Sunday, August 12, 2012

Recruitment of Paramedical Staff (Trainees) in HAL, last date 22/08/2012

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
Bangalore - 560001

HAL is currently looking for Paramedical Staff (Trainees) in the following Disciplines/Areas for appointment in HAL Medical & Health Unit including First Aid Centers of the Divisions in Bangalore   :

  1. Audiologist Trainee : 01 post
  2. Lab Technician Trainee : 01 post
  3. Staff Nurse Trainee : 12 posts
  4. Refractionist Trainee : 01 post
  5. Dialysis Technician Tainee : 02 posts
  6. Pharmacist Trainee : 02 posts
  7. Midwife Trainee : 02 posts
  8. Dresser Trainee : 09 posts
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a Navaratna Central Public Sector undertaking, is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia, with 20 Production/Overhaul/Service Divisions and 10 co-located R&D Centers spread across the Country. HAL’s spectrum of expertise encompasses design, development, manufacture, repair, overhaul and upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-engines, Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories, Avionics & Systems and Structural Components for Satellite & Launch Vehicles. 

HAL, over the last six decades, has grown progressively into an integrated Aerospace Organization with the indigenous design & development of Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH-Dhruv), Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT) & Light Combat Aircraft (LCA-Tejas). The ongoing major projects & programmes include ALH (both in military & civil roles), IJT, LCA, Pilotless Target Aircraft (PTA), Su-30 MKI & Hawk – Advanced Jet Trainer. Aligning with the emerging future requirements, HAL has conceptualized the indigenous development of Light Combat Helicopter (LCH), Combat Air Trainer (CAT), naval & trainer versions of LCA, Multi Role Transport Aircraft (MTA), Medium Lift Helicopter (MLH) etc.

Age : Maximum Age limit is 28 years as on  01.08.2012. Reservation / concessions for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen & PWD categories would be made as per Government Directives. 

Emoluments : 

During the training period, trainees will be paid the following Emoluments per month as admissible to them. 

Scale               Stipend      Accommodation Allowance   Pay Scale (Revised) 
D-6                Rs.14939/-          Rs.2775/-                      9250-27170 
C-5                Rs.14131/-          Rs.2625/-                      8750-25670 
B-4                Rs.13324/-          Rs.2475/-                      8250-23490

Application Fee :  The application fee of Rs.100/- (exempted in case of SC / ST / PWD category)  to be deposited to the ‘HAL HOSPITAL’ bearing account number 10918220668 at any core banking branches of State Bank of India only in the prescribed Challan and a Journal number be obtained. Journal number given by the Bank on payment of fees needs to be entered in the ONLINE application form while applying. No other form of payment is accepted.  

Selection Procedure :Eligible candidates short-listed based on the initial screening only will be called for Written Test.  Candidates qualified in the written test will only be called for  Personal Interview. Date, Time and Venue of the Written Test/Interview will be intimated to the short-listed/eligible candidates by E-mail / HAL Website.  Candidates short listed for Written test / Interview are required to bring the certificates / documents (Original and attested Photocopies) in proof of Age, Qualification, Experience, Training, Caste, Disability (As applicable), Ex-Servicemen discharge book, Employment Exchange Registration card etc and passport size photographs at the time of Test/Interview.  

How to Apply : Apply Online at HAL Website on or before 22/08/2012.

Please visit
halonlinereg/main.aspx for details and Online application format. 

Recruitment of Postal Assistants in Kerala Postal Circle, last date 01/10/2012


Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants/ Postal Assistants Savings Bank Control Orgnisation in Kerala  Postal Circle 

Applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment for the posts of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants for different offices in Kerala Postal Circle.

  1. Postal Assistants : 83 posts in various divisions
  2. Sorting Assistants : 70 posts
  3. Postal Assistants : 27 posts in Saving Bank Control Organisation
The vacancies notified are likely to vary /change without any prior intimation. 

Scale of Pay: Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade pay of Rs. 2400 + admissible allowance. 

Age Limit: 18-27 years; 
The Age limit is relaxable for Applicants belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe Applicants  up to 5 years and for Applicants belonging to Other Backward Classes up to 3 years and for Government servants up to the age of 40 years in accordance with the Instructions or orders issued by Government of India from time to time. 

Age relaxation for Ex-servicemen would be as per extant orders of government  of India issued from time to time. 

Educational Qualification: (i) 10 +2 Standard or 121h Class pass with at least 60 % marks and above, from any recognized University/Board of School Education, Board of Secondary Education with  English as a compulsory subject (excluding vocational streams) for OBC candidates, 55 % and above for Other Backward Classes and 45% and above for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes shall apply. 

(ii)  Should have studied local language of the State or Union Territory of the Postal Circle concerned or Hindi as a subject at least in Matriculation or equivalent.

Pattern of Examination:- The Applicants shall be subjected to an Aptitude Test with a total 100 marks covering the following subjects/topics. Aptitude Test (PaperI) will be comprising following four parts.  The total duration of the Aptitude Test will be 2 hrs (120 Minutes). There is no negative marking

Computer/ Typing Test (Paper-II): The Typing Test shall be for a duration of 30 minutes (15 minutes each for Typewriting and data entry) consisting of one passage of 450 words in English or 375 words in Hindi to be typed with a minimum speed of 30/25 words per minute respectively & Data entry of some figures and letters each carrying equal marks on Computers. The typing test and test of data entry operations will be conducted on Computer key board but not on type writer. 

The final merit shall be prepared on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained by the Applicants in the Aptitude Test (Paper I) only subject to their qualifying in Computer/Typing test( Paper 11). Allocation of successful candidates will be as per SI. 25.1 of the Information Brochure/ Instruction sheet. 

Cost of Application Form: The Application Form is sold at a Price of Rs. 50 and the sale will be through All Head Post offices and identified Post offices in the Circles. The sale will commence from 11-08-2012 and last date for sale closes on 25-09-2012. There will be no sale after 25/09/2012.

Application Fee : The Applicants have to pay the prescribed Examination fee of Rs. 200 and it should be deposited in an identified Post Office of this circle and obtain ACG-67/UCR receipt. 


Applications received without prescribed fee receipt shall be summarily rejected.

How to apply: The Applicants have to carefully read & follow the instructions given in Information Brochure/ Instruction sheet supplied along with Application form in filling the same. The Applications which do not conform to the conditions are liable to be rejected summarily.

Last date for receipt of Applications by the Recruitment agency  is fixed as  01-10-2012 and for those residing in Assam/ Meghalaya/Arunachal Pradesh/Mlzoram/Manipur/ /Nagaland/Tripura/Sikkim/ Ladakh Division of  J  &K state, Lahaul & Spiti District of Himachal Pradesh and Pangi sub division of Chamba Dist in Himachal Pradesh Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep will be 11-10-2012.

Recruitment.aspx for more information and other details.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Specialist Officers Vacancy in Corporation Bank, last date 23/08/2012

Corporation Bank (A govt. of India enterprise) 

Corporation Bank is a leading Public Sector Bank of India. Bank invites online  applications from eligible Indian Citizens for following 170 posts of  Specialist Officers :-

For those who have valid score card of CWE conducted by  IBPS for Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees in 2011-12, the posts are  :

    1. Personnel Officer : 10 posts, Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years 
    2. Official Language Officer : 15 posts, Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years  
    3. Information Technology (Computer) Officer : 50 posts, Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years 
    4. Agriculture Field Officer : 175 posts, Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years  
    5. Law Managers : 11 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years 
    Following Specialist Officer posts are direct i.e. candidates without IBPS exam score cards can apply -
    1. Junior Economist : 01 post,  Pay Scale : JMGS-I Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 20-30  years    
    2. Economist : 01 post, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 20-30  years 
    3. Architect : 02 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 20-35  years
    4. Civil Engineers : 07 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 20-35  years
    5. Electrical Engineers : 07 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years
    6. Risk Manager : 06 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years
    7. Security Manager : 13 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 45  years
    8. Forex Manager : 30 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years
    9. Credit Manager : 100 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-II Rs. 19400-28100/-, Age : 35  years 
    10. Company Secretary : 01 post, Pay Scale : MMGS-III Rs. 25700-31500/-, Age : 35  years
    11. Information Security Auditors : 02 posts, Pay Scale : MMGS-III Rs. 25700-31500/-, Age : 35  years

    Application Fee : Rs.200/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) for the direct market posts from sl. no. 6-16 and Rs.100/-  for the posts no. 1-5 (Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) to be paid by a challan form in any branch of the Corporation bank.

    Last Date : Apply Online only at Corporation bank website from 07/08/2012 to 23/08/2012

    Kindly visit Careers section at Corporation Website at  for Detailed information and link to online submission of Application.

    Sunday, August 5, 2012

    ONGC Graduate Trainees Recruitment - 2012 Delhi, last date 26/08/2012

    Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC)Jeevan Bharti Building, Tower-II, 124, Indira Chowk, New Delhi - 110001  

    ONGC is looking for promising, energetic and young Geo-Scientists, Engineers, MBAs and CAs/ ICWAs with a bright academic record  to join the organisation as  :

    • Class-I Executives (E-1)  in the pay scale of Rs.24900-50500 in the following disciplines - 
      1. Geology
      2. Geophysics
      3. Reservoir
      4. Chemistry
      5. Programming
      6. Production
      7. Drilling
      8. Cementing
      9. Mechanical
      10. Electrical
      11. Electronics & Telecommunicaitons
      12. Instrumentation
      13. Civil
      14. Transport
      15. Finance
      16. HR
      17. Medical
      18. Security
    Application fee  : Rs 500/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid by payment challan.

    Selection Procedure : Eligible candidates will be required to appear for written test on 07/10/2012. 

    How to Apply : Apply online from 04/08/2012 to 26/08/2012 at ONGC website only.

    Please visit  for details, payment challan  and online submission of the application from .

    Faculty and non-faculty posts in MDU Rohtak, last date 24/08/2012

    Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU)Rohtak (Haryana)

    Applications are invited on the prescribed form obtainable from the University Publication Cell for the following for the following Teaching posts and Non-Teaching posts : 
    1. Professor : 06 posts
    2. Associate Professor : 16 posts 
    3. Assistant Professor : 33 posts
    4. Finance Officer : 01 post 
    5. Sub Divisional Engineer (Elect.) : 01 post
    6. Assistant Librarian (For University Library)  : 01 post
    7. Assistant Librarian : 01 post
    The vacancies are for the Department of Chemistry, Centre for Bioinformatics, Centre for Medical Biotechnology, Department of Public Administration, Institute of Management Studies & Research (IMSAR), Department of Defence  & Strategic Studies, Department of Library & Information Science, Department of Microbiology, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Department of Political Science, Department of Geography, Department of Computer Science & Applications, Department of Economics, Dept. of Computer Science & Applications
      Way to Apply : Only those possessing prescribed qualifications may apply along with attested copies of testimonials of each class of the required/concerned course(s) (from Matric & onwards) and demand draft of Rs.500/-(Rs.125/- for SC/BC) and (Rs.100/- extra for the form downloaded from the website, if any), in favour of Finance Officer, M.D.University, Rohtak to the Registrar 

      Last date :  Application should be received latest by24/08/2012

      Detailed information for Educational Qualification and Selection Criteria please visit at 

      Chartered Accountant Vacancy in Bank of Maharashtra, last date 21/08/2012

      Bank of  Maharashtra(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

      BANK OF MAHARASHTRA , leading listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Pune and all India network of branches invites ON-LINE Applications,  from candidates for recruitment to the post of specialist  Officers.

      Bank is looking for talented professionals with winning attitude to be partners in the growth journey of the Bank through shouldering the responsibility, as Specialists Officers for the following Discipline :

      Chartered Accountant 
      Number of Posts: 30 posts (UR-16,OBC-8,SC-4,ST-2) 
      Pay Scale : MMGS-III Rs. 25700 - 31500
      Age : 25-35 years Relaxation in age for SC/ST & PWD candidates as per Govt. guidelines.
      Educational qualification and work experienceCAs having work experience of five years and above in Credit Department of Public/Private Sector Banks.
      Selection Procedure :
      1. Depending on the number of vacancies, candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria shall be called for a personal interview in the ratio of 1:4  or as decided by the Bank. Candidates possessing more than prescribed work experience in the relevant discipline shall get preference. The Bank reserves its right to call for the Interview, candidates otherwise than in the above ratio at its sole discretion. 

      2. A personal interview of 100 marks shall be conducted to assess the candidate‟s personality, level of communication, clarity & problem solving innovativeness, level of efficiency, willingness to work in any part of the country, suitability for the post etc.  The minimum qualifying marks  in personal interview  would be 40% for General Category and 35% for Reserved Category. Candidates not clearing the personal interview will not be considered for final selection. 

      3. Subject to the vacancies available under the respective category, only those candidates who pass the personal interview will be shortlisted for selection. 

      4. Final merit list of candidates  who have cleared and qualified in the personal interview will be prepared in order of merit.

      Application Fee : Rs. 300/- (Rs.50/- for reserve category)  to be paid in the CBS branches of Bank of Maharashtra by a Challan  or by Online payment through NEFT only. 

      How to Apply : Candidates are required to apply Online  at Bank of Maharashtra website from 06/08/2012 to 21/08/2012 only. Candidates should have a valid email ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment project. Bank may send call letters for written test, interview etc. through the registered e-mail ID.

      Please view  for details and payment challan and visit to apply online. 

      Important Dates :

      Commencement of date of ON LINE application                      06-08-2012
      Last Date of application                                                      21-08-2012
      Last Date to pay application/intimation fees                          21.08.2012

      Date of Interview    -              WILL BE INFORMED SEPARATELY

      Friday, August 3, 2012

      Specialist Officer vacancy in Punjab National Bank, last date 17/08/2012

      Punjab National Bank 

      (A Government of India Undertaking) 

      Punjab National Bank (PNB), a leading public sector bank invites Online application from eligible Indian citizens for the  following 740 posts of  Specialist Officers.

      1. Senior Manager (Law) : 01 post
      Grade Scale :  MMG Scale III 
      Pay Scale25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500 

      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 21 Yrs and Max.30 Yrs
      Educational Qualifications : 1st  Class in LLB with minimum of 60%  marks( in aggregate)
      Post Qualification  Work Experience 
      For NLU Law Graduates Minimum 03 years of experience in the Law Division/International Banking Division of PSU/Bank.

      For Other Law Graduates Minimum 05 years of experience  in the Law Division/International Banking Division of PSU/Bank 
      Any lawyer  having minimum 05 years practice in DRT/District/Higher  level court

      2. Manager (Credit) : 600 posts  
      Grade ScaleMMG Scale II 

      Pay Scale:  600 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 21 Yrs and Max.30 Yrs
      Educational QualificationsCA / ICWA   OR  MBA / PGDM with specialization in Finance only  with minimum of 75% marks in aggregate & consistent 60% or above marks from Sr. Secondary onwards

      3. Manager (Security) : 18 posts
      Grade Scale MMG Scale II
      Pay Scale19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Max.32 Yrs
      Educational QualificationsGraduate from the University recognized by Govt. of India.
      Post Qualification Work ExperienceAn Officer with  5 years Commissioned Service in Indian Army / Navy / Air Force OR 5 years of service as a Police Officer not below the rank of Asstt. Supdt. of Police / Dy. Supdt. of Police OR Officers of identical work in para military forces with  5 years experience. 

      4. Officer (Librarian) : 01 post
      Grade Scale JMG Scale I 
      Pay Scale14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700 
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 21 Yrs and Max.28 Yrs

      Educational Qualifications : Bachelors Degree in any discipline with M.Lib.I.Sc. and working knowledge  of MS Office. 
      Bachelors Degree in Library Science with minimum of  60% marks in aggregate  

      5. Fire Officers : 11 posts 
      Grade Scale JMG Scale I 
      Pay Scale14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700 
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 25 Yrs and Max.40 Yrs
      Educational QualificationsBachelors degree from a University recognized by Govt. of India ; 
      Sub-Officer Course from National Fire Service College, Nagpur with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and possessing knowledge of Mandatory requirements of providing fire protection and prevention in high rise business buildings as per National Building Code and Bureau of Indian Standards 

      Post Qualification  Work ExperienceMinimum 03 years experience  as: 
      • Sub- Officer in State/ Central/ Defence Fire Services 
      • Fire Safety Officer in any of the following:- 
      ƒ Public Sector Undertaking, ƒ Listed public  limited company, ƒ Private limited company,  Hospital, ƒ Multiplex, ƒ Mall 

      6. Officer (Printing Technologist) : 01 post 
      Grade Scale  JMG Scale I 
      Pay Scale14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700 
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 21 Yrs and Max.30 Yrs
      Educational QualificationsBachelors degree from the University recognized by Govt. of India ; 
      Diploma(03 years) /Degree in Printing Technology from University recognized by Govt. of  India/Govt. Regulatory bodies 

      7. Officer (Data Analyst) : 02 posts 
      Grade Scale JMG Scale I 

      Pay Scale14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700 
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 21 Yrs and Max.28 Yrs
      Educational QualificationsBachelors degree with Honours in Statistics /Mathematics from the university recognized by Govt. of India & FRM  certification from Global Association of Risk Professionals/ PRM Certification from Professional Risk Manager’s International Association 
      Bachelors degree from the university recognized by Govt. of India & PG Programme (02 years) in Banking & Finance from  NIBM 
      Masters Degree in Statistics/ Mathematics from the university recognized by Govt. of India
      Post Qualification  Work Experience:  Preferably 02 years  working knowledge of econometric techniques

      8. Officer (IT) : 35 posts  
      Grade Scale JMG Scale I 
      Pay Scale14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 21 Yrs and Max.28 Yrs

      Educational QualificationsB.E./ B. Tech. Degree in the field of Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Computing/  IT/ Electronics / Electronics & Communication Engineering from the university recognized by the Govt. of India/ AICTE approved. 
      MCA from the university recognized by the Govt. of India/approved by AICTE/ Govt. Regulatory body  Post Qualification  Work Experience: Valid IBPS Score Card

      9. Officer (HRD) : 20 posts 
      Grade Scale JMG Scale I 
      Pay Scale14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 21 Yrs and Max.28 Yrs

      Educational Qualificationsa) Bachelors degree with a Masters degree OR PG degree/diploma (02 years) in Personnel Management/ Industrial Relations/ Labour Laws/ Labour Welfare/ Social Work.  
      b) MBA/PGDM (02 years) with specialization in HR/HRM only. The MBA/PGDM/PG degree/PG diploma should be:-
      • From the University recognized by Govt. of India / AICTE approved.
      • Regular and not from Distance Education Mode.
      • With single specialization

      Post Qualification Work ExperienceValid IBPS Score Card 

      10. Hindi Officers : 51 posts
      Grade Scale JMG Scale I 
      Pay Scale14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700
      Age as on 01.07.2012 - Min. 21 Yrs and Max.30 Yrs

      Educational QualificationsPost Graduate degree in Hindi with English as a subject in degree level 
      Post graduate degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects in degree level.
      Post Qualification Work ExperienceValid IBPS Score Card 

      For post Codes 08, 09 & 10, apart from having the above qualification(s), the candidates must have qualified/passed in the Common Written Examination for recruitment of Specialist Officers conducted by IBPS, Mumbai in March 2012 and must possess valid IBPS Score Card.

      The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank. 

      Selection Procedure:  Selection for post codes 01 to 7 will be through written test (which may be conducted on-line/ off-line) and/or interview. Merely satisfying the eligibility norms do not entitle a candidate to be called for Test or Interview. 

      Selection for post codes 08 & 09 will be through CWE conducted by IBPS and/or interview.

      Selection for post code 10 will be through CWE conducted by IBPS and/or interview and Group Discussion.

      Application Fee :  Rs.400 /- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD) for posts at number 1 to 7 and Rs.100 /- (Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD)  to be paid cash in any branch of PNB. Payment of fee should be made from 1.8.2012 to 17.8.2012.

      How to Apply : Apply Online only at Punjab National Bank website from 1/08/2012 to 17/08/2012Application Registration on the website will remain open from 1.8.2012 to 17.8.2012. On-line applications are to be processed by a computerized system. It is essential that the application is properly and completely filled in. Candidates should keep a printout of the duly submitted application for future reference. 

      Kindly visit for more information, payment voucher and a link to online submission of Application from.