Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Specialist Officer recruitment in Punjab & Sind bank, last date 15/06/2012

Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB)
A Government of India undertaking

Recruitment of Specialist Officers by Punjab & Sind Bank  for the Officers level posts.  Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens in the prescribed format for the following posts:
  1. Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) : 01 post in SMGS-V scale  
  2. Chartered Accountant : 15 posts in MMGS-III Scale
  3. Chartered Accountant : 35 posts in MMGS-II Scale  
  4. Information Technology (IT) Officer : 125 posts in JMGS-I Scale
  5. Agriculture Field Officer : 100 posts in JMGS-I Scale 
  6. Official Language Officer (Rajbhasah-Hindi) : 15 posts in JMGS-I Scale 
  7. Technical Officer : 10 posts (Civil-8, Electrical-2) in JMGS-I Scale
For the details of Qualification and pay scales, kindly refer to the banks website. 

Way to Apply
 : Applicants needs to apply online at banks website only from 01/06/2012 to 15/06/2012.

For details and online submission  of application, please visit Recruitment Section at   from 01/06/2012 onwards. 

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