Sunday, July 29, 2012

Assistant Commandants Examination, 2012 for CAPF, last date 27/08/2012

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069 

Assistant Commandants in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) Examination , 2012
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold a written Examination on 11th November 2012 for recruitment of 401 posts (BSF-94, CRPF-223, CISF-44, ITBP-26, SSB-14) of Assistant Commandants (Group A) in the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) viz BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP and SSB.

Age : Not less than 20 years and not more than 25 years as on 1st August, 2012. The upper age is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC and certain other categories of candidates to the extent specified in the Notice.

Educational Qualification: Bachelor's degree of any recognised university or an equivalent qualification.

Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to the Regulations given in notice.

Sex : Both male and female candidates are eligible for appointment to CRPF and CISF. However, only male candidates are eligible for appointment to BSF, ITBP and SSB.

Possession of NCC B or C Certificate will be a desirable qualification. The desirable qualifications will be given consideration at the time of Interview/ Personality Test only.

Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/-

Selection Procedure : Selection will be based on the basis of a written examination to be conducted on 11/11/2012 by the UPSC followed by Physcial Standards/ Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Standards Test to be conducted by the Miistry of Home Affairs and the Personality Test/ Interview to be conducted by UPSC.

Written Examination: The written examination to be conducted by Union Public Service Commission will be held on 11th November, 2012  and will comprise two papers. Paper I will be held from 10 a.m. to 12.00 Noon and Paper II will be held from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Paper I  : General Ability and Intelligence - 250 Marks
The questions in this paper will be of Objective (Multiple Answers) Type in which the questions will be set in English as well as Hindi.

Paper II : General Studies, Essay and Comprehension - 200 Marks
In this paper candidates will be allowed the option of writing the Essay Component in English or Hindi, but the medium of Precis Writing, Comprehension Components and other communications/language skills will be English only.

Candidates who are declared qualified in the written examination will be summoned for Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests.  Those candidates who meet the prescribed Physical Standards, specified in Appendix-VI, will be put through the Physical Efficiency Tests 

Interview/Personality Test : Candidates who are declared qualified in the Medical Standards Tests, will be called for Interview/Personality Test to be conducted by Union Public Service Commission.

Final Selection/Merit: The merit list will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the Written Examination and Interview/ Personality Test.

Application Form: Candidates are required to apply Online at UPSC website, however for certain candidates, offline facility is available and these candidates must apply in the Common Application Form devised by the Commission for its examinations, which can be purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/ Post offices throughout the country against cash payment of Rs. 30/- only.

Application Fee: Rs.200/- (SC/ST/Women candidates are exempted) to be deposited in Branches of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/ State Bank of Hyderabad/ State Bank of Mysore / State Bank of Patiala/ State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.

How To ApplyCandidates are required to apply  online  only by using the website . Brief instructions for filling up the online Application Form have been given in Appendix-II of the advertisement. Detailed instructions are available on the above mentioned  website. 

Last dateThe Online Applications can be filled upto 27th August, 2012 till 11.59 pm, after which  the link will be disabled.
    Candidates can obtain details of the examination at and instructions etc. 

    In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications,
    candidature etc. candidates can contact UPSC’s Facilitation Counter near ‘C’ Gate of its campus in person or over  Telephone No. 011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on working days between 10.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs

    Saturday, July 28, 2012

    Faculty Posts in Gautam Buddha University, Uttar Pradesh, last date 16/08/2012

    Gautam Buddha University (GBU)Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida - 201310 (UP)

    GBU is sponsored by the New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA) and the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) and is supported by Government of Uttar Pradesh. Gautam Buddha University (GBU) invites applications for faculty positions of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor levels in following disciplines/ subjects :
    1. School of Engineering : 25 posts (UR-10, OBC-10, SC-05)
    2. School of I.C.T : 20 posts (UR-9,OBC-4, SC-7)
    3. School of Biotechnology : 02 posts (SC)

    Pay Scale : 
    1. Professor in the pay scale of Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 10500/-
    2. Associate Professor in the pay scale of  Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 9500/-
    3. Assistant Professor in the pay scale of Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs. 8000/-
    How to Apply :  Interested Candidates should download the format of application form University website and send it along with supporting documents. To “The Registrar, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar  – 201310 (U.P.) India”. 

    The number of posts at each level is not fixed as flexible staff structure is adopted by the University. 

    Last date : Applications should be received on or before 16/08/2012.

    For the details experience required and application form, please visit at

    Sr. Assistant in Airport Authority of India (Southern), last date 10/09/2012

    Airport Authority of India (AAI) 
    AAI invites applications for the following Job positions in Southern Region from the domicile candidates of Tamil nadu, Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry and Lakshadweep

    Number of PostsSenior Assistant (Electronics) : 22 posts (UR-14, OBC-4, SC-2,ST-2), 
    Pay Scale : Rs.14500 - 33550/-
    Age : 30 years, 
    Qualification : 3 years Diploma in Electronics, Telecommunication,  Radio Engineering OR B.Sc.
    Experience :  Two years in relevant field
    Selection Process : Written Test and Interview
      Application Fee :  Draft for Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Airports Authority o India, payable at Chennai.  SC/ ST / Women candidates are exempted from payment of fees.

      Way to Apply : Candidates may submit their application on plain paper (separately for each post along with attested copy of relevant certificates) in Hindi / English in the prescribed to The Regional Executive Director, Airports Authority of India, Southern Region, Chennai – 600027(the envelope should be super-scripted by “Application for the post of _________ )"

      Last date : Application should reach  on or before 10/09/2012.

      Please view  for details and application format.

      Recruitment of Clerical Staff in Associate Banks of SBI, last date 13/08/2012

      Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) Corporate Centre, Mumbai

      Online Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment in Clerical Cadre in Associate Banks of State Bank of India. Candidates can apply for vacancies in one Bank/State only and will have to appear for written test from a centre of that particular state. For example, candidate applying to SBH in Andhra Pradesh state can appear from Andhra Pradesh only.

      Number of Posts7740 posts (SC-1241, ST-466, OBC-1926, UR-4107) in various states (SBBJ-1400, SBH - 1880, SBIN -240, SBM-800, SBP-1160, SBT-2500)

      Scale of Pay: Rs. 7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500-800/1-19300

      Age : 18 to 28 years (as on 01.08.2012). Age relaxation as per Govt. rules.

      Educational Qualification (as on 01.08.2012)
      i) Minimum 12th Standard (10 + 2) pass or equivalent qualification with a minimum of aggregate 60% marks (55% for SC/ ST/ PWD/ XS).
      ii) A degree (Graduation level) from a recognised university.

      Emoluments: Selected candidates will be paid emoluments as applicable to Award 
      Staff under various Rules/Awards/Settlement in force in the employer Bank from time to 
      time. At present, the total starting emoluments of a Clerical Cadre employee payable are 
      around Rs. 14200/- per month for Graduates inclusive of D.A. and other allowances at the current rate in a metro city.

      Probation period: The newly appointed employees will be on probation for a minimum period of 6 months. Before the probation period comes to an end, the performance of the newly recruited employees will be evaluated and the probation period of those employees whose performance fails to meet Bank’s expectation, may be extended.

      Selection Procedure : Final selection will be made on the basis of performance in the written test  on 07/10/2012 and 14/10/2012 and interview for selected candidates taken together. 
      The written test will be of Objective type consisting of 
      (i) General Awareness
      (ii) General English 
      (iii) Quantitative Aptitude 
      (iv) Reasoning Ability 
      (v) Marketing Aptitude / Computer Knowledge. 

      The questions in objective tests, except for the test of General English, will be printed bilingual i.e., English & Hindi

      Application Fee : Rs. 350/- (for SC/ST/PWD/XS Rs.50/- only) to be deposited in any branch of SBI and get receipt. Details of the payment should be entered in online application form.

      Important Dates to Remember:

      On-line Registration of Applications From :            30.07.2012
      Last Date for Registration of Online Applications :  13.08.2012
      Payment of Fees - Offline :                                  01.08.2012 to 17.08.2012
      Payment of Fees - Online :                                  30.07.2012 to 13.08.2012
      Dates of Written Examination :                            07.10.2012 and 14.10.2012

      For more information and online submission of application, please visit the recruitment page at SBI website OR

      Friday, July 20, 2012

      Recruitment of Asst. Manager in IDBI Bank, last date 09/08/2012

      Industrial Development Bank of IndiaIDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai- 400005

      IDBI Bank Ltd., owned by Government of India, is a leading provider of complete range of retail and corporate banking services to its clients. The Bank is aggressively expanding its operations. 

      IDBI Bank Ltd. invites online applications for the post of Assistant Manager-Grade ‘A’ from eligible applicants who have taken the 1st Common Written Examination (CWE) for Probationary Officers conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) and advertised in July 2011

      Number of Posts : 500 posts (UR-253, OBC-135, SC-75, ST-37) (PH-15)
      Age : 20-30 years as on 01/07/2012
      Pay Scale : Rs.14400-1000(19)-33400-1250(6)-40900

      Eligibility Criteria : 
      As on the cut-off date, the applicants should possess a Graduation degree from a recognized University.  The applicants should have qualified the 1st Common Written Examination conducted by IBPS. (Cut off date: July 01, 2011)

      The category wise minimum Total Weighted Standard Score (TWSS) required for being eligible to apply are given below: 

      General and OBC              156 out of 250 
      SC/ST                           131 out of 250 
      PWD                              106 out of 250 

      Applicants are expected to have proficiency in computers.  

      Age relaxation : The SC, the ST, OBC, PWD and Ex servicemen applicants will be extended age relaxation as per the Government of India guidelines.

      Application Fee : Rs.100/-(Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM)Applicants are required to make payment of the fee in cash at any of the branches of IDBI Bank Ltd. (IDBI Bank) or State Bank of India (SBI).

      The payment of fee would be accepted only during the banking hours at the respective 
      bank’s branches as under:  

      1. Opening date for receipt of application fee and 
      charges - 
      July 26, 2012 
      2. Closing date for receipt of application fees & charges - August 09, 2012 

      The list of documents required in support of the eligibility criteria are detailed below: 
      (a) Age: 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/certificate or school leaving certificate.  

      (b) Educational Qualifications: 
       -Graduation and Post Graduation 
      -All semester-wise or year-wise individual mark sheets. 
      -Degree or provisional pass certificate. 
      (c) Work Experience: If declared in the application form, please bring Copies of experience Certificate from the past and current employers, Offer Letters, Relieving Letters, Pay/Salary Slips clearly indicating the date of joining and date of relieving for each of the past/previous employer(s). 

      The experience certificate/testimonials produced by the applicant’s should 
      indicate the date of joining and relieving, designation at the time of joining, date of promotion with designation, if any. 
      (d) Caste Certificate: If declared, Copy of Caste or Tribe or Class Certificate for SC, ST and OBC 

      (f) Applicants seeking age relaxation under any other clause must attach a copy of the certificate/documentary evidence issued by the Competent Authority. 

      (g) Photo identity certificate (PAN card/ Driving License/ passport/ voters ID card) 7 

      (h) Score Card issued by IBPS for the 1st CWE (both original and attested copy)  
      (i) Call letter for interview 

      (j) The counterfoil of the challan (Bank's copy) as proof that the requisite fee amount has been deposited. 

      (k) Print out of the online application form for the post of Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ for IDBI Bank Ltd. 

      How to Apply : Apply Online at IDBI website from 26/07/2012 to 09/08/2012 only. Applicants are required to have a valid personal email ID (the same e-mail id and contact number as registered with IBPS CWE PO/MT 2011). It should be kept active atleast till the completion of the entire recruitment process. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/ mention email ID to/ or of any other person.

      Selection Procedure:The Selection Process will comprise of Personal Interview (PI)

      Interview Centers
      The PI would be held at following 15 centers viz.  Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Chandigarh, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kanpur, Kochi, Mumbai, New Delhi and Patna. 

      The address of the venue will be advised in the call letter.Applicants are advised to visit the Bank's website to download the online call letter for PI in the month of September/ October 2012 by entering their registration number and password.

      Kindly visit for details and link to online submission of application from 26/07/2012 onwards.

      Thursday, July 19, 2012

      Recruitment of Teaching and Non-Teaching staff in Sikkim University

      Sikkim University6th Mile, Samdur, Tadong P. O., Gangtok – 737102

      SIKKIM UNIVERSITY, a Central University, located in peaceful and beautiful natural surroundings of Sikkim in Eastern Himalayan region, is being designed in such a way so as to make it known for academic excellence and research, for its all inclusive institutional character and a strong instrument of regional 
      development and cross-border integration. The University is trying to bring in the best practices of academic programs, teaching methods and curriculum designing and management system from both within and outside India and build modern environment friendly infrastructure. 

      Applications are invited from dynamic and forward looking Indian citizens for the following Teaching and Non-Teaching positions for appointment on Regular / Contract basis in Sikkim University  : 

      Teaching Positions (Regular): in the Departments of 

      1. Social Systems and Anthropology; 
      2. Psychology; 
      3. Economic Studies and Planning; 
      4. Geography and Natural Resources  Management; 
      5. Asian Languages (Chinese); 
      6. Nepali Language and Literature; 
      7. Hindi Language and Literature; 
      8. Physical Sciences ; 
      9. Chemical Sciences; 
      10. Mathematics and Statistics;
      11. Microbiology; 
      12. Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies; 
      13. Peace and Conflict Studies and Management; 
      14. International Relations/Politics; 
      15. Floriculture and Horticulture Management; 
      16. Journalism and Mass Communication; 
      17. Earth Sciences; 
      18. School of Policy Planning and Studies; 
      19. Ethno-Botany and Social Medicine Studies; 
      20. Music; 
      21. Management and Commerce and 
      22. Computer Sciences & Applications.

      Teaching Position (Contractual): Assistant Professor in English Language for English remedial classes on contractual basis.

      Non-teaching Positions
        1. Chief of Administration (Registrar) [for 25 months residual period]
        2. Chief of Finance (Finance Officer) [5 years tenure position]
        3. Internal Audit Officer [on deputation]
        4. Executive Engineer
        5. Deputy Manager (Assistant Registrar)
        6. Senior Executive (Section Officer)
        7. Executive (Assistant)
        8. Hindi Typist
        9. Nursing Attendant.
       Teaching posts :  
      1. Professor in Pay Band Rs. 37400‐67000 with AGP of Rs. 10000
      2. Associate Professor in Pay Band Rs. 37000‐67000 with AGP of Rs. 9000
      3. Assistant Professor in  Pay Band Rs. 15600‐39100 with AGP of Rs. 6000
      Educational Qualification and Experience required
      To know about the educational qualification and experience requirement information, visit 

      Way to Apply : Interested scholars with strong sense of commitment to build a new institution of international standard may apply with all documents and processing fee of Rs.300/‐ (Rs.150/‐ for SC/ST/DA candidates) addressed to the Registrar, Sikkim University, 6th Mile, P.O. Tadong 737102, Gangtok, Sikkim 

      Last Date: Application should received on or before 17/08/2012. The envelope should superscribe the post applied for.

      Please visit  for details and application format.

      Wednesday, July 18, 2012

      Engagement of Financial Services Executives in LIC, last date 31/07/2012

      Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

      Engagement of Financial Services Executives

      LIC invites applications for approximately 66 Financial Services Executives are proposed to be engaged for 2012-13 by various Divisional Offices of Northern Zone on Contract basis for 3 years ( Renewable for one year twice depending on the performance) under the jurisdiction of Northern Zonal Office, New Delhi

      Qualification : Graduate from a recognized University. Preference will be given to the candidates having Degree /Diploma in Marketing/ Management. Good working knowledge of English and Hindi is must. Knowledge of Power Point/ Word / Excel will be added qualification. 

      Age : The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age and be 35 years of age as on 01.07.2012. Age relaxation as per rules. 

      Selection ProcedureSelection will be made on the basis of a written test if felt necessary & will be followed by an Interview of candidates who qualify in the written test. Written Test will be of Objective Type covering Test of Reasoning, Numerical Ability and General Knowledge. 

      The date and venue of the written test, if to be conducted, will be communicated to the eligible candidates individually. 

      Application Fee : For all candidates (other than SC/ST category) A Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of "LIC of India" payable at Divisional Headquarter. SC/ST/PH candidates are not required to pay any fee. Name of candidates and date of birth should be written on the back of the DD.

      Way to Apply : Application Form completed in all respects with enclosures should be posted in a closed cover with a superscription on the cover “Engagement of Financial Services Executives, _________ Division, to the concerned Divisional office address.

      Last date: Application Form together with Demand Draft towards application fees should reach to to the concerned Divisional office address on or before 31/07/2012. 

      For the list of Division office address CLICK HERE

      For more details and application form, please visit