Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Managers required in Reserve Bank of India, last date 10/09/2012

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)


Applications are invited for the posts mentioned below in Reserve Bank of India (RBI/Bank) from Indian citizens, citizens of Nepal and subjects of Bhutan, Tibetan refugees (who came over to India before 1st January 1962) and persons of Indian origin who have migrated from Myanmar and Sri Lanka with the intention of permanently settling in India and in whose favour Eligibility Certificates have been issued by Government of India

A. Manager (Technical - Civil) : 02 posts  

Educational Qualification
a) Essential: A Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters.
(b) Desirable: Specialization in Structural Design, Public Health Engineering, Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering.

EXPERIENCE (as on 01.08.2012): 
(a) Essential: At least 3 years' experience after graduation (in a position of independent responsibility equivalent to that of an Asst. Engineer) in a public /private limited organization including Hospitals / Banks / financial institutions / Planning / Designing / Construction / Large Office Buildings /Multistoried Buildings / Housing Companies /residential campus based education institutions including preparation and evaluation of tender papers.
(b) Desirable: i) Experience of administering construction projects in all its aspects and knowledge of PERT/ CPM techniques (ii) Working knowledge of Computer in Structural Design in CAM / CAD / evaluation and analyzing of tenders with special references (iii) Working knowledge of Electro-mechanical services and electrical maintenance (iv) Working knowledge in structural rehabilitation works (v) Good drafting capacity.

B. Manager (Technical - Electrical) : 01 post

Educational Qualification
(a) Essential: A B.E. / B. Tech Degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters.
(b) Desirable: Elective/course papers in power electronics, Programmable logic controllers, electronic measurements, communication theory.

EXPERIENCE (as on 01.08.2012): 
(a) Essential: At least 3 years' experience after graduation (in a position of independent responsibility equivalent to that of an Assistant Engineer) in a public/private limited organizations including hospitals/Banks/financial institutions/residential campus based educational institutions in planning/ designing/execution of internal and external electrical installation work, large central air-conditioning plant, lift, communication systems and other associated services involved in large, multi storey building projects including preparation, scrutiny and evaluation of tenders.

(b) Desirable: (i) Working knowledge of electronic systems like CCTV surveillance systems, Addressable Security Alarm and Fire Alarm systems, EPABX, UPS system etc. (ii) Experience in maintenance of lifts, pumps, air-conditioning plants, etc. (iii) Experience of administering construction projects in all its aspects and knowledge of PERT/CPM techniques (iv) Good drafting capability in English, ability to work with computers as regards Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point presentation

Age (as on 01.08.2012) Not above 35 years 

Selection Procedure: (for both posts)
Selection will be through Written Examination (WE) in the following two papers and Interview. 'WE' will be held in the month of November/December 2012.

Type of Paper
Paper - I - Objective Type Test Test of professional knowledge / job knowledge
Paper - II - Descriptive Type Test Standard of the papers will be that of B.E. Degree


i) Paper II of such candidates who score sufficiently high marks, as decided by the Board, in order of merit in Paper I only would be assessed 

(ii) Question papers for ‘WE’ will be set in Hindi and English. Answers may be written either in Hindi or English. 
(iii) Candidates may answer the Interview in Hindi or English at their option (iv) The number of candidates to be called for interview will be decided by the Board 
(v) Final selection will be on the basis of performance in the ‘WE’ (Paper I and Paper II) and Interview, taken together

Pay Scale:
Selected Candidates will draw a starting basic pay of ` 21,000/- p.m. in the scale of ` 21000-1000-30000-EB-1000-32000-1100-36400 applicable to Officers in Grade B and they will also be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Local Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Family Allowance and Grade Allowance as per rules in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly Gross emoluments to Direct Recruit Grade B Officers are approximately ` 43,216/- (including house rent allowance)

Application Fee :  Rs.100/- (no fee is payable by SC/ST/PWD candidates) by means of DD/IPO. 

How to Apply :
Apply Offline by prescribed format and send on or before 10/09/2012.

Apply Online at RBI website on or before  01/09/2012. Take a print out of the system generated application format and it on or before 10/09/2012.

The further detail along with a link to online submission of application (first word of the document is a link, please click that for online submission) is available at http://www.rbi.org.in/scripts/

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