Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Recruitment for Non-Teaching posts in Kurukshetra University, last date 10/09/2012

Kurukshetra University
Kurukshetra, Haryana

Kurukshetra University has invited Applications on prescribed format for the following Non-Teaching posts   

  1. Director Distance Education : 01 post (Rs.37400-67000+10000 (G.P.)
  2. Principal : 01 post in  University College (Rs.37400-67000+10000 (G.P.)
  3. Controller of Examinations : 01 post (Rs.37400-67000+10000 (G.P.)
  4. Librarian : 01 post (Rs.37400-67000+10000 (G.P.)
  5. Dy. Librarian : 02 posts (Rs. 15600 -39100+8000 G.P) 
  6. Landscape Officer : 01 post (Rs.9300-34800 + 5400 G.P.)
  7. Medical Officer : 03 posts  (Rs.9300-34800 + 5400 G.P.)
  8. Assistant Director Sports : 02 posts (Rs. 15600-39100+6000 G.P)
  9. Assistant Registrar : 02 posts (Rs. 15600-39100+6000 G.P)
  10. Homeopathic Doctor : 01 post on contract basis (Rs. 15000/- p.m.-consolidated). 

  1. Director Institute of Law : 01 post   (Rs.37400-67000+10000 (G.P.)
  2. Director Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences : 01 post   (Rs.37400-67000+10000 (G.P.)
  3. Director University Institute of Engineering & Technology : 01 post   (Rs.37400-67000+10000 (G.P.)
How to Apply :  Application forms complete in all respects should reach Post Box No. 20, University Post Office, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra latest by 10/09/2012.

Complete details and application for available at


1. The number of posts can be increased or decreased according to requirement.

2. The prescribed essential qualifications do not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. The decision of the University in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of an application, eligibility/ suitability of the candidates, or the criteria for selection, etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. No inquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

3. The eligibility of every candidate will be determined on the basis of qualifications acquired and communicated to the office by him/her up to the last date fixed for receipt of applications.

4. Incomplete applications or the applications received without the prescribed fee or received after the last date of receipt of applications are liable to be rejected.

5. Twelve Xerox copies of the Application Form for the posts must be sent alongwith the form. Attested copies of all the certificates/testimonials be attached with original application form.

6. Name of the post applied for must be super-scribed at the top of the envelope as under:
“Application for the post of _______________________________".

7. Those who are already in employment should submit their Application Form through proper channel.

8. Application not supported with required application fee, attested copies of certificates/testimonials/reprints of Research Publications, title page(s) and contents page(s) of each Journal in which the publication under reference were published and the applications received after the expiry of last date will be liable to be rejected.

9. Concealment of facts or supply of wrong information will result in cancellation of candidature in addition to legal action.

10. Separate application form is required to be submitted for each post.

11. The candidates who have already applied in response to earlier advertisement notice are required to submit their application afresh without any prescribed fee and further that only the fresh application giving reference of previous advertisement will be considered, if otherwise eligible.

12. For Non-teaching posts, age should be between 18-50 years. Maximum age limit is relaxable in special cases by the appointing authority.

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