Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Accountant Posts in Sarva Shiksha Mission, W Bengal, last date 04/09/2012

Department of School Education
Government of West Bengal
Sarva Shiksha Mission (SSM) West Bengal 

Applications are invited from candidates for filling up the post of Block / Urban unit Accountant on contractual basis in the above mentioned blocks/ urban unit / urban units under the respective District Project Offices, Sarva Siksha Mission :

1. South 24-Pgs: one for each block/ urban unit viz.
2. North 24-Pgs.
3. Howrah
4. Hoogly
5. Purba Medinipur
6. Paschim medinipur
7. Bankura
8. Purulia
9. Burdwan
14. North Dinajpur
15.South Dinajpur
16. Jalpaiguri
17. Siliguri
18. Darjeeling
20. Kolkata

There is no concept of block/ urban unit and four accountants will be recruited for 4 ULRCs to be initially stationed at DPO. The units would represent the area under Kolkata Municipal Corporation as follows: 

Unit I – Boroughs 1, 2, 3 and 4 (ii) Unit II – Boroughs 5, 6, 7 and 8 (iii) Unit III – Boroughs 9, 10, 11 and 12 (iv) Unit IV – Boroughs 13, 14 and 15.

The list of Blocks district wise, postal address of DPOs and the website where the details of the district recruitment are available is given separately. The details for Kolkata and Siliguri are available on only.

Education Qualification : Applicants may apply if they have a B.Com(Hons) degree under regular course from any recognized Indian University and hold of certificate of efficiency in Computer covering M S Office and Tally Accounting system with at least two years experience in accounting and audit job in Govt./any organization / firm of repute or in any Govt sponsored project having computer environment.

Age : 21 years and less than 37 years as on 1st September, 2012.

How to Apply : Completed applications will be received through a drop box kept at concerned DPO, SSM upto 4-00 p.m of 4th September,2012Retired Govt. employee having the above qualifications and experience and not more than 62 years of age as on 1st September, 2012 may also apply.

The applicant can apply for one block/ urban unit only and must be resident of the concerned district. The applicant shall submit a declaration and give an undertaking that “I have applied for one block/ urban unit only i.e.for ____________ block / urban unit and in the event it is found I have applied for more than one block/ urban unit my candidature is liable for cancellation”.

Selection Procedure : Selected candidate for the Districts excluding Kolkata will be posted in a CLRC situated in the respective block and their jurisdiction of work will cover the schools within the said block. They will visit schools for at least 15 days in each month and will be accountable to Circle Project Co-ordinator of the CLRC. For Kolkata, the postings will, for the present, be at the District Project Office and they will visit the schools as per arrangements to be decided by the authorities.

If for any block, / urban unit the no. of applicants exceeds ten, then ten applicants having the requisite qualification and experience will be screened and short listed on the basis of marks obtained in B Com (Hons) only. They will be called to appear for computer efficiency test and on evaluation of qualifications, experience and computer efficiency test maximum three candidate will be called for interview and then the panel of three will be published but the said panel will be treated as cancelled as soon as the post is filled up.

Ten Candidates screened on the basis of B Com (Hons) marks for each block / urban unit will be allowed weightage for higher qualification if any of M Com / Inter C A /Inter ICWA.

Additional guidelines to be followed by the applicants:-

(a) There is only ONE post  per BLOCK/ urban unit. For Kolkata, there are four 
vacancies for 4 ULRCs(I,  II,  III,  IV)

(b) Recruitment will be initially for one year on contractual basis and may be renewed further subject to maximum of three years or the winding up of the project whichever is earlier. A contractual agreement is to be entered into with the selected applicant. No selected person have any claim for permanent employment as this is purely a temporary assignment and will remain valid upto contractual period.

(c) The post carries a contractual consolidated remuneration of Rs.12000/-(twelve thousand) only per month.

(d) Other terms will be as per rules  and orders of Paschim Banga Sarva Siksha 

(e) Self attested copies of all documents be attached in respect of educational 
qualifications ,experience, computer certificate, residential proof, age proof, proof of retirement from Govt. Service in case of the applicant is a retired person. Voter I D or  Passport or Employment Exchange Card (current renewed) or Residential Certificate issued by the Sub Divisional Officer will only be considered as residential proof.

(f) One recent passport size photograph self attested be pasted at proper place of the application proforma.

(g) All the original documents must be produced at the time of computer efficiency test before the DPO for verification otherwise the screened applicant will not  be allowed to appear for the test.

Please view for details. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

RITES Mumbai requires Technical Staff on contract, last date 27/08/2012

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

RITES Limited, a premier consultancy organization, is in urgent need of dynamic and hard working staff in disciplines for its various SBUs at Mumbai.  
  • Engineer (Civil) : 16 posts
  • Architect : 02 posts
  • Technical Assistant : 10 posts 
  • CAD Operator : 02 posts

Reservation & relaxation to SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicapped persons would be provided as per the extant Central Government rules.

How to apply
Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down for the above posts and willing to attend the interview can also register their applications online in advance, in the registration format available in the Recruitment Section of the RITES website, by 27.08.2012The interviews will be held on 31/08/2012, 03/09/2012  and 05/09/2012 September at  Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Ahmedabad. 

Candidates unable to register online may attend the walk-in interview by registering themselves between 1000 to 1300 hrs. on the date of interview. They are required to submit their application in the prescribed proforma given at the end of this advertisement along with documents indicated in advertisement. 

However, candidates who have registered online will be interviewed ahead of the unregistered candidates. 

Please view for details  for details and apply online at

The appointment shall be purely on contract basis, initially for a period of one year, extendable until completion of the assignment, based on satisfactory performance. The selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere in India.  

For any clarification, please contact Manager (P)/Rectt. on telephone No. 0124 - 2818153/ 2818163.

Probationary Clerk Vacancy in Vijaya Bank, last date 05/09/2012

Vijaya Bank(A Government of India Undertaking)

Vijaya Bank, a leading listed Public Sector Bank, invites Online applications from young & Dynamic Candidates who have qualified in the Common Written Examination (CWE) for Clerks conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection IBPS in 2011 and holding a valid score card issued by IBPS, for recruitment for the posts of Probationary Clerks.

Number of Posts: 800 posts in various States of India
Pay Scale : Rs. 7200 - 19300
Age : 18-28  years
Educational Qualification : Graduate in any discipline
IBPS CWE score 138 & above for General candidates and 113 & above for SC/ST/OBC/PWD
    Application fee : Rs.100/- (Rs.20/- for SC/ST) should be  paid by directly in any of the Vijaya Bank Branches by payment challan only.

    How to Apply :  Apply Online at Vijaya Bank Website  from 16/0582012 to 05/09/2012 only.

    Kindly visit for all the details and online submission of applications.

    Tuesday, August 14, 2012

    Managers required in Reserve Bank of India, last date 10/09/2012

    Reserve Bank of India (RBI)


    Applications are invited for the posts mentioned below in Reserve Bank of India (RBI/Bank) from Indian citizens, citizens of Nepal and subjects of Bhutan, Tibetan refugees (who came over to India before 1st January 1962) and persons of Indian origin who have migrated from Myanmar and Sri Lanka with the intention of permanently settling in India and in whose favour Eligibility Certificates have been issued by Government of India

    A. Manager (Technical - Civil) : 02 posts  

    Educational Qualification
    a) Essential: A Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters.
    (b) Desirable: Specialization in Structural Design, Public Health Engineering, Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering.

    EXPERIENCE (as on 01.08.2012): 
    (a) Essential: At least 3 years' experience after graduation (in a position of independent responsibility equivalent to that of an Asst. Engineer) in a public /private limited organization including Hospitals / Banks / financial institutions / Planning / Designing / Construction / Large Office Buildings /Multistoried Buildings / Housing Companies /residential campus based education institutions including preparation and evaluation of tender papers.
    (b) Desirable: i) Experience of administering construction projects in all its aspects and knowledge of PERT/ CPM techniques (ii) Working knowledge of Computer in Structural Design in CAM / CAD / evaluation and analyzing of tenders with special references (iii) Working knowledge of Electro-mechanical services and electrical maintenance (iv) Working knowledge in structural rehabilitation works (v) Good drafting capacity.

    B. Manager (Technical - Electrical) : 01 post

    Educational Qualification
    (a) Essential: A B.E. / B. Tech Degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters.
    (b) Desirable: Elective/course papers in power electronics, Programmable logic controllers, electronic measurements, communication theory.

    EXPERIENCE (as on 01.08.2012): 
    (a) Essential: At least 3 years' experience after graduation (in a position of independent responsibility equivalent to that of an Assistant Engineer) in a public/private limited organizations including hospitals/Banks/financial institutions/residential campus based educational institutions in planning/ designing/execution of internal and external electrical installation work, large central air-conditioning plant, lift, communication systems and other associated services involved in large, multi storey building projects including preparation, scrutiny and evaluation of tenders.

    (b) Desirable: (i) Working knowledge of electronic systems like CCTV surveillance systems, Addressable Security Alarm and Fire Alarm systems, EPABX, UPS system etc. (ii) Experience in maintenance of lifts, pumps, air-conditioning plants, etc. (iii) Experience of administering construction projects in all its aspects and knowledge of PERT/CPM techniques (iv) Good drafting capability in English, ability to work with computers as regards Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point presentation

    Age (as on 01.08.2012) Not above 35 years 

    Selection Procedure: (for both posts)
    Selection will be through Written Examination (WE) in the following two papers and Interview. 'WE' will be held in the month of November/December 2012.

    Type of Paper
    Paper - I - Objective Type Test Test of professional knowledge / job knowledge
    Paper - II - Descriptive Type Test Standard of the papers will be that of B.E. Degree


    i) Paper II of such candidates who score sufficiently high marks, as decided by the Board, in order of merit in Paper I only would be assessed 

    (ii) Question papers for ‘WE’ will be set in Hindi and English. Answers may be written either in Hindi or English. 
    (iii) Candidates may answer the Interview in Hindi or English at their option (iv) The number of candidates to be called for interview will be decided by the Board 
    (v) Final selection will be on the basis of performance in the ‘WE’ (Paper I and Paper II) and Interview, taken together

    Pay Scale:
    Selected Candidates will draw a starting basic pay of ` 21,000/- p.m. in the scale of ` 21000-1000-30000-EB-1000-32000-1100-36400 applicable to Officers in Grade B and they will also be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Local Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Family Allowance and Grade Allowance as per rules in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly Gross emoluments to Direct Recruit Grade B Officers are approximately ` 43,216/- (including house rent allowance)

    Application Fee :  Rs.100/- (no fee is payable by SC/ST/PWD candidates) by means of DD/IPO. 

    How to Apply :
    Apply Offline by prescribed format and send on or before 10/09/2012.

    Apply Online at RBI website on or before  01/09/2012. Take a print out of the system generated application format and it on or before 10/09/2012.

    The further detail along with a link to online submission of application (first word of the document is a link, please click that for online submission) is available at

    SSC KKR announced multiple vacancies in Ministries, last date 31/08/2012

    (Karnataka Kerala Region - KKR)
    First Floor, ‘E’ Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560034

    Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Karnataka Kerala Region (KKR), Bangalore, invite application for the following  posts in various Ministries/ Offices of the Government of India :

    Senior Translator 

    Posts : 09 posts in Central Translation Bureau, 
    Pay Scale : Rs.9300 - 34800 grade pay Rs.4600/-  
    Age Limit:  Not exceeding 30 years (Relaxable by 05 years for Government servants/Departmental candidates,  Relaxable by 03 years for OBC, No age relaxation for SC/ST)
    Educational Qualification:  
    (i) Mater’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi with English as a subject at Degree level
    Master’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent in English with Hindi as a subject at Degree level
    Master’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi and English as subjects at Degree level
    Master’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi medium and English as a subject at Degree level
    Master’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with English medium and Hindi as a subject at Degree level. 
    (ii) Three years’ experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or Translation work from English to Hindi or vice versa preferably of technical or scientific literature
    Three years’ experience of teaching, research, writing or journalism in Hindi

    Desirable Qualification:  Knowledge at the level of Matriculation of a recognized Board or equivalent of one of the Languages other than Hindi which are included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.

    Instructor (Marine Engineering) 

    Posts : 01 post in  Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical & Engineering Training, 
    Pay Scale : Rs.9300 - 34800 grade pay Rs.4200/- (General, Central Service Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial)  
    Age Limit:  Not exceeding 35 years (Relaxable by 05 years for Government servants/Departmental candidates, No age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC)
    Educational Qualification:    
    A. (i) Degree in Mechanical or Automobile or Marine Engineering from recognized University or equivalent.
    (ii) One year’s experience of Diesel Engines
    B  (i) Diploma in Mechanical, Automobile or Marine Engineering from a recognised university or equivalent.
    (ii) Three years practical experience of handling machines in a recognised workshop.

    Junior Technical Assistant 

    Posts 03 posts in Office of the Regional Director (SR), Ministry of Corporate Affairs, 
    Pay Scale : Rs.9300 - 34800 grade pay Rs.4200/- (General, Central Service Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted)  
    Age Limit: 30 years (Relaxable by 10 years for Government servants/ Departmental candidates. No age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC)
    Educational Qualification: Degree in Commerce / Economics or Degree in Law from a recognized University.

    Scientific Assistant-I 

    Posts 04 posts in Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, 
    Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2800/- (General, Central Service Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial)
    Age Limit: 18 -25 years (Relaxable by 15 years for Government servants/ Departmental candidates, Relaxable by 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC. No age relaxation for ST)
    Educational Qualification:    B.Sc (Agriculture)

    Technical Officer-1 

    Posts 03 posts in Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, Ministry of Agriculture, 
    Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2000/- (General Central Service Group ‘C’, Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial
    Age Limit:  18  - 25 years (Relaxable by  15 years for Central Government Civilian servants, Relaxable  by 15 years for Departmental candidates,  Relaxable by  03 years for OBC, No relaxation for SC &ST)
    Educational QualificationIntermediate with Science in Zoology/ Botany/ Agriculture or 10+2 class pass with Science (with Zoology/Botany or Agriculture) from a recognized University/Board or equivalent

    Selection Procedure: Candidates fulfilling, the minimum prescribed qualifications will be shortlisted on the basis of their educational qualifications, academic records, percentage of marks etc, or through a screening test at the discretion of the Commission. Candidates, thus, selected may be required to undergo a written proficiency test wherever applicable/ required or considered necessary by the Commission at its discretion.

    Application Fee : Rs.50/- (No fee for Women/ SC/ST/PH and Ex-Servicemen) by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) only, available at head post office all over the country.

    How to Apply : Application in prescribed format should be sent in an envelope superscribed with bold letters as "Application for the posts of .................... " on or before 31/08/2012 (07/09/2012 for candidates from far-flung areas) to The Regional Director (KKR), Staff Selection Commission, 1st Floor, E Wing,  Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore -  560034. 

    Applications must be submitted in the format published in the Employment 
    News/Rozgar Samachar dated  31.8.2012. The application form is available on the Regional Office website

    (i) Central Recruitment Fee Stamps of Rs.50/- affixed and clearly cancelled on the application form.  
    (ii) One recent passport size photograph to be pasted on the application
    (iii) Two self-addressed envelopes of 12 cms x 25  cms size, one of which should be affixed with postage stamps worth Rs.6/-.
    (iv) Documents in support of claim of SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-S.
    (v) Attested copies of certificates and mark statements pertaining to all the years showing age and educational qualifications. Candidates have the option to either self-attest the photo-copies of various documents to be submitted by them or to submit the copies of the documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. Any wrong attestation so as to mislead the Commission or to gain access to the recruitment would lead to criminal/debar action against the candidate, besides cancellation of the candidature. All original certificates will be checked at the time of Personality Test/Skill Test, as the case may be, and the candidature is subject to the result of such scrutiny.
    (vi) Documents in support of claim of age relaxation (for categories not covered in item (vi) above).
    (vii) Attested copies of experience certificates.
    (viii) Candidates in Govt. service are to attach an undertaking that they have informed in writing their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the post.

    For further details and application form, please view 

    Monday, August 13, 2012

    Indian Army 23rd UES for Permanent Commission for Men


    23rd University Entry Scheme (23rd UES) for Permanent Commission in the Army 

    Applications are invited from unmarried male Engineering Degree students studying in Pre-final (3rd year) year during academic session 2012-13 for Grant of Permanent Commission in the Army.

    Vacancies : 60 posts (Civil-12, Architecture/ Building Construction Technology-2, Electrical (including Electrical & Electronics) - 8, Mechanical (including Industrial/ Industrial Engg. & Management/Automobile/ Transportation Engg.) - 10 , Production(Including Manufacturing/ Metallurgical/ Metallurgy & explosives) -3, Electronics (including Electronics & Instrumentation, Micro Electronics & Microwave/ Opto Electronics) - 11, Communication/ Telecommunication -11, Food Tech./ Bio Tech/ Bio Medical Engg -2, Computer Science and Engineering/ Computer Technology/ Computer Science/ Computer Science- 4, Chemical Engg. - 1)

    Age : Pre-Final Year Degree Candidates - Not below 18 years and not over 24 years.

    Physical Standard: As applicable to the regular army [Height-157.5 cm, For Gorkhas and individuals belongings to hills of North Easter region of India, Garhwal and Kumaon, the minimum height will be 5 cm less. For candidates from Lakshadweep the height will be reduced by 2 cms.

    Pay Scale : The Indian Army offers pay scale PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/- plus MSP Rs.6000/- plus allowances

    How to Apply: Apply on the plain paper as per the prescribed format available at Army website. The envelope (white) containing the application should be Superscribed in Red ink indicating clearly the branch of Engineering applied for i.e ' Applications for 23rdUES Entry : ......... Engineering. Send your application so as to reach respective Command HQ at the following address on or before 28/09/2012. Two unstamped self addressed envelop to receive an interview call letter should also be enclosed with the application.
    1. HQ Northern Command (A Branch), C/o 56 APO - for students studying in the State of J&K
    2. HQ Western Command (A Brnach), Chandimandir, Pin-134107. For students studying in states of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, parts of Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh.
    3. HQ South Western Command (A Branch), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Pin-302012. For students studying in the state of Rajasthan/ parts of Haryana.
    4. HQ Southern Command (A Branch), Pune (Maharasthra), Pin-411001. For studying in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnatak, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Daman, Diu, Dadra, Nagar Haveli, Pondicherry, Lakshadweep and Kerala.
    5. HQ Eastern Command (A Branch), Kolkata (West Bengal), Pin-700021. For students studying in the states of West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Andaman and Nicobar.
    6. HQ Central Command (A Branch), Lucknow (UP), Pin-226002. For students studying in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh .
    Last Date : Last date of receipt of application is 28/09/2012

    Further detail regarding this entry scheme can be seen at and 

    For complete advertisement, kindly see Employment news weekly dated 11/08/2012. OR CLICK HERE

    Sunday, August 12, 2012

    Multiple Vacancies in UTIITSL for senior posts, last date 22/08/2012

    UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTIITSL)
    (a Government of India company)

    UTIITSL invites application for the following IT and Engineering jobs in the capacity of  Asst.Vice Pesident,  Manager/ Project Coordinator (IT),  Assistant Manager/ Project Associate (IT), Executive etc. : 
    1. Divisional Manager (Civil)
    2. Senior Manager (Civil)   
    3. Senior Manager (Civil)     
    4. Deputy Manager (Civil) 
    5. Deputy Manager (Civil)  
    6. Divisional Manager (Electrical) 
    7. Deputy Manager (Electrical)    
    8. Deputy Manager (Electrical) 
    9. Senior Executive(Electrical) 
    10. Senior Executive(Electrical) 
    11. Executive (Claims Adjudication)     
    12. Senior Executive (Claims Adjudication) 
    13. Deputy Manager (Claims Adjudication)    
    14.  Senior Manager (Claims Adjudication)     
    15. Divisional Manager (Claims Adjudication) 
    16. Senior Executive (IT Certifications) 
    17. Senior Executive (Web Programming in .Net) 
    18. Senior Executive (Linux System Administration) 
    19. Senior Executive (MS-SQL DBA)     
    20. Deputy Manager (Linux System Administration)     
    21. Deputy Manager (MS-SQL DBA)     
    22. Senior Executive (MySQL DBA) 
    23. Senior Executive (e-Gov Business Development)     
    24. Senior Executive (IT Facility Management/ IT Infrastructure)     
    25. Project Manager (e-Gov Business Development) (In Divisional Manager Grade) 
    26. Senior Executive (Windows System Administration)   
    27. Project Manager (e-Gov Implementation) 
    28. Deputy Manager (Network Management)    
    29. Deputy Manager (Oracle DBA) 
    30. Executive (Software developer)
    31. Deputy Manager (e-Gov Business Development & Implementation) 
    32. Senior Executive (Software developer in PL/SQL, Oracle D2K, VB, RDBMS- Oracle, MySql, MS-SQL, MS-Access) 
    33. Senior Manager (e-Gov Business Development & Implementation) 
    34. Senior Executive (Java & Oracle) 
    35. Senior Executive (Oracle DBA) 
    36. Senior Manager (IT R&D)    
    How to Apply : The candidates may apply with detailed resume to the Vice President (HR),  UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited, UTIITSL Towers, Plot No.3, Sector 11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400614 on or before 22/08/2012. The Candidates have got the choice to apply online at  the UTITSL website.

    For details  and to apply online/offline, please visit: