Thursday, May 17, 2012

Executive Trainee vacancy for various discipline in KMML, last date 31/05/2012

The Kerala Minerals And Metals Limited (KMML)(A Government of Kerala Undertaking)
Sankaramangalam,Chavara, Kollam, Kerala, India -691583

KMML requires Executive Trainees in the various disciplines. Candidates should possess 1st class Degree in Engineering and candidates with MBA will be given preference (only male candidates need to apply) for it Titanium Dioxide Pigment Unit.

Executive Trainees are required for following discipline:
  1. Executive Trainee (Chemical) : 11 Posts (SC-1, ST-1) 
  2. Executive Trainee (Mechanical) : 04 Posts (ST-1)
  3. Executive Trainee (Electrical) : 05 Posts (ST-1)
  4. Executive Trainee (Instrumentation) : 02 Posts 
  5. Executive Trainee (Civil) : 02 Posts
  6. Executive Trainee (Personnel) : 02 Posts
  7. Executive Trainee (Accounts) : 02 Posts

Age : Upto 28 years 

Stipend  and Pay Scale : Stipend : Rs. 12000/- per month for first years and Rs. 14000/- in second year, will be absorbed to the post of Accounts Officer in the pay scale of Rs.25475-56920. 

Way to Apply : Type written application giving complete resume with recent photograph, enclosing self attested copies of all required certificates should reach to Joint General Manager (P&A), The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd., PB No.4, Sankaramangalam, Chavara, Kollam-691583 upto 31/05/2012
Please view  for more details.

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