Thursday, May 17, 2012

Executive Trainee vacancy for various discipline in KMML, last date 31/05/2012

The Kerala Minerals And Metals Limited (KMML)(A Government of Kerala Undertaking)
Sankaramangalam,Chavara, Kollam, Kerala, India -691583

KMML requires Executive Trainees in the various disciplines. Candidates should possess 1st class Degree in Engineering and candidates with MBA will be given preference (only male candidates need to apply) for it Titanium Dioxide Pigment Unit.

Executive Trainees are required for following discipline:
  1. Executive Trainee (Chemical) : 11 Posts (SC-1, ST-1) 
  2. Executive Trainee (Mechanical) : 04 Posts (ST-1)
  3. Executive Trainee (Electrical) : 05 Posts (ST-1)
  4. Executive Trainee (Instrumentation) : 02 Posts 
  5. Executive Trainee (Civil) : 02 Posts
  6. Executive Trainee (Personnel) : 02 Posts
  7. Executive Trainee (Accounts) : 02 Posts

Age : Upto 28 years 

Stipend  and Pay Scale : Stipend : Rs. 12000/- per month for first years and Rs. 14000/- in second year, will be absorbed to the post of Accounts Officer in the pay scale of Rs.25475-56920. 

Way to Apply : Type written application giving complete resume with recent photograph, enclosing self attested copies of all required certificates should reach to Joint General Manager (P&A), The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd., PB No.4, Sankaramangalam, Chavara, Kollam-691583 upto 31/05/2012
Please view  for more details.

Assistant Managers recruitment in Vijaya Bank, last date 02/06/2012

Vijaya Bank is one of the Fast Growing Public Sector Banks, with Head Office at Bangalore, having a network of  1300 branches plus offices, with total employee strength of around 12000 with presence all over India. 

Vijaya Bank invites applications from young & Dynamic Candidates who have qualified in the Common Written Examination (CWE)-PO/MT- conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection in 2011-12 and holding a valid score card issued by IBPS, for recruitment for the posts of Probationary Assistant Manager (JMG-S-I)in Officers Cadre. 

EligibilityAge : 20-30  years, Qualification : Graduate in any discipline and IBPS CWE score 138 & above for General candidates and 113 & above for SC/ST/OBC/PWD

Way to Apply: Eligible candidates, (who are having valid IBPS CWE-PO/MT-2011-12 Score Card) are requested to apply ON-LINE through Bank's website No other means / mode of Application will be accepted.

Fee : Rs.200/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST) should be  paid by directly in any of the Vijaya Bank Branches by payment challan only.

Last Date :  Apply Online at Vijaya Bank Website  from 16/05/2012 to02/06/2012 only.

Kindly visit    for all the details.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Recruitment of Clerical Cadre - UCO Bank, last date 02/06/2012

UCO BankPersonnel Services Department, Head Office -2, 3-4, DD Block,
Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700064.

UCO Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites applications for 1000 Clerical posts from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Exam for Clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in 2011 and have a Valid Score Card issued by IBPS. 

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.

Pay ScaleRs. 7200-19300 and  Age : 18-28 years

Fee: Rs. 100/- for General/ OBC (Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM candidates). The fee should be deposited in the cash at CBS branches of UCO Bank through Payment Challan only. 

Way to Apply: Candidates are required to apply online between 16/05/2012 and 02/06/2012 only through UCO Bank's website.

PROBATION PERIOD: On appointment, candidates will be on probation for a minimum period of 6 months, which may be extended by another 3 months in the Bank’s discretion. On successful completion of the probation, they will be confirmed in the Bank’s services.

Please view details at and 

online submission of the application can be done from 16/05/2012 onwards at

Management Trainee in various discipline in Coal India. last date11/06/2012

Coal India Limited (CIL)

(A Govt. Of India Undertaking)

Coal India Limited requires young, energetic, dynamic and skilled 1286 Management Trainees in various discipline.

CIL invites application online from Indian nationals for recruitment as Management Trainees for CIL & its subsidiary companies in various disciplines i.e. Mining, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical/Mineral, Electronics & Telecommunications, Industrial Engg, Systems, Environment, Finance & Accounts, Geology, Legal, Materials Management, Personnel & HR, Sales & Marketing & Rajbhasha (Hindi) in E2 grade ( 20600-46500).


Mining, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical/Mineral, Electronics & Telecommunications, Industrial Engg.Minimum 60% marks in BE/ B.Tech/ AMIE/B.Sc (Engg.) in relevant branch of Engineering
SystemsMinimum 60% marks in BE/ B.Tech/ BSc. (Engg) in Computer Science/ Computer Engg. / IT or MCA with minimum 60% marks.
EnvironmentDegree in Environmental Engg. with minimum 60% marks Or any Engg. Degree with PG Degree/Diploma in Environmental Engg from a recognized University/Institute with minimum 60% marks.
GeologyM. Sc/ M. Tech. in Geology or Applied Geology with minimum 60% marks
Materials ManagementEngineering degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering with MBA/ PG Diploma in Management with minimum 60% marks.
Finance & AccountsQualified CA / ICWA
Personnel & HRGraduates with at least two years full time Post Graduate degree /PG Diploma/Post Graduate Program in Management with specialization in HR/Industrial Relations/Personnel Management or MHROD or MBA or Master of Social work with specialization in HR from recognized Indian University/Institutes with minimum 60% marks.
LegalGraduate in Law of 3yrs/5yrs duration from a recognized University/Institute with minimum 60% marks
Sales & MarketingRecognised degree with MBA /PG Diploma in Management with specialization in Marketing (major) from Institute / University with minimum 60% marks
Rajbhasha (Hindi)MA in Hindi with minimum 60% marks and Graduation with Hindi and English as main subjects with minimum 50% marks

Fee :  Rs.500/- by means of a Bank DD in favour of Coal India Limited payable at Kolkata. No fee for SC/ST/PH and departmental candidates.

Way to Apply :  Apply Online only at Coal India Website from 21/05/12 to 11/06/2012. Take a printout of the system generated application form and send it with application fee, relevant documents and pasting a recent passport size photograph on it in an envelope superscribed as with post applied for on or before 18/06/2012 to : Post Bag No. 43 G.P.O, Kolkata-700001. 

For  details and apply online along with the fee payment challan format, please visit  at

Friday, May 11, 2012

Teaching and Non-teaching posts in NIT Mizoram, May 2012

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Mizoram
Chaltlang Dawrkawn, Aizawl Mizoram - 796012

Recruitment for Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts

Indian Nationals for Faculty positions are invited  in the prescribed format who posses  consistently good academic record, with commitment to quality teaching and potential for conduct of NIT Mizoram. The requirement is for following positions:

  1. Associate Professor : 03 posts
  2. Assistant Professor : 02 posts
  3. Registrar : 01 post on contract basis for 5 years
  4. Assistant Librarian : 01 post
  5. Executive Engineer : 01 post
  6. Technical Assistant (System) : 01 post
  7. Stenographer : 01 post
  8. Technician : 02 posts
  9. Junior Assistant : 01 posts
Way to Apply :  The duly filled applications  in the prescribed format with attested copies of the required documents should be sent to the Director, National Institute Of Technology-Mizoram, Chaltlang Dawrkawn, Aizawl Mizoram - 796012

Last Date: Applications should reach us on or before 11/06/2012.

    Please view for more information, details and application format.

    Thursday, May 10, 2012

    Multiple jobs in HLL Lifecare limited. Last date 16/05/2012

    HLL Lifecare Limited is a Mini Ratna Enterprise under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India  

    HLL Lifecare is inviting the applications from dynamic, result oriented, performance driven professionals for the following posts:

    1. Deputy General Manager - Finance 
    2. Deputy General Manager/ Sr. Manager - Civil, Electrical, HVAC, Mechanical, Process, Procurement
    3. Senior Manager - Finance 
    4. Sr. Manager/ Manager - Company Secretary, Finance & Accounts, Human Resources
    5. Manager - Finance 
    6. Global Sales Manager - FMCG 
    7. Manager/ Deputy Manager - Civil, Electrical, HVAC, Mechanical, Process, Procurement, Safety
    8. Deputy Manager - Bio-Medical
    9. Deputy Manager (Biomedical) - Bio-Medical
    10. Deputy Manager/ Assistant Manager - Human Resources, Information Technology
    11. Assistant Manager - Bio-Medical
    12. Officer - Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology
     Way to Apply : Apply Online on or before 16/05/2012 at Lifecare HLL website only.

    Please visit  for details and a link to apply online.

    Recruitment of Probationary officer n Central Bank of India. Last date 25/05/2012

    Central Bank of India is a leading Public Sector Bank, invites applications online from Indian Citizens for appointment, from qualified candidates who hold a valid score card issued by IBPS, for recruitment to the Post of Probationary Officer. 

    Number of vacncy : 1000 posts (UR-418, OBC-223, SC-124, ST-235) (PH-30) in JMG-I Scale Rs.14500-25500.

    Age : 20-30 years as on 01/07/2011, 

    Qualification Degree from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government of India and a Valid IBPS score obtained in Common Written Examination minimum 160 for General Category, 155 for OBC Category,  150 for SC Category and 130 for ST Category. 

    Application Fee : RS. 250/- for General & OBC Category Candidates only and Rs. 50/- for others as intimation charges at any Central Bank of India Branches in India by cash only thru a payment challan.

    Way to Apply : Apply  Online atthe website of  Central Bank of India from 11/05/2012 to 25/05/2012 only.

    Details are available at 

    Please visit Career section of Central Bank of India website  at for  online submission of application.