer Trainee - CSR : 03 posts  (UR-02, OBC–NC - 01), Age : 27 years as on 20/06/2012
  6. Officer Trainee – CSR (Backlog Positions) : 02 posts (SC -01, ST - 01), Age : 27 years as on 20/06/2012
  7. Information Systems (IS) Officer : 12 posts (UR-6,SC–2, ST-1, OBC-NC-3). , Age : 30 years as on 20/06/2012.
  8. Information Systems (IS) Officer (Backlog position): 10 posts (SC–2, ST-6, OBC-NC-2) , Age : 30 years as on 20/06/2012
Stipend :  During the training, the Trainees will get Rs.33000/- per month as stipend and after successful completion of training, they will be absorb in the pay scale Rs.24900-50500. (CTC Rs.8 Lac per annum approx.)
    Application Fee : Rs.535/- (Rs.135/- no fee from SC/ST/PH candidates) to be deposited in the SBI through Challan in HPCL Powerjyoti A/c at any branch or can be deposited online by Debit/ Credit Cards. 

    Way to Apply
     : Apply online at HPCL website from 29/05/2012 to 20/06/2012 only.

    For further information and apply online kindly visit 

    Specialist Officer recruitment in Punjab & Sind bank, last date 15/06/2012

    Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB)
    A Government of India undertaking

    Recruitment of Specialist Officers by Punjab & Sind Bank  for the Officers level posts.  Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens in the prescribed format for the following posts:
    1. Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) : 01 post in SMGS-V scale  
    2. Chartered Accountant : 15 posts in MMGS-III Scale
    3. Chartered Accountant : 35 posts in MMGS-II Scale  
    4. Information Technology (IT) Officer : 125 posts in JMGS-I Scale
    5. Agriculture Field Officer : 100 posts in JMGS-I Scale 
    6. Official Language Officer (Rajbhasah-Hindi) : 15 posts in JMGS-I Scale 
    7. Technical Officer : 10 posts (Civil-8, Electrical-2) in JMGS-I Scale
    For the details of Qualification and pay scales, kindly refer to the banks website. 

    Way to Apply
     : Applicants needs to apply online at banks website only from 01/06/2012 to 15/06/2012.

    For details and online submission  of application, please visit Recruitment Section at   from 01/06/2012 onwards. 

    Rural Banks Officer and Office Assistant posts, last date 25/06/2012

    Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400101

    IBPS invites applications  for the first CWE for Rural Banks Officer posts (Scale-I,II and III) and Office-Assistants.  CWE will be conducted on 02/09/2012 for Officers and 09/09/2012 for Office-Assistant posts.

    The  successful candidates in the Common Written Exam (CWE) will be given a scorecard and may apply to any of the participating rural bank when they come up with their respective job vacancy and then those successful candidates can quote their personal details and CWE scores. The provided score card will be valid for one year from the date of issuance.

     Each of the partcipating bank will issue individual recruitment notifications, details of  vacancies, pay scale, eligibility criteria etc. separately.

    Way to Apply for IBPS CWE :  Candidates are required to apply Online at IBPS website from 01/06/2012 to 25/06/2012 only.

    Do not Forget: 

    • Payment of Online Application Fees : 01/06/2012 to 25/06/2012 
    • Payment of Offline Application Fees : 04/06/2012 to 30/06/2012 
    • Start date of Online submission of Application : 01/06/2012
    • Last date for online submission of Application :  25/06/2012
    • Date of CWE Exam : 02/09/2012 for Officer and 09/09/2012 for Office-Assistant.
    For all details and procedure to apply online, please visit  from 01/06/2012 onwards. 

    Para-Medical jobs in BSF, May 2012, Last Date 25/06/2012

    Directorate General Border Security Force (BSF)
    Government of India (Ministry of Home Affairs)

    Applications  are invited from Indian citizens for the appointment to various posts of Para Medical staff Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ (combatised) in Border Security Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

    The details of posts and pay scale is mentioned below:

    1. Assistant Sub-Inspector (Pharmacist-Qualified) : 31 posts (SC-13, ST-12,  OBC-6) , Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2800/-.

    2. Assistant Sub-Inspector (Lab Technician) : 01 post (OBC-1) , Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2800/-.
    3. Constable (Masalchi) : 02 posts (OBC-2) , Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2000/-
    4. Constable (Table Boy) : 01 post (OBC-2) , Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2000/-
    5. Constable (Peon) : 02 posts (OBC-2) , Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2000/-

    Way to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to  the respective IG BSF in different States of India as per the details given in the advertisement.

    Last Date: Application should reach on or before 30 days from the date of publication in Employment Neww (published on 26/05/2012 in the Employment News and hence the last date is 25/06/2012.

    For details and more information and application form, please visit

    Recruitment of 1000 Clerks in Syndicate bank, last date 15/06/2012

    Syndicate Bank invites applications from Indian citizens for the appointment of Probationary Clerks  who have taken the Common Written Examination for Clerical Cadre conducted by IBPS in Nov./Dec.2011 and have a valid Score card issued by IBPS.

    Number of Posts : 1000 posts, 
    Pay Scale : Rs.7200-14500, 
    Age :  21-30 years.
    Qualification: Graduation

    The Clerical recruitment  would be on State/UT-wise basis.  It will therefore be necessary that 
    candidates apply for vacancies of State/UT from which they have appeared for the Common Written 
    Examination in which they have qualified. 

    Way to Apply: Apply Online at Bank's website.

    Last Date: Candidates can apply from 01/06/2012 to 15/06/2012 only.

    The number of vacancies and also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and may 
    vary according to actual requirements of the Bank.

    Please view for details and Online submission of application from 01/06/2012 onwards. 

    Sunday, May 27, 2012

    Recruitment of Engineers & Management Trainees in OHPC

    Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC)
    Bhubaneswar - 751022

    Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC), an ISO 9001:2008 certified Gold rated state PSU  (with installed capacity of 2062 MW), a professionally managed leading profitmaking State Power Utility with 6 (six) multi location projects and one inter-State Project is on a high growth trajectory in both Hydro & Thermal space.

    Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC) intends to recruit young, bright and energetic individuals for following posts : 

    • Graduate Engineer Trainees (Electrical) : 22  posts 
    • Graduate Engineer Trainees (Mechanical)  : 06 posts
    • Graduate Engineer Trainees (Civil) : 01 post
    • Management Trainee (HRD) : 03 posts
    • Management Trainee (Finance) : 02 posts
    • Diploma Engineer Trainee (Electrical) : 09 posts
    • Diploma Engineer Trainee (Civil) : 08 posts
    Age: A candidate must be above 21 years and below 32 years as on 01.05.2012. The Upper age limit relaxable by 5 (five) years in case of SC, ST, S E B C , Ex- Serviceman and Woman candidates and 10 (ten)  years in case of PH Candidates. In case of Ex- servicemen, the age relaxation will be considered as per Orissa Ex-Servicemen (Recruitment to state civil Services and posts) Rules, 1985.


    For Graduate Engineer Trainees and Management Trainees:
    The GETs & MTs  shall be paid a consolidated stipend of Rs.18,000/- per month + medical allowance at a fixed rate of Rs.200/- per month and an additional amount of Rs.1000/- per month shall be paid to trainees if posted at Balimela, Mukhiguda, Khatiguda and Potteru as Remote Area Allowance.

    For Diploma Engineer Trainees:
    The DETs shall be paid a consolidated stipend of Rs.12,000/- per month + medical allowance at a fixed rate of Rs.200/- per month and an additional  amount of Rs.1000/- per month shall be paid to trainees if posted at Balimela, Mukhiguda, Khatiguda and Potteru as Remote Area Allowance.

     : A/C payee Demand Draft for Rs.350/- (not from SC/ ST and PH candidates) drawn in favour of Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Ltd., payable at Bhubaneswar
      Way to Apply : Apply Online at OHPC website from 28/05/2012 to 16/06/2012 only. Download the system generated application form and should be sent by ordinary post to Post box No.2752, GPO, Kolkata - 700001 t

      Last Date: Application should reach on or before 23/06/2012.

      Please view  for details and application form.

      Indian Navy 10+2 Technical Cadet Officer, Dec-2012, last date 18/06/2012


      Become a Permanent Commissioned Officer in 10+2 (Technical) Cadet (B.Tech.) 
       Course Commencing - December 2012 

      Applications are invited by Indian Navy from unmarried male candidates to join the prestigious Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala.

      Age : Between 17 to 19 years (candidates to be born between 02 July 1993 to 01 January 1996 both dates inclusive)
      Educational Qualifications : Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 pattern) or its equivalent from University/Board with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English either in class X or class XII.
      Physical Standards : Hight and Wieght : Minimum height Male - 157 cms, with correlated weight. Eye Sight - The minimum acceptable standard for distant vision 6/12, 6/12 correctable to 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/night blind.

      Starting Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400 plus MSP Rs.6000/-

      Way  to Apply: Apply Online at Nausena Bharti website by clicking at Officer Entry button under the option Apply Online from25/05/2012 to 18/06/2012. Take two copies of the submitted application form and send it to : Post Bag No. 4, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110021

      For details and to apply online, kindly visit  at