Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Probationary Officer & Clerk vacancy in Repco Bank, last date 05/11/2012

The Repatriates Co-operative Finance and Development Bank Ltd. (Repco)
Repco Home Finance Limited (RHFL) 

Repco Bank set up by the Government of India is a fast growing organization having branches in all the four southern States and Puducherry.

Repco Bank invites  applications for the post of Probationary Officer Scale –I. The Salary structure of employees of the bank is same as that of  Nationalized banks. Repco Home Finance Limited (RHFL)  is a subsidiary of Repco Bank.  Repco Bank proposes to fill up vacancies in RHFL also through this selection process. 
Successful candidates in excess of requirement of Bank may be offered an appointment in subsidiaries i.e. Repco Home finance Limited, Repco Foundation for Micro Credit and Repco MSME Development & Finance  Limited depending upon the vacancies in these organizations.

Candidates should have obtained the valid IBPS CWE-Probationary Officer -2011 Score card.

Number of Posts: 30 posts,  Age : 21-30 years, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700/-


Nationality: Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.

For General Category: TWSS - Minimum 140
For Reserved Category (SC/ST/OBC/PC ): TWSS - Minimum 125

Educational Qualifications: Graduation or Post Graduation  in any discipline with 1st class, 60% marks from any University recognised by UGC.

SELECTION PROCEDURE: Group discussion + Interview 

The interview will be held at Chennai Only

Candidates should have obtained the valid IBPS CWE- Clerk- -2011 Score card.

Number of Posts: 148 posts, Age : 18-25 years, Pay Scale : Rs.7200-Rs.19300/-

Nationality: Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply

For General Category: TWSS - Minimum 140
For Reserved Category (SC/ST/OBC/PC ): TWSS - Minimum 125

Educational QualificationsGraduation in any discipline from any university 
recognised by UGC.

Selection Procedure : Interview. The interview will be held at Chennai Only

Application Fee :  Rs.250/-(Rs.75/- for SC/ST/ Repatriate candidates) for the posts of Officers and  Rs.200/-(Rs.250/- for SC/ST/ Repatriate candidates) to be paid in any branch of Indian Bank through a payment challan or to be paid online. 
How to Apply : Apply Online at Repco Bank website from 08/10/2012 to 05/11/2012 only.  

Please visit  for details and Online application form. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Appointment of Junior Officers in Can Fin Homes Ltd, last date 16/10/2012


Can Fin Homes Ltd invites applications from  the eligible candidates for appointment of 27 Junior Officers on Contract basis for their 19 branches.

1 Eligibility :
- The candidate must be a citizen of India. 
- He /She should be graduate in any discipline from a recognized university/ Institution with knowledge of computer operations. 
- The candidate must be able to speak, read & write in the local language of the region/area of the branch  for which he/she applies for. He/she should hail from the same region/area of the branch. Others need not apply.
- Knowledge of driving two wheeler is essential and must hold valid driving license.

2. Age: Age should be between 21-30 years as on 01/10/2012.

3. Job Profile:
Doing recovery visits, post sanction field visits for disbursement, Marketing of Housing Loans, making phone calls to customer for business/recoveries, scanning of documents, data entry operations in the computer, attending to the customers, documentation etc. and any such other works assigned by the 
Branch Manager from time to time.

4. Period of Contract and termination:

The contract shall be for one year only, and may be renewed for another year at the sole discretion of the company. In case if company requires the services of the selected candidate for further period, the contract may be renewed for further period up to 2 more years with renewals after each year. 

Either party may terminate the contract by giving one month‟s notice in writing/by remitting one month‟s compensation amount.  The company reserves the right to terminate the services of contract appointee who fail to show satisfactory performance or even without any reasons by giving one month‟s notice at any time during the contract period. 

5. Compensation:
Selected candidates will be paid a consolidated amount of Rs.15,200/- per month for first 12 months. In case of renewal of contract, then the consolidated compensation will be Rs.18,000/- per month for the 2nd year and Rs.23,000/- per month for the 3rd year. 

Statutory deductions Income Tax, Professional Tax etc., if any, shall be deducted as per the provisions of the respective Acts.

6. Other benefits:
Casual Leave – 10 days per calendar year
Annual Leave – 20 days in a calendar year @ pro-rata basis
Carry-over of unavailed Casual/Annual Leave is not permissible.

7. Application Fee :
The application form is provided in annexure 1. The candidates can down load the application form from our website &   get the same printed or neatly typed.  All the columns of the application should be filled without fail and must be signed by candidate himself/herself. If any column is not applicable 
the same should be recorded as “Not applicable”. The application  form duly filled  along with  one recent passport size photo & Demand draft of any Bank for Rs. 100/-    (non refundable) favouring CAN FIN HOMES LTD., drawn on Bangalore should be sent to the following address:-

The Asst. General Manager – HRM
Can Fin Homes Ltd.,
Registered Office: No.29/1, Ist floor,
Sir. M N Krishna Rao Road, Basavangudi
Bangalore – 560 004.
Karnataka State.

Payment of application fee by any other mode /means will not be accepted.  Apart from application, photo and Demand Draft for Rs.100/-, the candidate  should not send any other  documents like resume, conduct certificate, Xerox copies of marks list/certificate, earlier appointment letters etc.

8. Last date for receipt of application:  

Duly filled applications should reach the above address  of Regd. Office, Bangalore  on or before 17/10/12 by 5 PM, duly super scribing “Application for engagement of Junior Officers on contract “on the envelope  /cover  and application received  after  the above date/time will not be accepted/ entertained. 

9. Selection Procedure :

a. The selection for the post of Junior Officers on contract shall be by way of Interview only. 

b. The applications not in conformity/as per terms of application (format as in annexure 1) will be rejected. 

c. Company reserves the right to accept/reject any application at any stage including calling for interview.

d. A committee of Executives of the company will shortlist the candidates @ 1: 10 (i.e. 10 candidates for 1 vacancy) for interview branch-wise, based upon candidates‟ performance in their  academic career, qualification, his/her ability to speak, read or write local language, nearness of his/her domicile to branch, experience in the previous assignment etc.

e. The names of 270 candidates short listed for interview for 27 vacancies will be published in our website on or before 20/10/12 along with the details of venue/date/time for interview.  Candidates shall note that  no individual communication will be sent to the applicants calling for attending the Interview. All candidates are advised to refer our web for all types of communication/ information on interview, appointment etc. 

f. The tentative schedule for conducting the interview at Hyderabad, Mumbai & Delhi between 29/10/12 to 09/11/12.

Officer and Assistants required in ISI Bangalore, last date 05/11/2012

Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) 
Bangalore Centre

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the recruitment of following posts in Indian Statistical Institute atBangalore Centre
  1. Accounts Officer  : 01 post
  2. Assistant Librarian : 01 post
  3. Scientific Assistant ‘ A’ : 01 post
  4. Office Assistant ‘A’ : 02 posts
Sl. No.1 Accounts Officer (Reserved for SC)
Qualification:A good Bachelor’s degree with ACA/AICWA/MBA (F) or Commerce graduate with SOGE.
Experiences: At least 5 years of experience in supervisory position in the pay band of Rs.9300-34800/- plus grade pay of Rs.4600/- or in the pre revised scale of pay of Rs.6500-10500/- or above in the Government, public sector undertaking, autonomous organizations, reputed academic/research institutions. Thorough knowledge of Government rules and regulations is essential. Familiarity with the use of computers in accounts would be considered as an added qualification.
Pay Band & Grade pay: Rs.15600-39100+GP-Rs.5400

Sl. No.2   Assistant Librarian (Reserved for OBC)
Qualifications:Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation or an equivalent professional degree with uniformly good academic record or At least high second class Master’s Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce plus at least high second class Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation, or an equivalent professional degree with uniformity good academic record.
Experience: At least three years experience in a professional capacity as a Scientific Assistant ‘C’ or equivalent in the pay band Rs, 9,300-34,800 with grade pay Rs. 4,200/4,600-in a large technical library.
Desirable: Knowledge in computerisation or information Technology of a large technical Library.
Pay Band & Grade pay: Rs.15600-39100+GP-Rs.6000

Sl. No. 3 Scientific Assistant ‘A’ (Unreserved)
Qualifications & Experience: 
A Master’s Degree (10+2+3+2) in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation or equivalent; or Honours Degree (10+2+3) in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation with two years’ experience; or a Degree (10+2+2) and a Diploma of at least one year’s duration in relevant subject from a recognized institution and two years’ experience; or a Higher Secondary (10+2) certificate and a Diploma in relevant subject of at least three years’ duration from a recognised institution and two years’ experience; or other equivalent Degree/Diploma in relevant subject from a recognised institution with adequate experience.

Knowledge of computer operation and application software is essential. If a candidate does not fulfil this requirement but otherwise found very suitable, he may be provisionally appointed in the post but he shall have to fulfil this requirement before his confirmation in the category. 
Pay Band & Grade pay: Rs.9300 -34800+GP-Rs.4200

Sl. No.4  Office Assistant ‘A’ (One Post Unreserved and one Post Reserved for OBC)
Qualifications & Experience: 
Graduate in any discipline with knowledge of typing (30 w.p.m) and computer operation or Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent with knowledge of typing (30 w.p.m), computer Operation and 5 years of experience.
Pay Band & Grade pay: Rs.5200-20200+GP-Rs.2000
Age: Preferably below 40 years (for Sl.No. 01 & 02),   below 35 years, may be relaxed in exceptional candidate (for Sl. No. 3) and (ii) Below 35 years (for Sl. No.4) as on 30th October 2012 . Age relaxation will be given as per rules

How to Apply : Interested candidates can send their duly completed applications to the Deputy Chief Executive (Admin), Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Centre, 8th Mile, Mysore road, RV College Post, Bangalore - 560059 latest by 05/11/2012.

AIMA invites Job applications for a Mini-Ratna PSU, last date 26/10/2012

On behalf of a Premier Schedule-A Mini-Ratna Public Sector Unit (PSU), providing Warehousing Facilities and Logistics support to Agriculture sector and other Notified commodities, All India Management Association (AIMA) invites applications from Indian Nationals for following posts : 
  1. Management Trainees (General) : 30 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 20600-46500, Age : 28 years
  2. Management Trainees (Accounts) : 10 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 20600-46500, Age : 28 years
  3. Accountant : 10 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 16400-40500, Age : 30 years
  4. Jr. Technical Assistant : 99 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 10500-2640000, Age : 28 years
Essential Qualification:
POST CODE - 01: Management Trainees (General): - Essential Qualification: Degree with 1st class Master of Business Administration, Specialization in Personnel Management or Human Resource or Industrial Relation or Marketing Management or Supply Chain Management from recognized University / Institutions.

POST CODE - 02: Management Trainees (Accounts): - Essential Qualification: Degree with 1st class Master of Business Administration in Finance OR A pass in final examinations of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India OR Pass in Associate Company Secretary from recognized institution.

POST CODE-03: Accountant: - Essential Qualification – B.Com or BA (Commerce) or Chartered Accountant or Costs and Works Accountant or SAS Accountants of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department with about three years experience in maintaining and auditing of Accounts in Industrial / Commercial/ Departmental Undertakings.

POST CODE - 04: Jr. Technical Assistant: - Essential Qualification: Degree in Agriculture or a degree with Zoology, Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry as one of the subjects.


Selection Process:
On All India basis through Objective type written test on respective subjects and aptitude of the standard of the educational qualification prescribed for each post followed by Personal Interview. On qualifying the Written Test and Interview, selected candidates for post code nos. 01, 02 will be appointed as “Management Trainees” in their respective fields.

How to Apply : Apply Online at special designed website on or before 26/10/2012. Please take a print out of the system generated application format and send it to P.O. Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 on or before 31/10/2012. 

Please visit for details and Online submission of application. 

Faculty Recruitment for Engineering College IET, Lucknow

Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET)A constituent College of Gautam Buddh Technical University (GBTU)
Sitapur Road, Lucknow - 226001 (UP)

Application in the prescribed format are invited for the following Faculty posts:
  1. Assistant Professor : 13 posts, Pay Band : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000/-
  2. Associate Professor : 07 posts, Pay Band : Rs. 37400-67,000 AGP Rs. 9000/-
  3. Professor : 06 posts, Pay Band : Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 10000/-
Name of the Dept.
1. Civil Engg.
2. Computer science & Engg 
3. Mechanical Engg
4. Electrical Engg.
5. Electronics and comun. Engg
6. Applied science and Humanities
7. Chemical Engg.
8. MCA Course
9. Professor training & Placement Officer

Application Fee :  Demand Draft of Rs. 250/- for SC/ST and Rs. 500/- for other candidates in favour of Director, lET, Lucknow .Physically handicapped (Locomotors or Cerebral Palsy) are exempted from all fees.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format, complete in all respect shall be sent in the office of theRegistrar, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226021 by Registered/ Speed post only on or before 09/11/2012. All the applications should be superscribed in bold and capital letters on top of the envelopes by the name of post applied for. 

Please view  for details and application format. 

MP PSC Veterinary Assistant Surgeon for 308 posts

Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC)Residency Area, Indore (MP)

Recruitment of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon 2012 

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon

Number of Posts: 308 posts 

Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/-

Age : 21-38 years as on 01/01/2013.

Application Fee : Application Fee Rs.60/- (Rs. 30/- for SC/ST/OBC/PH of MP)  + Rs. 35/- as portal fee will be only be accepted by Credit Card, Internet Banking or by cash at authorised kiosks of MPPSC at various place. No payment will be done through Bank DD or Postal Order.

How to Apply : Apply only on the Online prescribed format at MP PSC websites,  and   from 12.00 noon 10/10/2012 to 12.00 midnight 09/11/2012.  

Please see document  for detailed information.

MP PSC Medical Officer recruitment for 1416 posts, last date 09/11/2012

Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC)Residency Area, Indore (MP)

Recruitment of Medical Officer 2012 

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the posts of Medical Officer.

Number of Posts:  1416 posts 

Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/- 

Age : 21-32 years as on 01/01/2013.

Application Fee : Application Fee Rs.60/- (Rs. 30/- for SC/ST/OBC/PH of MP)  + Rs. 35/- as portal fee will be only be accepted by Credit Card, Internet Banking or by cash at authorized kiosks of MPPSC at various place. No payment will be done through Bank DD or Postal Order.

How to Apply : Apply only on the Online prescribed format at MP PSC websites,  and   from 12.00 noon 10/10/2012 to 12.00 midnight 09/11/2012.  

Please see document  for detailed information.